Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the pokemon franchise.

Chapter 1: Prologue, part one.

It all started when I was transformed into a Charmander and thrown into world of pokemon, I was a hero to all and I had saved the world from a large meteor, but what happened afterwards is that I had to say good bye to all the friends I had made, including a special friend that had stuck by my side through it all.

Unknown to him, he inadvertently unlocked the ability to evolve in the mystery dungeon world, making plenty of pokemon happy, some had a negative reaction and started finding a rare stone that if held would prevent a random accidental evolution.

I left the world and went back home, to being a human again with a heavy heart, I became a pokemon trainer, with my first pokemon being a Charmander, this wasn't irony, it was more like I knew this was going to happen.

I had been asked where I disappeared to, I never gave a straight answer and I never will, I had tried to name my Charmander after my friend, since the charmander was female it reminded me of how my friend came to me with a smile every time in morning, but the Charmander didn't want another persons name.

Spending so much time as a pokemon gave me the ability to speak like and understand them, a side effect giving me the gift of pokemon gab.

I felt something was missing as I traveled very slowly as if waiting for someone to catch up, but I didn't know why, I finally named the Charmander… Sadly enough, she liked the name Cherry.

Who knows what the future holds I might see my friend again.

In the Mystery Dungeon World.

At a house that looked like Charmander's head, was a crying noise so heart wrenching it was making everyone else sad, it was a little green pokemon called a Chikorita who had been holding back something in her heart; the pain of a lost friend, that she recently unleashed, none of her friends could stop the emptiness she felt.

"Tilly are you going to be all right?" as a brown feathered bird holding a rock hard elongated green object walked in, he was a Farfetch'd, he had been working hard on making their teams members into rescue groups of three.

After they where all put into groups of three it eventually ended with two team members who should of despised each other and Copy the Ditto, they where the ones who started the entire sector craze, where they built sectors based on one type of pokemon element, but these three started Sector Random Type, it helped other sectors get together in the meeting spot to build successful rescue groups for… Team Dragon Fire, the most successful rescue team ever.

A sector is an off shoot of the original team, being the sector is led by one elected pokemon and each sector has a number of groups all of them branched from the original Team Dragon Fire.

Everyone else was more worried about Tilly then the still slightly urgent disasters that wouldn't destroy the world, even Zan the Zangoose and Sevina the Seviper where working together in harmony on the same team they always stopped by together to leave food for her when they weren't busy; also those two seemed a little more then friends.

"Come on Till, it's not so bad." he tried to sound as reassuring as possible.

Copy was trying to get Tilly to cope earlier by transforming himself into what she wanted to see and hear the most, but it never helped, Zan always thought Copy did good impressions, better then most Ditto.

"Leak, just… just leave… me alone." She said in between her gasping breathe, she was crying into the spot where he used to sleep with her back to Leak, with the only thing there to remind her of him, was the rescue badge attached to a Pecha Scarf, laying in the hay where she was crying,.

Looking into her eyes would make anyone feel horrible, even him right now, thought Leak.

Leak just stood there staring at her and he knew that having a statue made about him; that is going to be sitting in the middle of town soon made her feel worse, he turned and left just as three pokemon came running up to him, it was the main team of Sector Normal Type, the inexperienced Rattata named Teeth was always first sign of that sectors main team, followed by Thief the Linoone and Aylee the Aipom, if it was something Thief did again he was going to hurt him badly this time.

"Sector Normal Type reporting in, have I got news for you and before you say anything Thief didn't steal anything, wannahearwannahear?" What could Leak say? He knew Thief very well, he always tried something, he wasn't the team leader because of his kleptomania problem, and the Aipom led them very well.

"Okay I'll bite, Teeth what is it?" Before he could say anything else the Rattata made a snide comment.

"I thought you couldn't learn bite attack." Teeth said to spite Leak for the obvious pun, but he didn't give in to such comment.

"Okay, then spit it out." Just then Thief coughed hard and spat out a TM on the ground and then blushed sheepishly, as he back away slowly before getting an Iron tailed double slap to the face, leaving several large red bruises in the shape of Aylee's tail.

"Thief what had I told you about trying to keep TM's a secret, we do not sell TM's except when we need to for a job and we always keep them in stock for this very reason, good pokemon might need them in case of emergencies, remember the Charmander that got caught in that air pocket under the ocean?" She was the leader so it was her responsibility to make sure that her team was always in line, she did it with an iron tailed fist, also because she wanted her sector to keep in line to, she then forcefully dragged Thief away.

"Well anyway the entire sector of Sector Psychic Type, they went to see Xatu and ask him about something, I think they might be planning something huge and you know Gardevoir's heart." Teeth said, that interested Leak allot, Gardevoir was the one who helped the hero when he came to the world and eventually became leader of the Sector Psychic Type; with allot of prodding from everyone, then she was trying to find out a way to stop Tilly's downward spiral and she might have.

"Okay, but don't get Till's hope up, ever since she found out he couldn't be brought back anymore, she has been like this for a while. We only tell her if Gardevoir comes back with good news, I don't want her to hurt even more." Leak was the new leader of Team Dragon Fire, but he knew what he was doing, he looked back to the house seeing the flag waving with the symbol of a camp fire and he still heard the sobs echoing from within, the main Sector Normal Type team was already gone when he looked back.

"Where are you? I want to see you again." She had become a shut in, reclusive and tired from all the crying she had just done, she felt her heart was shattered and wouldn't be back to normal until he returned.

"BURN! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE?" she continued crying herself to sleep.

Leak just stood in the doorway, after hearing his name yelled out by Tilly, the entire rescue team still used the base allot if not for sentimental reasons, then to see how Tilly was doing, they were all family, what affected one, affected them all, and they all saw Tilly and instantly were there for her, when she needed them the most.

End of part one.

Will 'Sector Psychic Type' find a way to help Tilly?

Will my story involve giant one eyed beldums in a war with Milktanks? No.