Bad Habits: True Love
A/N: Thanks for the reviews. A bit less than usual, but eh, what are you going to do? This is the last chapter of Bad Habits, and please, PLEASE, read and review. Peace out! R&R!
"Please? Hiei, I'm begging you... please?"
The Koorime crossed his arms and growled, showing his long fangs. The bed was unmade, and many outfits littered the floor. On a table nearby makeup accessories were open and strewn all over. And then there was a single shoe on the floor, but it was soon picked up by the onna. His mate.
She pulled on the shoe and put on some lipstick at the same time. Hiei had no idea how she was able to pull off that feat. She narrowed her pink eyes, and for a moment, she lost herself in thought. A plan. A strategy. That was when a wicked gleam came into those beautiful eyes of hers. Hiei almost wanted to back away.
"Yes." She pushed him backwards and he landed on the bed. He didn't let shock flicker onto his face. It didn't seem to convince her. "You will." She crawled on top of him, and Hiei was starting to wonder if the room heated up a bit, or if it was just him. "For me." It was just him. Her lips were so close. He leaned forward to catch them, but her finger stopped him. "Please?"
Hiei had two options. One: Hiei could show Botan just who was dominate in this relationship and make love to her until she was senseless. But he would have to rip off her clothes. And she would get angry.
Two: He give in to her demands.
The Koorime bit his lip in frustration and he grabbed her wrist. She lost all of her confidence and she giggled nervously. He moved forward, and he knew she heard his predatory growl emitting from his throat. He kissed her roughly, and she started to give in, but she caught herself right when her arms started to wrap around his neck.
"Here you go."
She pulled out a white shirt and black slacks. And a black tie to match. Her cheeks were pink and her lips were red. The Koorime thought this out. He would get rewarded in the end. He glared at her, but they both knew that he didn't mean it as he swiped the clothes out of her hands.
When Hiei was finished, Botan looked him over. She grinned and hugged him, and Hiei froze. He was still getting used to this. They both were. He almost felt like he was in a dream. That none of this was real. But as she pulled back, her face glowing with happiness, Hiei knew that it was. She rubbed her eyes.
"You look great!"
Hiei shoved his hands in his pockets denying the blush that was starting to spread across his cheeks. They walked out of her flat, and she summoned her oar. As he slid onto it, he kissed her neck tenderly.
Koenma looked around the ballroom. Everything was set. The lights shimmered from the ceiling. The champagne was set and on ice. Flowers crept up the walls. The music was playing. Many guests were there.
Yusuke and Keiko were already out on the floor. Kurama was talking with George, and it looked to be a serious conversation. Kuwabara found Yusuke and leapt onto him, giving the ex-detective a playful noogie. Koenma's brown eyes searched the crowd. Only one pair was missing.
Hiei and Botan.
All of Rekai now knows their story. Well, how couldn't they? George went singing/screaming down the hallways of the ferry girl's return. Then their little show of Hiei's escape. He was the only "prisoner" who was able to "escape" and not be caught later. So, naturally, the biggest secret was known by everyone.
Even as Koenma searched for them, he heard whispers of their names. Botan... the ferry girl... mated... demons... fire... that one time... the thief... Hiei Jaganshi...
That was when all of the voices stopped, and for a few breathless moments, the only thing that could be heard was the music. The doors to the ball room opened, and there stood the two lovers. Hiei was dressed in a white shirt, black slacks and tie. His red eyes dared anyone to question his presence, and Koenma saw that he still had his katana on him.
And then there was Botan. Her hair was down, and her face was graced with light amounts of makeup. She smiled and waved to her friends. It was only when she smiled that the spell was broken. The voices rose up, and people waved back. The murmur of friends came forward again. Kurama came up to Koenma, his red hair still long and flowing.
"I see you were waiting for them too." Koenma didn't say anything as he still watched his best friend. Her arm was linked with Hiei. "How long has it been? I've forgotten."
Koenma finally met the kitsune's eyes.
"Seven months. Give or take the days."
Yusuke and Keiko came back, and they saw Kurama and Koenma. They drifted to them, and Kuwabara followed. Their eyes traveled and they saw their two friends. The two friends who were now more then friends. Botan finally spotted them.
"Hi!" She ran, despite the light yellow dress she was wearing. "How has it been?"
She was smiling, and Hiei made no effort to run, but stalked over in his usual gloom. He nodded at them in a brief and silent greeting. She hugged Koenma, and Kurama saw Hiei tense and grit his teeth, one fang showing briefly. She shook the hands of everyone very eagerly. Yusuke smiled and messed up Hiei's hair.
"Nice, Hiei." He winked at the fire demon. "So, when are the kids coming?"
A slap was heard. Keiko bit back a shout as she glared at her husband/mate. A few seconds passed before the group broke out in laughter. Even Hiei chuckled a bit. The night passed by. Drinking. Laughing. Catching up.
