Thanks to –mrmp
Mamashirl- maybe I'll get a beta but I don't like people reading my stuff til im sure it's done.
Curley-q – good idea. I could have fun with that.
Tigeress- you probably cant buy him but I have people on the inside, I'll see what I can do thanks
Sarcastic loner- I think the show didn't use Tristan's full potential. I really wish they could have kept him a little longer and seen where it went. Cant wait til the new episode though. But I read spoilers so I know how good its going to be.
On with the story-
As we walked into the diner I remembered how badly Luke had been treating mom.
"Sit here. I'll be right back, okay?" Tristan sat at the nearest table and I went off in search of Luke.
"Lane, where's Luke?" I asked.
"He went upstairs for something. What's wrong and did you walk in with that cute blonde?"
"Nothing's wrong and yes, that's Tristan. From Chilton, remember?"
"Of course. Romeo. Nice." I laughed at Lane as I walked up the stairs to Luke's. I knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" he opened the door. "Rory? Is there something wrong?"
"No. Well, yeah. There's something wrong. I wanna talk to you." I sat on the couch. "You know I love you. You're the father I never had."
"Thank you. That means a lot to me."
"You're welcome. And you know that mom loves you, too, right? I mean, you do know that right?"
"Yeah I know that."
"You've loved mom for a long time. Since you came to the caterpillar's funeral! So, I don't know why you're treating her like this. You're not cheating on her are you?"
"Of course not!" he exclaimed.
"Then what the hell's wrong? Why are you doing this? You said you loved her."
"I do! I know I haven't been around much anymore."
"Why don't you think mom and I deserve you? I want to be able to introduce you as my step-father. Tell me what's going on."
"I cant."
"Then I'm sorry. You cant se my mom anymore." He started to protest. "No! Unless you have a good reason for jerking my mother around like this, then you cant be a part of our lives. I'm sorry." I stood up to leave.
"I have a daughter." He stood up, too.
"A little girl. Her name is April and she's twelve years old."
I sat back down and sighed. "How long have you known?"
"Since Thanksgiving, I think. I just don't want your mom to leave me."
"Luke, she loves you. She knows what a burden it is to have a kid, no matter how old you are. She will leave if you keep acting like this. She thinks you want to be with someone else. She's worried you don't love her anymore."
"Well, I'll go tell her now. I'll tell her everything."
"Good but I need some coffee first."
He laughed. "You are your mother's daughter."
"And I thank God everyday for that." We walked back downstairs and I saw Tristan talking to Lane. They were laughing. I felt jealous because he was supposed to be here to cheer me up, not make Lane giggle. I stopped for a second. I didn't know which was weirder, the fact that I was jealous of Lane, something that had ever happened once when I found out that she had her mommy and daddy both living with her, or the fact that it was Tristan making her laugh. But that was silly.
"Hey. How ya doing?"
They stopped laughing and looked at me. "Hey, Mary." Lane said and giggled.
I felt that jealousy surge up again. "Can we get some coffee to go, please?" I smiled at her and she went to get the coffee pot.
"Here ya go." She poured the coffee into our mugs. "Bye Tristan. Rory."
"Bye Lane." And with that I was out the door. Actually, I stomped out of the diner. I saw Luke out of the corner of my eye walk to his truck.
"Hey. Where are you
going?" Tristan ran up to me.
"I'm going home. You should do
the same."
"What the hell's your problem?" he spun me around.
"Nothing. Why don't you go and talk to Lane if you're looking for a good time." I turned back around and walked quickly away.
"I'm a Marine, you cant out run me, Mary." He appeared at my side.
"Stop calling me that! I slept with Dean and Logan. I'm no Mary. Knock it off!" I didn't mean it to come out that loudly but I was mad. At Lane? I'm not sure. Jealousy was coursing through my veins.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm tired of being around people like you guys anymore."
"Like who? Me?"
"And Logan?"
