Disclaimers as for previous chapters. Thanks and responses at the bottom.

Ron and Draco had been invited to Hagrid's for afternoon tea, so they set off from the castle early. Draco pulled Ron behind a convenient tree halfway there and kissed him passionately. Ron kissed back, hands settling on Draco's hips to pull him close enough to thrust against. Draco gasped into Ron's mouth and thrust back, grinding their hips together hard.

"Today was torture." Draco breathed into Ron's ear.

"Worse than normal?"

"Much worse."

"Why's that?"

"Halfway through the second class I had this sudden, debilitating vision of you wearing riding boots, carrying a whip and holding a chain running from my dog collar, taking me from behind while I was gagged and on all fours. In front of a mirror."

"Let's forget about afternoon tea at Hagrid's."

"That would be rude."

"Not as rude as me not being able to talk because all I can think of is fucking you."

"Do you want to fuck me like that?"

"What sort of stupid question is that? I could screw you into the tree right here."

Ron recaptured Draco's mouth with his, and ran his hands inside his robe, fingers rough on the hard nipples, nails rasping down his sides, making Draco squirm in a most satisfying and inflaming way. Draco's hands were everywhere, up the back of Ron's thighs, over his quivering stomach, stroking the back of his neck and the front of his pants simultaneously. Ron gasped and thrust into the hand that was stroking far too softly to assuage him. He pulled Draco hard against him, and they thrust into each other with passion, mouths locked together. Draco was about to unbutton Ron's jeans when an all-to-familiar shriek interrupted them. Ron sighed and leant his head back against the tree.

"Hello, Hermione and Harry. Are you on your way to Hagrid's for afternoon tea, too?"

"What do you mean, 'too'?" demanded Harry. "It doesn't look like you were going anywhere."

"Except down." murmured Draco, causing Ron to blush, but fortunately his friends didn't hear.

"Well, we have been invited, so we are going." said Ron, hurriedly.

"But you thought you'd just get each other off behind a tree on the way."

"Your observation astounds me, Potter. I imagine you didn't think we were going to do it in Hagrid's cabin, did you?" Draco stepped away from the tree, taking Ron's hand as he turned toward Hagrid's hut. Harry and Hermione trailed behind them, Hermione still slightly speechless with shock and Harry glowering.

Hagrid was welcoming as always. Fang had taken a great liking to Draco, who, in turn, very creditably didn't wince as his robes were slobbered over. Fang sat in front of Draco and Ron, drooling on each of them in turn, and they idly patted his head. Harry sat in a disgruntled heap as far away from them as he could get, and Hermione helped Hagrid make the tea, just to give herself something to do.

"Why can't you see he's just using you for sex?" shouted Harry suddenly, causing Hermione to drop the milk jug she was holding. Draco gazed at him with utter boredom on his face, and Ron just gaped.

"What?" he breathed weakly.

"It's so obvious! For years he hates you, torments you, picks on you mercilessly, and then he suddenly changes and you two are together. It defies reason." Harry continued raving: "Malfoy, just what evil, twisted scheme is this part of?"

"Harry, for gods sake, stop, your face is turning purple." Hermione pleaded. Harry continued unabated for a few more moments, until Hagrid showed great decisiveness and shoved a lump of treacle toffee between Harry's teeth, which effectively glued his jaws shut. Hagrid pushed Harry into a seat, where he continued to fume impotently, and served tea to the others.

"Harry," said Ron, in a very even voice, "what makes you think that this is just sexual?"

"Magnificent as I undoubtedly am."

"Yes, yes, Malfoy, it should be obvious that I like to fuck you. It's not like I haven't broken down that Slytherin subtlety, either, so the whole school knows just how fantastic I am. But it should also be obvious that there's more to this than that."

"Weasley, if I were subtle around you, I'd never get any. But I agree, there's more to this than just sex."

"I don't understand why you're so upset, Harry."

"Has it occured to you, Potter, that you might be jealous?"

Harry fought against the toffee and wrenched his teeth apart. "Jealous?" he shrieked, "You think I might be jealous of you? Well, I'm not! And I'll prove it!"

