Forever Love

-Ivory Princess-

It was almost time now… I could feel it. Carlisle had always said that every immortal could sense the sunlight. I know now for certain that he was beyond correct. I realize (myself) that I had already sensed the dawn before this time, but it was not until today that I could truly feel the scorching anticipation. It was truly like nothing else I had felt before.

The unbelievable longing of the smoldering heat… The indescribable feeling of it all was almost more than I could physically bear. I was sure that if I was alive… I would have felt that tingling sensation that most humans would have gotten when something extraordinary was going to happen. I knew that it had been over one-hundred years since I had actually felt the existential familiarity of it all. The only time that I had ever been close to experiencing it all over again was the time that I was with… Don't say her name, damn you. DON'T. SAY. HER. NAME.

It was far too painful of a task to say her beloved name. Her name was far too painful to even think about. How dare I even think to let it pass through my lips now? How stupid was I really? I closed my eyes and deeply inhaled. Yes…it would not be long now.

Then, there was a spark...A wonderful spark of the earth. I could feel the smile creep upon my lips as I slowly extended my arms outward and leaned backwards. It's coming…

"God…how incredible this will be…" Amazing, it seemed, how in my final hour of death, I mention the name of something—or someone—I will never see. I had never been wise on religion in my past life; not even in my last year of breathing. It had all seemed very balderdash and chicanery. I scoffed at the mere thought of me receiving something as "blissful" as everlasting life… considering I had already been given the so-called gift of such.

And now, I was about to give it all away…because a world with Isabella Swan was no blissful life at all. It was instead, nothing but an excruciating hell.

I opened my eyes once more and faced the scenery before me. Even the sight of Rome had seemed to lose all of its glory without her. I was almost positive that every gorgeous view had lost its majestic wonder now. Without her, this world was nothing but a dull darkness with absolutely nothing to offer.

I drew in a needless breath and stared downward. "Almost time," I choked. I was not afraid as some would be. I was quite grateful for the relief of nonexistence instead. "Yes…what a blissful moment this will be after all."

I then closed my eyes once more and waited… waited until I heard the screams of a helpless child.


Had it already happened? Had my tortuous afterlife arrived?

"Edward, please!"

Yes, I was almost certain the time had arrived… No other pain could have struck me more than the power of her angelic voice ringing in my ears.


I felt a grasp on my arm and looked to see the angel beside me. Another smile crept.

"God…" I hadn't realized that I had mentioned the name again. Instead, I had just stared into those wonderfully hypnotizing brown eyes. I slowly picked her up and raised her above me.

"So much better than I had imagined…" I sighed. It was so much more blissful than I had given credit for. She had seemed even more beautiful in the afterlife.

She kept begging me for something, but I could not focus on her words. I couldn't focus on anything except the intent brilliance of her face. Amazing… I had thought. Truly amazing...