Fear of The Storms

By: Amako


He whimpered, hugging his knees to his chest and bowing his head. Since the break-up, a lot of storms seeed to be coming in. Since the break-up, he'd had to face them alone. He remembered how it used to be, when they were still together. On stormy nights, his lover would hold him close so he could sleep better because his lover knew how afraid he was of storms. But now ... Things were different ... They weren't lovers anymore.

The thunder roared loudly and lightning brightly. He whimpered again. He really hated storms. That's when he heard it.

I stood on the front porch. Water clung to my eyelashes from all the rain. I was soaked. I didn't want my best friend to be all alone on a stormy night ... I knew how much he hated storms ... They scared him. I was soaking wet from walking to his house. I knocked on his front door again.

There it was again, the sound of someone knocking on his front door? Who could it be at this hour? He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and put on his slippers. He pulled his blanket on over his shoulders and headed downstairs. He got to his front door and pulled it open after un-locking it. He removed the blanket from his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Then he glomped me.

"RYU'S HERE!" He announced happily.

"Hi na no da! I came to see you, I know how much you hate storms ..."

He got off me and stood, extending a hand to help me up. Once we were both on our feet again, he hugged me. He didn't say anything to me, he just hugged me. I didn't know if I should respond to it, or not. I hugged him back lightly.

"Come on it Ryu ... We need to get you out of those wet cloths and into something warm and dry ..."

"Didn't I leave behind all those cloths from when we went shopping together that one time?"

"Oh yeah! You did too ... I'd almost forgotten all about that ..."

He let me into the house.

(A.N: Im sorry it's such a short beginning lol! )