One month after Winry had finished the new automail for Edward, the famous alchemist returned to Central to set some of his affairs in order. The first of which was his commission to the State Military. He didn't to resign; instead he and Mustang had worked out a compromise that allowed him to do research back in Risembool of his own choosing. He had also invite Mustang and his gang back to Risembool for an event that he was planning with a little help from Pinako.
The second stop had been a tattoo shop that Riza, of all people, had recommended for getting a tattoo. The artist there had been happy to tattoo Edward with a Flamel symbol above his heart. He thought to himself that it was a way to pay homage to the woman who had become a second mother and a teacher to the brothers in a time of need.
His third and last order of business was to pick up two things, one set of tools that Winry had always wanted but never had the money for. The second item was something she had no idea about. Pinako had suggested to Ed a place to find the thing he was searching for and now he stood standing in front of a modest two story store.
Funny, I never thought that I would be nervous to walk into a store. But then again, a jewelry store is a place I never thought I would go to, Edward thought as he stood outside Jenna's Jewelry. The door was wide open allowing the soft music playing be heard in the streets. The first thing Edward noticed when he walked through the door was the small women behind the counter. The first thing that hit him about her was her resemblance to Pinako Rockbell. In fact she looked like her twin.
"Well, what are you standing there for boy? Pinako told me that you were coming so get on in here." The tone and pitch of the voice was almost the same exact voice of Pinako. However, like Pinako, she seemed able to guess a person's line of thought.
"And yes, I am related to Pinako. She is my sister. Now come on, I heard what you're planning and it's about time. Winry won't be single forever." She gave a small chuckle and pulled Edward toward her counter. There was a small tray of jewels sitting in a locked box just underneath the glass counter.
"I kinda have the design all made out, but I really need a diamond to make the ring, Pinako said you could help with that." He pulled a screw out of his pocket along with a piece of paper outlining his design. Jenna raised her eye at the integrate design on the outside of the ring on the paper.
"I knew that you were an alchemist but can you really make something that small and detailed?"
Edward nodded, and said, "It's depends on the experience of the alchemist. I could make a house out of just the raw materials, but someone else might learn alchemy all their life and not be able to do that."
She shrugged, "Oh well, if you can make it then I can sell you the rock."
It took several hours before Edward found a diamond that he liked but finally he found a medium sized diamond that was just what he wanted. His reinstated State Alchemy salary more than covered the price of the diamond. He took hold of the screw and the diamond. He then clapped his hands together; the blue light of a transmutation escaped his hands for a moment before the transmutation was finished. When he next opened his hand the ring was made just the way he wanted it to be. Jenna handed him a small black ring box to hold the ring. He just smiled and placed the ring inside.
"Thanks. I'll probably be seeing you soon." He said.
"Anytime, say can I tell people you got the ring here. Be a great boost to my business." She called after him.
"Sure why not." Edward said as he left the store.
It was early in the afternoon when Edward returned to the Rockbell house in Risembool. Pinako stood on the porch waiting for him and her face light up when she saw him.
"Jenna called me and told me that the ring is something special. I sent Winry and Al after some groceries a short while ago; they'll be back here soon." She said.
"Do you have any rubbing alcohol I could use? I went ahead and got the tattoo but it's itching to be cleaned." She nodded her head in approval and walked to the operating room. When she returned she carried a small bottle along with some bandages.
"Normally I don't approve of tattoos but this one has meaning to you. I know how much Izumi meant to you and Al. She was like a second mother to you two."
"Thanks. Oh and by the way that thing we're planning, Roy and them will be here tomorrow." He went on up the stairs to Winry's room and sat down on the bed to wait for the love of his life.
Edward was sitting on her bed facing the door when she and Al returned with the food Pinako had asked them to get. She noticed that there was a tattoo just like Izumi's now on his chest that he was cleaning. She gave the door a small knock to let him know she was there.
"Hey alchemy freak. Did you get that in central?" she asked.
He looked at her for a second before he reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled something out. "It wasn't the only thing I got in central."
He knelt down on one knee in front of her and brought a small box out in his hand. When he opened it a small ring made of steel with a diamond was sitting inside of it. He pulled the ring out using his flesh and blood hand and offered it to her.
"Winry will you marry me?" he asked.
She stood in a surprised shock at his question. It was a jump from what had been going on over the last month but a small one. They hadn't been "sleeping" together but they had shared the same bed. It wasn't a question of if she loved him enough, only one of if she was ready for marriage. Then it struck her, of course she was. She would have married him the day he came back if he would have asked her.
"Yes, I'll marry you."
(A/N- Well there it is, The END! Of course you can use your imagination to fill in some of my blanks. But I'll most likely make a couple of One-Shots of this story-line. I'll be sure to mark them something like, The Way Home: - ---------------- - then the title. But see around thanks for reading.)