Harry ran from Hagrid's cabin, followed by a very nervous Hermione, a still startled Ron, and a mildly amused Draco. Hagrid watched them go with a slow shake of his head, and shut the door behind them. They followed Harry almost all the way back to Hogwarts. He only stopped his headlong rush when he saw Dean and Seamus walking back from the Owlery. Harry ran over to Seamus, grabbed him, and kissed him furiously. Seamus didn't seem to know what to do, and the little squirms and squeaks he made could have been interpreted as either pleasure or resistance. Harry evidently took them as pleasure, because he showed no signs of stopping. At last, Harry pulled back. Seamus, overwhelmed, fell down immediately. Harry looked round at the others, who looked a little shell-shocked, except for Draco, who was smiling slightly, his arm around Ron. Harry wordlessly dragged Seamus to his feet and virtually frogmarched the dazed boy inside.

"Oh, my." breathed Hermione. "That was a bit extreme." Dean Thomas stared at his shoes, then at the sky, and Ron turned to his lover incredulously.

"Well," said Draco, with a satisfied air, "For someone who isn't jealous, he seems to have made a very interesting choice in the person he proves it with."

"We should go to the Common Room to find out what's happened." said Ron, a bit faintly.

"What do you mean, 'find out'? If you can't guess, I must have been doing something wrong all these weeks, Weasley."

"My room mates..."

"Yes, well, I can imagine that you'd rather think of other people. Me, for example."

"Malfoy, it's a good thing you're a wizard, I don't think your ego could fit into Muggle clothes."

Draco looked at Ron with reproach. "I'm just healthily self confident. And with very good, not to mention sizeable, reason to be."

Ron smiled at him, and leaned down to whisper in his ear: "Malfoy, it's not just your ego that would be strained by confinement in Muggle clothes."

"I love it when you praise my attributes."

"That's not all I plan to do to your attributes."

As they spoke the small group trailed inside, up the stairs and along corridors to Gryffindor Tower. As Dean was climbing inside the portrait hole a frantic figure collided with him in it's haste to escape something. Dean picked himself and the other up. It was Neville Longbottom, wearing the kind of traumatised expression that came apon him when Professor Snape noticed something amiss with his potion. Neville flung himself onto Dean's chest, and buried his face. Dean's arms circled Neville automatically, and the others came inside quickly, eager to hear what had caused Neville's distress.

"Seamus... Harry..." he sobbed. "It was awful..."

"It's ok, Neville, you can tell us." encouraged Hermione. Dean noticed that they were getting alot of strange looks, and remembered that people were beginning to mutter that the boys' seventh year dorm was cursed, since all this strange behaviour started happening. Dean didn't need people to think he had hooked up with Neville. Especially not after the Slytherin Truth or Dare fiasco.

"We should go somewhere else." he suggested.

"My room." said Hermione immediately, leading them, Neville still crying, up the stairs to her room. They settled in, Ron pulling Draco down to sit next to him on the bed. Hermione directed a severe glance at them, hoping they would resist the urge to make out. She had to sleep in that bed, after all, and she didn't want any visuals of Draco and Ron. Dean settled Neville a comfy chair, and Hermione handed him a cup of hot chocolate. He drank, slowly calming down enough to be able to speak coherently.

"I was in the room, having a sleep before dinner. I'd just woken up, but was still pretty dozy when the door opened. I heard Harry say something about it being good there was no one else there, and then the door shut. I heard Harry again, and he said... He said that the other person should tell him all about his deepest Ron and Draco fantasy." Neville shuddered and paused before continuing: "And then I heard Seamus's voice. And Seamus did start to describe a Draco and Ron fantasy. I had to get out of there. I slipped through the door, but not before I saw Harry stripping Seamus naked, Seamus rapturously describing what Ron and Draco would look like wrestling in green jelly full of pineapple chunks, wooden clothespegs and small blue plastic animals." Neville began to cry again. "It was awful. Terrible. I don't think I'll ever be able to rid my mind of it."

Hermione and Dean looked deeply sympathetic, though it was obvious that both felt a bit ill too. Ron felt sickened.

"Two people, both my dorm mates, obsessing about me. I don't need this." he muttered. Draco pulled Ron to his feet and bundled him out the door, leaving Hermione and Dean to comfort Neville as best they could. Ron was silent on the way to Draco's room.

He lay back on Draco's bed, and Draco stretched out beside him, letting Ron's head rest on his chest. At last Ron spoke.