Hiei found a ledge to sit on that was close to the old team. He gazed outward at the dance floor. So many people, spirits, and ogres were crowded around each other. He sighed. But I will not say that the air is dreary.
All was well until a deep voice was heard. It held great power behind it. Many people tried took where it was coming from, and once they found him, they all bowed down. Hiei saw Yusuke drop to one knee, as well as the fox. Hiei was about to use telepathy to ask just who the big man was, but Kurama acted first. Hiei was pulled to the floor, the fox having seized his ankle.
"My dear spirits and ogres!" None looked up, keeping their heads bowed. "Please, all rise." All of the partygoers looked up as they stood up once more. Some were exchanging nervous and confused glances while others looked a bit excited. "My son has invited a special group of people here today." Enma cleared his throat. "The former, and best, Rekai Tentei!"
Instantly everyone looked back at Koenma and saw the team. Hiei hadn't felt so exposed before. He was about to run when someone started to clap. Botan edged closer to Hiei, slipping her hand into his and squeezing it encouragingly.
"Now, please, clear the dance floor!" His voice was jolly, and Hiei supposed it was because it was December. Botan had mentioned something about a holiday that important. It was the Eve of it today. "I would like to invite two people out here."
The Rekai Tentei looked at each other. Who could it be? Koenma and Ayame? Yusuke and Keiko? Who?
The people parted like water when Moses worked his magic.
"Hiei..." The Koorime tensed and almost reached for his katana on instinct. "Botan..." The ferry girl looked at her mate, her boss, and then Enma himself. "Please, grace the dance floor with your presence. It would be my honor."
Botan moved forward, but Hiei held her back. He shook his head slowly. Her eyes, however, told him different. Enma, they could not refuse him. It would be impolite, those pink orbs said. Please... please... please, for me.
Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara were completely shocked when Hiei Jaganshi nodded curtly and led her out to the floor. It was Koenma who was not surprised. He had seen first hand just how much they meant to each other. Hiei had been a dying demon before she came back to him. All life had vanished in his eyes. But, when Botan came back, he had his dark sense of humor back. He even teased her a bit.
At first, the couple was unsure of what to do. But, Kurama stepped in.
Put your right hand on her waist. Hiei did. Now, take your left hand and hold her right hand. Just as before, Hiei obeyed, making a note to thank the fox one day. Now, let the music guide you. It's like fighting, you have to figure out the enemy's beat and move with it.
Hiei Jaganshi took in a deep breath and began to move.
Koenma and Ayame watched in awe at the beloved and yet odd scene that lay before them. Hiei Jaganshi, a thief who used to thrive on blood and the thrill of the hunt, a cold and emotionless warrior, was dancing. Very well. And dancing with him was Botan. The angelic ferry girl who never thought before helping someone else. A woman who never asked for anything in return.
It seemed like the ballroom disappeared. Rekai was gone. There were no Three Worlds anymore. No, Koenma was certain that he strayed into a fairytale. Their movements were so perfect and unsure, it was truly a unique sight.
The Prince felt a large hand on his shoulder. He recognized it's weight and mass.
Enma chuckled quietly, and Koenma saw that his black eyes were twinkling as he watched the two lovers dance.
"Those two... you keep an eye on them." He looked as Hiei twirled Botan around. "There's a good match, right there."
The music was soft, and the lights were dimmed, and Koenma looked up to see that they were small candles. Some stood still, suspended in the air, but others moved. They glided with fluid movement, sometimes in circles or random patters. Whatever they did, it only enhanced the dreamlike setting.
That was when the music slowed, as well as the lone couple. Hiei obviously knew it was ending. They stopped at exactly the right time, and they stood still for a moment. They looked like they were in a painting until Hiei moved to brush his lips lightly against hers.
A soft wave of gasps were heard. Keiko felt her face turn a bit pink and Yusuke whistled obnoxiously. Kuwabara whooped loudly, and Koenma clapped a bit, grinning. Enma snapped his fingers, and somewhere, white doves were released.
Botan looked up, her mouth open in wonder and joy as the birds flew around her and Hiei. Hiei scowled, cursing himself for kissing his onna in front of so many other people. He turned to see Yusuke and Kuwabara giving him the thumbs up sigh. Kurama smiled gently and pulled out his whip. He struck a lever and pulled.
Go, Hiei. This is my gift to you. Rose petals fell from the ceiling. Hiei was about to ask him what when Kurama winked at him. A diversion.
After all the birds stopped flying and all the petals stopped falling, people wanted to rush to Botan and even Hiei. To marvel at how romantic that dance was. Even Koenma wanted to congratulate the former thief.
But when all the beautiful chaos cleared, they were gone. The only thing that was left was Hiei's tie.
Botan couldn't think. Everything was moving so fast! One moment she had been standing as rose petals fell from... well... who knows where, and now she was flying across the halls of Rekai. Out a window, into the sky, and onto the streets of Ningenkai. Past cars. Past children. Past everything.