"How the hell am I like Logan?" he looked pissed now, which was good. I was tired of being the only one with emotions.
"Forget it. I'm going home. Stay out of my face." I walked to the house and threw myself onto my bed when I got into my room. I picked up to phone and called mom.
"Dragonfly Inn, Michel speaking."
"Hi. May I speak with Lorelai Gilmore?"
"One moment."
"Hello?" mom answered.
"Mom! I'm so mad! Tristan was flirting with Lane."
"What? Why are you mad? Doesn't Lane have a boyfriend? Zack? And besides, Tristan's cute but he's not yours."
"That's not fair, mom. I thought he was going to be a different kind of guy. Maybe like me and no one else. And, no, it's Logan all over again."
"Rory, you just met him for the first time in 3 years, 30 minutes ago. Do you like him?"
"I kinda do but the minute another girl gets in the picture BAM forget Rory! This sucks."
"Calm down. Paris wouldn't have sent him after you if he was still like that. It will be fine. Now, where is Tristan?"
"I blew up at him and told him to leave me alone."
"Come on, Rory. He probably didn't even do any of this on purpose. You need to find him and talk to him."
"I feel like an idiot. I cant do that."
"All guys aren't like Logan, hon. They're not just going to follow you around."
"I know, but-"
"Um, Luke's here. He's carrying a bag. I have to call you back."
"I'll talk to you later. Bye." I hung up. I hope Luke got mom a nice present to make for what a jerk he had been.
I had to find Tristan but I decided to take a shower first and figure out what I was going to say to him. By the time I had gotten out of the shower, I still had no idea what I was going to say but I did like Tristan. I think. I walked downstairs in a towel and Tristan was sitting on the couch. I froze on the bottom step. "Uh, hi." I managed to say.
"Hey. Look I don't know what happened but I'm sorry I upset you."
"It's okay. It's just a lot of stuff now. Logan and everything. I'm sorry I freaked."
"Don't worry about it. I understand how breakups go."
"Wow. Have you ever been dumped?"
"No, but I've had my heart broken."
"Awe, poor Tristan."
"Uh, not that I'm not enjoying the view, but you should probably get dressed."
"Well, mom's at work, so it's not like there's anyone to see me but you."
"And as much as I would love for that to be the case, I think you should probably get dressed anyway." He looked down.
I felt extremely embarrassed. Again. I was used to Logan being there when I got out of the shower. I got dressed and brushed my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and pulled my hair into a ponytail.
"RORY!" I heard mom yell.
"What? What's wrong?" I ran into the living room.
Mom had tears in her eyes and she was smiling, which was a weird combination. "I hope you don't have any big tests tomorrow."
"Why?" I was confused.
"Because we're going to Florida."
"Why? What's going on?" I looked at Tristan and he just shrugged.
"I'm getting married, tonight. Pack your bags, baby."
"Oh, my god!" I ran up and hugged mom.
"Wait, did you talk to Luke?"
"He has a daughter and she's coming with us."
"Oh. Well, then, we'll need some board games, wont we? Let's go."
"Tristan, I'm assuming you're still all packed." Mom giggled.
"Yes, ma'am, why?" he stood up.
"We need two witnesses. And you should be one of them."
"I don't want to impose. It seems like a family thing."
"Well, you can be an honorary Gilmore 'til we get back. Okay, seriously guys, move your butts. Let's go." Mom ran up to her room to pack.
"You don't have to come, if you don't want to. I'm sure you have plans."
"My plans were to hang out with you. And since you're going to be in Florida, my plans are in Florida." He smiled. "Let's get you packed."
We walked into my room and I grabbed a duffle bag.
"Can you get my bathing suit out of the box on the top shelf?"
"Sure." He reached up and grabbed the box while I threw my bras and underwear in the bottom of the bag. Next, were the pants, shorts, and a skirt. Then I tossed in some tank tops and t-shirts. I got some flip slops from under my bed. When I was getting up Tristan was laughing. "This is your bathing suit?"