"We'll have to hope that they get over this- this- whatever it is, by the end of the holidays. There's only three days to go. Seamus will go to Ireland, and Harry will go to Sirius." Draco agreed.

"Are you still staying at school?" he asked.

"Yeah." Ron looked troubled. "But, hmm, well. Draco?"


"We've been invited to The Burrow for dinner."

"We've what?"

"Been invited to The Burrow for dinner."

Draco sagged back on the bed. "Main course, Flame-grilled Malfoy." he said, hollowly.

"No, my mum promises that it will be a civilised affair."

"They won't roast me alive then, but slit my throat first."

"Would you rather not go?"

"No, I want to go. I want to meet your family." he sighed. "Not much point both of us being disinherited."

"Have you heard from your family lately?"

"No news is good news, when it comes to them."

"Yeah, well, I've sometimes wished I could put a 'no news' charm on my family."

"What does your mother like?"


"What does your mother like? I have to buy a gift for my hostess. It is done, in polite society."

"You won't consider it polite society by the time you've been there two minutes."

"Think of it as a bribe, then. She won't let your brothers kill me if I've given her something nice."

"I won't let my brothers kill you."

"My hero." Draco sighed. "Give me a kiss. It's getting to something when I have to ask for one."

Ron rolled to face his lover, and kissed him until they were both panting, and no thoughts of familial approval or disapproval were in their minds. In fact, judging by the little pleas for more, faster, harder that were escaping Draco as Ron tore his clothes off him and pushed him back on the bed, family was the last thing on his mind. Ron smiled ferally down at him as he took Draco hard, losing control as Draco squirmed and whimpered and talked in a never ending stream of mixed curses and endearments. They collapsed together on the bed, sweaty and tangled and sated. Ron rolled away at last and gathered Draco into his side.

"If any of my family think they're going to have a chance to upset someone who calls me his 'fiery exquisite with skin like angel silk and a mouth like the sweetest sort of devil' they've got another thing coming."

"Weasley, what have I told you about remembering the things I say in the heat of passion?"

"Malfoy, who was it who quoted me to Hermione last week when she said she didn't understand what I saw in you?"

"I wouldn't quote you if you didn't say such endearingly, outrageously hot things. Not that I can repeat all of them. It would make me blush."

"You'd better not slip up and quote me in front of my family."

"I'll be to terrified to do anything but cling to you in front of your family."

"Bad image, Malfoy."

"You love playing the protective type, don't you?"

"I am the protective type."

"Funny, I never thought I'd like it."

"Yeah, well, I never thought I'd like the exhibitionist type either."

"No way are you going to get away with pinning that on me! You can't keep your hands off me, Weasley."

"Well, maybe I never thought I'd be the exhibitionist type, either."

"Just curb it in front of your family, ok? I don't want to give them an excuse to tie me down and beat me with Muggle Protection Statutes."

Ron kissed Draco with reassurance. "Relax. My family will realise that this is important to me, and won't kill you. Even the twins."

"Am I important to you, Ron?"

"Yes, you are."

"I'm glad I'm important to someone."

"Well, your family can sod off. You are really important to me, understand?"

Draco squirmed further into Ron's side. "Thanks, Ron. You're important to me too. So, so important."

"And my family will like you once they've got used to you, I'm certain. Though Dad will probably be disappointed that your parents aren't Muggles."

"He'll be thrilled at the chance to get the secrets of Malfoy Manor out of me."

"I doubt he'll ask the first time he meets you. Civilised, remember?"


It took Draco about thirty seconds to decide that it wasn't polite society. They had travelled from Hogsmeade by Floo Powder. Ginny had gone home at the beginning of the holidays, so it would be just the two of them stepping out of the fireplace into a ring of questioning eyes. Ron went first, Draco close behind. They stepped from the fireplace almost simultaneously, and Draco felt the urge to hide behind Ron as he took in the expectant hush and the almost overwhelming number of red heads in the kitchen. Five older brothers, all home for the occasion, one younger sister, and parents. Draco gulped nervously. Ron looked nervous too, and his voice shook a little.