She found herself in their apartment. She saw that Hiei's eyes were glazed over with lust. She blushed.
He was quite a sight to see. His lips were pulled back into a smirk, and his tie was gone, lost on the way. His shirt had started to be unbuttoned, but he grew impatient and tore it off. Botan giggled madly and covered her eyes jokingly.
"Hiei! Control yourself!"
She didn't move her hands away as she felt herself being pushed gently back onto the bed. She closed her eyes, and she didn't really know why. She figured it would be teasing him. And tease him it did.
"Onna, what are you doing?"
He touched her hands, and he slowly moved down to her wrists. She squirmed and opened her eyes. She almost gasped when she saw Hiei's eyes not an inch away from her own. He saw her smile at him.
"How did you learn to dance like that?"
The Koorime growled, angry that his antics would be delayed by silly questions.
"Kurama told me how."
Botan's eyes widened.
"You're goo–"
Her lips were taken by Hiei's. He pressed himself against her. He smirked against her lips.
"Botan... stop... talking..."
He liked how her breath caught when he said her name. Her heart was pounding. He licked his lips and began to cut away her dress very slowly. She moved under him impatiently, and Hiei laughed at this.
Hiei loved to hear her say his name. He loved to feel her shiver against him, and he loved to see her smile through pain and exhaustion. Her hand slid down his chest and to his pants. Well, I didn't take her back home for nothing.
"Mommy! Mommy!"
Two beings ran throughout Rekai. They crept. They rolled. They hunted. One boy, one girl. The boy seemed to the be the unspoken leader of the two children. He held his sister's hand and peeked around the corner of a hallway. The girl, her big lavender eyes wide and all seeing, whispered in her brother's ear.
"Akio, is that George over there?"
The boy, his dark navy hair falling past his shoulders, looked at the ogre, squinting a bit.
"I think so, Kata." He looked back to see his sister running her hands through her unruly, gravity defying hair. "Let's go."
She nodded, and the two of them vanished, running at top speed. Through halls and halls, they struggled to capture just one glimpse of their mother, but they couldn't find her.
That was when they heard her laugh. The two twins stopped looked up. They saw a vent about seven feet above them. Akio frowned, pouting for a bit, but then he turned to Kata.
"Kata, bring out your practicing oar!"
She nodded and summoned her oar. It took her only two tries. Her brother and her sailed up and into the vent. It was a tight squeeze, but they managed. They were getting closer.
"I know, I know!" A pause. "Thank you, sir." A voice spoke to their mother, but the two children couldn't make out the words. "Well, actually, Hiei's supposed to bring them in today."
That was when Akio slipped. He was inches away from touching the bottom of the vent... pipe... thing. Kata hissed at him.
"Get up, get up!"
Akio tried, and his sister pulled on his shirt, but to no avail. He let go of the oar.
Botan and Koenma flinched as the vent fell from the ceiling. They saw a falling figure, but it was soon caught by a flying blur. The blur spun wildly, and finally, crashed to the floor.
They heard a low growl.
"Akio, you baka!"
A twack.
"You could have pulled harder, Kata!"
The two children were about to start fighting when their mother pulled them apart. Botan held them both by their collars.
"Where's your Father?"
As if on cue, the doors to Koenma's office burst open, and there was Hiei, who was very, very angry.
"They escaped me!" He crossed his arms. "Impatient little brats..."
The two children looked at their Father... and they both pounced on him, hugging him. For one short moment, Koenma swore he saw Hiei smile.
The Prince saw the oar in the little girl's hand. The small dagger at the boy's side. He looked at Botan who smiled at the picture, and then to Hiei, who was struggling not to fall over. It was a very funny picture. A very loving picture. Endearing, almost.
Koenma smiled as Botan hugged her mate, and the one thought that the Prince had was: Twins. How ironic.
Botan and Hiei. Hiei and Botan. Two acquaintances who became two friends. Two friends who became two lovers. Two lovers becoming a family. Strange, the Prince couldn't picture Hiei as a Father, but here he was, holding onto his daughter's hand as he explained to her that running away from him was a very bad idea.
And Botan, who could have thought that the bubbly and a bit air headed ferry girl could have been a mother? Yet, here she is, messing with her son's hair.
Koenma laughed and shook both of their hands. As he looked into both of their eyes, he saw love. Devotion. Life. Then he took a look at the two kids who were gazing up at him. Their eyes held fire, ice, and spiritual energy beyond belief. They were going to be quite a handful.
Things are going to get very interesting around her in the near future...
The End
A/N: What did you think? I kinda sorta didn't know how to end it, but I came up with this. Do you like it? Tell me! And I don't think that Hiei was OOC this time. Also, since this is the end of one story, check out Three Families! It's good. Please? I'll give you guys a cookie! I promise!