I know, I know it's been a long time, but hey it's the last chapter. And I tried to post it yesterday but there was something wrong with the site.

Disclaimer:I wish I owned it...but I don't...

Not Again

Chapter 4: After Al

'Breaking Free' Gabi thought 'I wonder why she picked that song?' But she couldn't say no to Kelsi, not after all Kelsi had done for her, but she really wasn't looking forward to singing the song she had first sung with Troy. She hadn't heard it in years.

All of East High gathered in the gym for the assembly. Backstage Troy stood nervously.

"Kelsi what if she doesn't sing back?" Troy questioned, now panicking.

"She will Troy, I know she will." Kelsi replied calmly "Ok, so here's the plan, Gabi knows she's going to be singing Breaking Free, but she doesn't know you're here. At the moment she is warming up in the soundproof room backstage. In a moment I'm going to go on and introduce you two and play the piano, and she'll hear you sing and probably think it's a recording and then sing her part. And then at the opportune moment you walk on stage and hopefully she doesn't run off."

Meanwhile backstage

"So Gabi, you ready to sing." Taylor asked

"As ready as I'll ever be." Gabi replied "At least there's no Troy."

Taylor smiled wickedly when Gabriella wasn't looking. "Alright" she said "I'll come get you when Kelsi's ready.

"So are we all set?" Taylor asked rushing up to them "Gabi's ready when you are, all I have to do is get her…She doesn't suspect a thing. Are you ready Troy?"

Troy let out a breath "Yeah."
"You'll do great!" Kelsi said "Ok, I've got to go announce, Troy be ready to come out but not before, if she sees you before, she'll run. Tay get Gabi, but make sure she doesn't hear me say Troy's name. Ok, places everyone." She yelled louder.

Kelsi walked out on stage with a microphone to see a sea of students looking bored. "Hello everyone, we've got a treat for you today, here with us we have the original stars of Twinkle Town, and they have both agreed to sing for you today and I think you'll be surprise as to who they are. So without further a due, Breaking Free sung by Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez." Kelsi turned off the microphone and started to play the beginning of Breaking Free on the piano.

Troy had the microphone and is still behind the curtain:


We're soarin' flyin'

There's not a star in heaven

That we can't reach

Gabriella walked out on to the stage by herself:

If we're trying

So we're breaking free

Now troy walk's out on stage behind Gabriella:

You know the world can see us

In a way that's different then who we are

Gabriella, now realizing that it was really Troy singing and not just a recording, took a deep breath not turning around:

Creating space between us

'Til we're separate hearts

Gabriella turned now facing Troy walking towards her, and joined him as they came closer."

But you faith it gives me strength

Strength to believe

Then suddenly Troy turned and faced the audience,

We're breaking free

We're soarin'


There's not a star in heaven

That we can't reach

If we're trying

Yeah we're breaking free.

Oh, we're breaking free


Can you feel it building like a

Wave the ocean just can control.

Connected by a feeling

Ohhh…in our very souls

Rising till it lifts us up

So everyone can see

We're breaking free

We're soarin'


There's not a star in heaven

That we can't reach

If we're trying

Yeah, we're breaking free

Ohhh… we're breaking free.

Now they where really getting into the music. They where dancing (together) all past problems seemingly forgotten while they sing this song.



To get to the place

To be all that we can be

Now's the time

So we're breaking free


More than hope

More than faith

This is true

This is fate

And together

We see it comin'

More than you

More than me

Not a want, but a need

Both of us breaking free



There's not a star in heaven

That we can't reach

If we're trying

Yeah, we're breaking free

Braking free

Were runnin'


To get to the place

To be all that we can be

Now's the time

Now's the time

So we're breaking free

Ohhh…we're braking free


You know the world can see us

In a way that's different than who we…are

They finished the song holding hands and staring into each others eyes, not noticing the crowd until the cheering reached their ears. Once they recovered Gabriella realized where she was and quickly madder her exit, running past Taylor and Kelsi who tried to catch her. She ran straight to a certain door that led to a certain secret spot of a certain Troy Bolton.

Seconds later Troy ran up to Taylor and Kelsi, and they gestured to the roof door. Troy sighed and walked up to the roof.

Gabi stood on the roof, looking out past the school to the rolling hills rising faintly in the distance, tears silently falling from her eyes.

Troy walked up behind her, spotting her his heart dropped, he hated seeing her like that, it broke his heart. "You know it's funny," he said walking to stand next to her looking out at the scenery, she still didn't look up. "Love always seems to find us when we're doing something else, when we least expect it. I never expected to fall for someone the way I did or as hard as I did. But she has that effect on me. Whenever she walks into a room my eyes light up, and when she laughs my heart feels like a thousand butterflies have been released and when we touch, my whole body tingles. But the thing that gets me the most is her voice, she has the most amazing voice, I could listen to it for hours and it would never be enough. She is the most beautiful, most talented, smartest girl I've ever known, and she's standing right next to me." Gabriella finally looked up but Troy stayed motionless and continued, "But what I don't get is why she won't let me in. She's the only girl I've ever loved, she means the world to me and she always will, but I need her to let me in, so I can tell her that, do you think you could help me with that?" He finished now staring into her dark brown eyes.

She looked away again "I'm scared." She began softly almost inaudibly, her voice cracking slightly. "I love you so much it hurts, and I don't know what I would do if I lost you again. And I don't know if ether Kelsi or Taylor has told you this because you where obviously in on this little intervention." She laughed through her tears, still not looking at him. "But, after we broke up I was a complete mess, I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. I cried myself to sleep every night and I couldn't stand to hear any king of music what so ever for a long time. It scares me that you have that kind of power over me, I don't ever want to feel that way again, I don't think I could make it. It was the most awful feeling. I just…I love you, I do…but I just…" She broke off sobbing.

Troy pulled her towards him and she let him. She stood there and sobbed on his shoulder for what seemed like an hour. When she calmed down, gathered herself, and pulled away she didn't look at him but at the ground instead.

"Gabriella," he said still trying to get her to look at him, but she didn't respond "Ella, look at me." Using an old pet name for her, he tilted her chin up to look at him and held it in place, "I love you, I always have. You are the only girl who makes me feel like this. I was hurt too Gabi, after we broke up, but I know that there is only one way to mend my heart. Sometimes in the course of our lives our mid is screaming at us not to do something, but our heart says go for it. Your mind is rational, it doesn't want to let you get hurt, it does everything it can to prevent it from happening, but your heart…your heart is what you want, and most of the time you should go with your heart. You have to listen to your heart Ella because, sometimes, it knows a few more thing that your mind. I can't let you go again Ella; I won't let you go, not again.

Gabi sniffled and smiled through her tears her ey3es truly lighting up for the first time in eight years.

"I love you too Troy."

Slowly Troy leaned down and kissed her on the lips, it was full of passion and love form the past eight years and the built up sexual tension from the past few weeks.

They pulled back and Troy put his arm around her waist and she mirrored him. They walked down the stairs together, and Gabriella whispered:

"Forever you and me, After all."

The End

A/N: Gabi's reaction wasn't originally part of this chapter, I added it in later because so many of you asked to see it. So it's over, but I think I'm going to do a sequel to this and it might take place right where this one leaves off, I'm not sure. Let me know all your Ideas and opinions, they are greatly appreciated. The sequel won't be up until at least after Christmas because my schedule is about to get very hectic, I am also trying to finish up my other story. I might do a oneshot if I have time, I don't know, so look for this one after the start of the new year. Thanks for reading!