"Hi, everyone. This is Draco Malfoy. Draco, you know most of them, but these are my parents-" Draco shook hands with Arthur and exchanged strained smiles with Molly, "and these are my eldest brothers, Bill and Charlie." He shook hands with them too. Draco suddenly remembered the box he had clutched in his other hand, and, without stepping out from behind Ron, handed it to Molly.

"Mrs Weasley, thanks so much for your hospitality." His voice was shaking slightly too, dammit. She took the box and smiled, a little more relaxed.

"You shouldn't thank me for it too soon. This lot will probably make you think I dragged my kids up through a hedge backward." She opened the box and took out the flowers - he had spent ages trying to choose the perfect flower - then the chocolates. She thanked him, then dismissed everyone from the kitchen. Ron and Draco tried to trail out last, but somehow they were hustled into the lounge in the middle of the family and pushed down onto the sofa. Draco sat very close to Ron, as if in need of reassurance. Ron pressed up against him just as much, obviously still nervous about this. The rest of the Weasleys surrounded them, and Draco had a horrible moment of claustrophobia. Everyone was staring at them, and Ron could see Draco's eyes starting to glaze with fear.

"So, hmm. Fred, George, how's the shop?"

"Just fine."

"Got some new plans underway."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Like strawberry syrup that doesn't stain." Both twins laughed uproariously at the blushes that flooded Ron and Draco's faces.

"And a recording pillow." gasped the other twin, and now everyone started to giggle, and soon were rolling on the floor with mirth as they thought of all the things that the twins could invent for their shop. Ron and Draco sat in silence, faces very pink, but relieved that everyone seemed more amused than angry. If they were laughing there wasn't much chance that they would want to murder either of them. At last Ron and Draco smiled reluctantly at the jokes that flew back and forth.

By the time dinner was served things were more relaxed, and the Weasleys had unbent enough for Fred and George to ask several questions about The Revenge on the Slytherins, and for Percy to give a lecture on breaking the school rules. At dinner things were relaxed enough for Charlie to chat fairly amicably with a still slightly inarticulate Draco about Quidditch, and even Arthur began to relax, having seen that Draco was not attempting to drag his son into Voldemort's service.

They retired back to the lounge after dinner, and things went well until Ron had to excuse himself to go to the bathroom. Fear returned to Draco's eyes, especially when the twins came to sit on either side of him, Bill and Charlie settling near too.

"We have to say something, Malfoy."

"Yeah, I mean, he is our brother."

"So, we just want you to know-"

"Yes, my intentions are honourable!" broke in Draco, somewhat nervously. "I have no desire to break his heart or turn him onto the Dark Arts or anything like that."

They all laughed, and for a hideous moment Draco thought they were going to drag him outside and beat him with some peculiar muggle object. He had seen several muggle objects since he had arrived, and they all looked far more sinister than any of the Dark Arts paraphernalia that his father had lying round..

"No, no, nothing like that." gasped Bill. "It's just that we had a bet on when Ron would lose his virginity. The one who was closest to correct would get to order the others round for the day."

"You had a bet on Ron's deflowerment?"

"Yep. You got the book, Charlie?"

"Right here." He leafed through it to the correct page. "We made this bet when he was in fourth year. Hmm, Percy's in on it too."

"Percy, come over here. We're going to check who won the bet." Charlie ran his finger down the page.

"Let's see - Bill, 21; Charlie, 19; Percy, 17; Fred, 22; George, 23." He looked up, astounded. "Well, I guess that makes you the winner, Percy. I thought at the time you were being a bit too optimistic, but obviously not."

"Congratulations, Percy."

"Yeah, good for you. Just don't choose to make us listen to your lecture on the standardisation of wand measurements, or the application of the metric system to potions brewing."

Draco opened and closed his mouth a few times, stunned. "Did you have bets like this on each other, too?"

"Sure. We have bets on all sorts of things. We had one on who Ron's first partner would be, but no one even came close to picking you. Fred and George thought it would be Harry, though, so I guess they get the prize for gender"

Ron returned at that moment, to see a lost looking Draco surrounded by his older brothers. He immediately pushed his way through, and ordered them to leave Draco alone. Charlie whispered to Bill that they should have had a bet on whether Ron would be the overprotective type, and started to leaf through the book in case there was another bet that should be sorted out now.