"Yes, haha. You and mom should start a club."
"It's cute."
"Yeah, yeah. Just throw it in the bag."
"I always pictured you in something like this."
"Really." I was definitely embarrassed now.
"However, when I was imagining you, you didn't wear it very long." He smirked.
"Do you like me?" I blurted out.
"You really want to know?"
"No, never mind." I flung the bag over my shoulder and went to leave the room but he stopped me. "If we take too long, mom will kill us." I said.
"I do like you."
"You don't even know me anymore."
"I do know you. I know who you were and I know that I like who you've become. You're a grown up now. And so am I. I can be there for you."
"That was the thing with Logan. He was fighting his future so hard, he never really grew up."
"Logan will be fine. He was groomed to take over that company. If he wants out, it has to be his decision."
"I know he's not my problem anymore but I'm still worried about him."
"You care about him and that's fine but make sure you take care of yourself first." He grabbed the bag off of my shoulder and walked out to front porch and set the bags there. He came back in and sat on the couch with me.
"RORY!" mom yelled, again. I ran upstairs.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't have anything to wear."
"What are you talking about? You're standing in front of a full suitcase."
"No. I don't have anything to wear for Luke. After we're married."
"Oh. Well, I'm sure we can go shopping as soon as we get there. Okay?"
"Oh, I forgot all about shopping. I'm done now. We're supposed to go get April now."
"Good. I want to meet her."
"Luke said she was a lot like you. She's quirky."
"Tristan, honey! You wanna come get my bag?" mom yelled down the stairs.
"I would love nothing
more, Lorelai." He appeared at mom's door, grabbed the suitcase
and carried it, with ease, down the stairs and out to the front
"How are we getting to Florida?" I asked.
"How ya feel 'bout flying?" mom smiled at me.
"Mom! No! I cant fly. I'm terrified of planes. I couldn't even get on one to dad in California."
We sat on the front porch, next to our suitcases.
"Sweetie, you were like 10. You'll be just fine. We'll all be there."
"Yeah, Mary. You can even hold my hand." Tristan sat down next to me on the steps.
"Gee, thanks. That will keep the plane from crashing."
"I'm magic. I promise nothing will happen to you." He put his arm around my shoulder.
"Thank you. Maybe we'll actually be able to get her on the plane."
"Fine. But I hate you now." I stuck my tongue out at mom.
"That's okay. I have Luke now."
I pouted an turned to Tristan. "Do you still love me?" I stuck my lip out farther.
"Of course I do."
"Where's Luke? He said he was getting us a car."
"Why?" Tristan asked.
"Because I have the Jeep and Luke has a truck. All five of us wouldn't fit in there."
"Oh, yeah." Just then, a limo pulled up in the front yard of the Crap Shack.
"Who has that much money?" I asked.
Luke stepped out of the limo and there was a little girl with glasses and a book standing behind him.
"Since when are you rollin' in the dough, Lukey?" mom asked and walked towards him. Tristan and I followed.
"I figured I'd treat my future wife to something special. And my girls deserve this."
"Luke, I'm so happy for you. You're gonna be my step daddy." I hugged Luke.
"Congratulations, sir." Tristan shook Luke's hand.
"Thank you both. We should get going. Does she know yet?" Luke whispered.
"Yeah. She freaked." Mom whispered back.
"I can hear you, ya
know. I'm not deaf." I suggested, knowing what they were talking
"Well, you did!" mom got into the limo.
"The limo ensures that we can drink and not drive." We all got into the limo after mom. "Champaign anyone?" Luke asked.
"No thank you." Mom politely declined.
"But you love Champaign, mom. You feeling okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. Just don't wanna get sick on the plane. Let's get to know this little one, here."
I gave mom a strange look and jumped in to the conversation. "Yeah, tell us something about yourself, April."
I have to cut it off here. I think I have carpal tunnel syndrome. Reviews are appreciated. Thanks. Hope you enjoyed it. More to come.