Title: The Potter Family Series: Part Two- Escaping Thrice

Author: The Mistress of Shadows

Email: pg-13

Characters: L/J; Death Eaters; Voldermort


Summary: a poem explaining how Lilly and James escaped Voldermort three times before finally getting killed.

Disclaimer: all these characters belong to J.K Rowling and I'm making no money off this so please don't sue.

Series: The Potter Family. The stories in reading order are The new transfiguration teacher (novel length) Escaping Thrice (poem) Betrayal (vignette) Falling From Power (vignette) Finding Out (vignette) Reforming the Order (novel length) Lilly Potter (long vignette)

Genre: Poem/action-adventure/drama/angst?

Timeframe: three months before my Fic Falling From Power

Type: EU

Homepage: groups. Story

We were 19,

We were on holidays.

One day we were attacked,

It turned out to be death eaters.

We fought them;

We were injured.

We escaped from them

We were 20,

We were at home.

We were attacked,

By Death Eaters.

We barely escaped;

We killed three.

We were 24,

We were out shopping

We were attacked,

By Voldermort!

We fought desperately.

Aurors turned up,

They helped weaken him,

He disapparated.