"Sakura! Hurry up!" yelled Ino from outside Sakura's house. The two didn't fight much anymore, they ok by each other nowadays, since they really had nothing to fight over. Sasuke still hadn't come back. Sakura was now sixteen. She and the others were now going to ANBU Academy, where they obviously went to learn to be part of ANBU. She specialised in being a Medic Nin. She loved it too.

"Yeah shut up! I'm coming" said Sakura as she was finishing combing her hair. As soon as she was done she grabbed her backpack and ran downstairs, she kissed her mother goodbye and dashed out the door and ran into Ino and, the two fell flat on the ground.

"Ouch, geeze Sakura, your forehead might not be as big, but still are as clumsy..." said Ino as she got up and dusted herself off. Sakura got to her feet and spoke.

"Ah shut up!" she looked at the time and said "Whoa, we're going to be late! We gotta go" The two then started running to the academy. This would be the second time they were late this week.

The two cursed themselves before they entered the room.

"Late again Haruno, Yamanaka…Take a seat…" said their instructor and teacher. He never gave out his name, he said it was for safety issues, but the students were sure that he was lying. However, he told them to call him "Yama Sensei" so they did.

After Ino and Sakura sat down Yama said "Now that you are all here, we have been told some news of a death"

After the students heard this they started talking among themselves. They had no idea who had died. Then Yama spoke again.

"However, the person who had died isn't here, or was here in Konoha for a few years…" Sakura merely stared out the windows. It's not like she knew who ever died. She would've been told already be her parents. So this really didn't concern her.

"He left Konoha many years ago, as I just said. I'm sure that many of you still remember him. He was seen as a genius. And we had expected much from him, but he left in search for more power. I'm sure many of you know who I'm taking about.."

Pfft, who is this guy talking about, he does sounds familiar though. But I still think I don't know this person…I couldn't…

"Uchiha Sasuke is dead"

"Uchiha Sasuke is dead"

"Uchiha Sasuke is dead"

"Uchiha Sasuke is dead"

"Uchiha Sasuke is dead"

These words repeated in Sakura's mind over and over and over again. She just couldn't accept it. There were many gasps from around the room and some started to tear at the eyes. This day, her life, would never be the same.

Sakura lay crying on her bed, sobbing for her lost crush. The last time she had seen him was when he left Konoha. He said thank you to her. Those were the last words he said to her. She wished so hard that she could've gone with him. She'd have done anything, given anything just to be with him. So that really was the last time she'd ever see him.

Sakura was curled up in a ball, lost in the memories of Sasuke. He was the only one she had ever really loved. She promised that she'd save herself just for him. Now he was gone, never to return again. She would never wish at night for him to return, she would never have to wait for him, because, he was already gone. Sakura just cried harder and harder, until her sobs died down and she had fallen asleep.



"Sakura…" whispered Sasuke. Sakura tried to hold him, to grab him, to touch him, but he was always out of reach. She was so close now, she could smell him. She was within reach. Then she held out her hand to touch him-

Sakura screamed and sat up abruptly. She felt cold, she was sweating. She wiped the sweat from her brow and got out of bed and headed for her bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror and studied her face.

"Sasuke…" she whispered.

Why had it been him, why couldn't it have been me, or...maybe…Naruto? NO! That's a horrible thing to say…

She turned on the tap and splashed water in her face.


"Sakura…" she heard.

Sakura looked up and nobody was there. "What the…" she mumbled. The voice sounded so familiar. So soothing. She grabbed the towel on the rack and wiped her face dry.

"Sakura…" she heard again. She looked up into the mirror, nothing. Was she going mad? Was she delusional? Was she…still dreaming? She turned off the tap and looked back up again and right behind her, staring right back at her.

"Sasuke!" screamed Sakura. She ran out of the bathroom and slammed the door, she ran over to her bed and dived inside and covered herself from head to toe. She was completely underneath the blanket. She panted heavily and thought about what she just saw.

Sasuke. Was it really him? She wondered. It couldn't have been, but he looked so real. Maybe she was just wishing that it was him, and that her mind made her think that he was still here. He was right behind her.

She pulled the blanket down and stared at the door. Then she saw a hand move through it, then a leg then a body and head.

Sakura screamed again and covered her head. Then she peeked out and he was right beside her bed. Sakura started thrashing around, trying to get it away from her.

"Sakura" it said.

"You're not Sasuke, get away from me!" she yelled.

Then out of nowhere Sakura's mother burst through the door.

"Sakura! What is the matter?" she asked worriedly.

Sakura pulled the blanket from her eyes and saw Sasuke still there. She then pointed to him and started crying.

"What? There's noting there honey. I think you were just having a bad dream. Go to bed and get some good rest. Sasuke's funeral is tomorrow, we don't want to be late"

Sakura looked at the Sasuke look-alike and his eyes widened when he heard the word 'funeral'.

Her mother then left the room and closed the door behind her. The Sasuke thing sat down on Sakura's bed and she withdrew away from it hastily.

"Stay away from me…" she whimpered.

It looked at her and said "Sakura…I-It's me. Am I really dead?"

Sakura didn't know what to think. Was this for real?

"Sa-Sasuke? Is that really you?" asked Sakura timidly.

"Of course it's really me! What are you saying!" was Sasuke's angry reply.

"How? But…You're dead! And you look…so…alive?" said Sakura slowly.

"What are you stupid…I can't really be dead…all I remember was seeing that bastard Itachi then out of no where a Kunai…through my…" trailed off Sasuke as he looked down and put his hand over his chest.

"Oh god, I am dead…" he blurted out. "That bastard killed me!" shouted Sasuke as he banged his fists on Sakura's bed. Sakura flinched from his sudden act of anger.

"Sasuke please calm down…" whispered Sakura.

"Why? Why should I be calm when I'm dead!" he yelled.

"…Because you're acting like a baby! The Sasuke I know is strong…"

"Yeah well the Sasuke you think you know would be alive..." he replied with spite.

"What are you even doing here?" replied Sakura angrily. He was being really rude, and mean.

"I…I don't know" said Sasuke as he collected himself. He then looked at Sakura and said "I don't know why I'm still here"