Ron and Draco were supposed to go back to Hogwarts that night, but the fireplace developed a suspicious blockage, so everyone would have to stay the night. Mrs Weasley looked speculatively at Fred and George, but they denied that they had done anything to block the chimney. Arrangements were made, and Draco found himself in a room at the bottom of the house, having had no more time than to say goodnight and share a chaste and selfconscious kiss with Ron that caused an outburst of whistles and laughter from the family and caused them both to turn bright pink again.

The house was quiet when Ron slipped out of his bedroom at the very top of the house and prepared to sneak into Draco's room. He wrapped a blanket around himself, hiding his hair, and started stealthily down the first flight of stairs. He froze on the second floor landing when he heard voices from his parent's room. The voices were muffled and sleepy, but he used extra caution down the next flight of stairs avoiding the creaky third stair. On the bottom floor there were two bedrooms: Bill and Charlie's room, and, next to it, the spare room that Draco was sleeping in. He opened the door very, very quietly and slipped inside. Bill, who had been watching out for this, crossed the hall and put a quick locking spell on the door.

"Ha! I told them that Ron would do it." He made his way upstairs to gloat in triumph over the twins.

Ron crossed to the bed. Draco jumped about a foot in the air, and shrank back until he realised who it was.

"Gods, Ron, you startled me. I thought it was one of your brothers come to dispel the sweetness and light with a few kicks or something."

"Really, Draco," protested Ron, as he slipped under the covers and held him close, "You don't have to be so nervous. They've been perfectly nice to you, haven't they?"

"Yeah." sighed Draco, wrapping around Ron. "It's the calm before the storm."

"Rubbish. As if they'd do anything that would upset me. And beating you up would upset me alot."

"My family is more likely to do something because it would upset or punish me."

"We aren't visiting your family."

"Thank the gods."

Ron kissed Draco softly, feeling him start to relax. Ron kissed him again, smoothing the blonde hair back with his fingertips before letting them run down Draco's neck.

"We have to be very quiet. My brothers are just next door."

"You're the noisy one, Weasley."

"Aha. You just believe what you want to about that. I know the truth."

They kissed again, more passionately, and Ron slid his hands over Draco's bare chest, loving the way the skin shifted over muscles and under fingers. He kissed Draco's neck and gently brushed Draco's stomach with his fingertips.

"Hmm, you know just how I want this, don't you?"

"Tell me, make sure I've got it completely right."

"I want you to touch me so gently, run your fingers over me as if they are the lightest thistledown. It makes my skin so sensitive, I can feel you all the way through me..." Draco's voice died away as Ron's fingers drifted higher. "Oh, yes...That's perfect." he continued, on a breathy little moan.

"Shh. What do you want me to do to you?"

"Anything you want."

"This?" One hand drifted lower to play over Draco's erection.

"Oh, yes, please... More of that would be heaven."

"Shall I keep touching you so gently?" Draco's hips thrust up into Ron's hands.

"Touch me however you like. Just don't stop." Draco submitted to Ron's hands and mouth, and the only sounds for a long time were their whimpers and stifled moans, until Draco thought he heard voices at the door. They paused to listen

Outside the door Bill turned to Fred, George and Charlie in triumph.

"I told you he'd sneak down here, didn't I?"

"Yes, ok, Bill. You were right."

"Who'd have thought that Ron would be so daring?"

"Well, he is a Weasley. We are known for our skill between the sheets."

"Or on the astronomy tower." They tried hard to stifle their laughter.

"I wonder if they've tried the old greenhouse, that was weird."

"Shall we go in and frighten them?"

"Nah, they might scream, and then we'd have to explain to Mum what we were doing here."

"Ron would have to explain why he was in bed at the other end of the house."

"He might not be in bed. Or, at least, not under the blankets."

"All the more reason to leave them to it.I don't need to see that."

"Ok, guys, we're Percy's slaves for tomorrow, but after that you're mine, ok?"

"Oh, but wouldn't you rather we were all yours tonight?" they chorused, pressing round him, cheeky freckled hands burrowing up the inside of his loose shirt, running down his thighs, red hair tickling his cheek as a kiss was pressed into his neck. Bill attempted a protest, but was stifled by a soft tongue invading his mouth.

"Alright then, slave boys, back to my room."

A shocked Draco looked at a very stunned Ron, who collapsed bonelessly on the bed.

"That was something I didn't need to know about my family. Ew. My parents want lots of grandchildren, so I hope like hell that at least Percy and Ginny turn out straight. Or that some of the others are bisexual."

"Ron, I think I like your family."

"You're so sweet."

"I'm trying to get into your pants."

"Uh, Draco, I'm not wearing any pants."

"Then I'll just have to try to get inside you."

"What are you waiting for?"

Draco kissed Ron, rolled him onto his back, and proceeded to drive him wild with hands that roamed everywhere, lips that searched out every spot of sensitive skin. Ron brokenly pled for more, and Draco happily gave. Then Ron returned the favour, until dawn streaked the sky.

Breakfast was an interesting meal. Ron had discovered the locking charm when he tried to return to his own room, and just managed to wake up one of his brothers without waking up everyone else.

"Why should I let you out, Ronniekins?" teased Bill.

"Because if you don't I'll tell everyone about what being your slave involves."

"You heard that?"

"You weren't exactly quiet and discreet."

Bill opened the door, and Ron emerged just as Fred and George stumbled from the other room. Draco leant against the doorframe, a mild smirk on his lips.

"I don't think there'll be any problems with me fitting in, after all." Ron turned and gave him a long kiss, a kiss of leisurely expertise.


"I think we've been underestimating our baby brother."

Ron smiled in triumph, and strolled off. Everything went well until he thoughtlessly trod on the third step, which creaked noisily. They all heard Molly's voice call out interogatively, and looked at each other in horror.

"We haven't been underestimating him."

Molly and Arthur didn't really believe their story about having a midnight feast, all of them together, and sleeping in the same room, but they stuck to the story. Molly bade Draco and Ron farewell almost fondly, and asked them to write regularly to keep the family updated. She promised to double Ron's treat parcels now that there were two people to share them. Draco was still a bit dazed that there had been no scenes, no broken bones, not even any threats: and Arthur Weasley hadn't once asked where the Malfoy Dark Arts Collection was kept, though Draco was pretty certain he had wanted to. They walked from Hogsmeade to the castle wrapped in each other and happiness over how things had gone.

"See, that wasn't too bad."

"Considering I found out things about your family I could well have lived without knowing, it was ok."

"Malfoy, I bet a night spent with your family would result in more unpleasant surprises than that."

"You're probably right."

"Of course I'm right."

"Weasley, when did you start getting these delusions?"

"Ever since I discovered that I could make you beg me."

"I knew it was a mistake to let you handcuff me."

"You loved it."

"That's beside the point."

"So, I should never do it again?"

"I didn't say that."

Ron dropped a kiss on the top of Draco's head. "Things are pretty good, don't you think?"

"Yeah. I like being with you."

"I like being with you so much I think we should hurry back to school and find those handcuffs again."

"And you told Harry you weren't just interested in my body."

"I'm not." Ron stopped and turned Draco to face him. "I'm interested in everything about you. You know this started as a joke, but it's more than that to me, now."

"I know. It's more than that to me too. I don't want to give you up."

"As far as I'm concerned, you'll never have to give me up."

"Great." Draco leaned up and kissed Ron, gently and tenderly, passion taking a backseat to other emotions. They looked into each other's eyes for a long moment, before continuing up to the main door, with arms and thoughts wrapped completely around each other.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed, and sorry to anyone who was sickened by the feathers. They were a stroke of genius at the pinnacle of my weirdness frenzy.
I think I let Draco and Ron get off lightly in the meeting with the Weasleys, don't you? There may be another chapter with a comically melodramatic Lucius, where they won't be let off lightly at all. But I don't know. I leave for my holiday tomorrow, and who knows what craziness will have invaded my mind by the time I get back? So, muchoes smoochies to you all, and please review. Yeah, have you noticed they don't say the l-word? I'm kind of phobic about it (Which should tell you something about my realtionship style), and I think they need more time. Something else I've noticed is that most fics use descriptions instead of names throughout. Do you think the way I use just their names is too boring? Too limited? Too repetitive? Should I really write sentences like 'The red-haired boy brushed silken strands off the face of his lover. Grey eyes melted as he looked up.' I don't think I could write that with a straight face, but if my lack of descriptive adjectives is a fault I will try to use more. Let me know.