Jessie: Ok. this is my very first Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho crossover. I should explain some things before I start:

1. It takes place after Yusuke gets back from Makai and he and Keiko are engaged.

2. Kagome is back from the Feudal Era for good.

3. Kagomes adopted family the Higurashis were killed by a demon Naraku was controlling from the future.

4. Sesshomaru adopted Kagome into his family by doing a blood bond and Kagome is his sister and the Heir to the Westeren Lands of Makai and to any companys he owns in ningenkai.

5. This IS a Kurama/Kagome and Hiei/Sango story.

6. Shippo is Kagomes adopted son and her heir along with her children Kage and Rei.

7. There WILL be major Inuyasha, Kikyo, Kouga, Hojo and Kuwabara Bashing. Well, maybe not too much Kuwabara bashing. MAJOR MAJOR Inuyasha and Kikyo bashing.

8. Kagome and Yusuke are twins and both are Raizens heirs.

9. Kagome is a Kitsune. Shes part Silver Kitsune part Darkness Kitsune. She is still a Preistess and still has the poweres of a preistess. And she is a punk.

10. Kagome met Youko Kurama in the Feudal Era and thought he was killed by Naraku during the final battle, and Kurama thought that Kagome was killed during the final battle.

11. Sango, Kirara, Shippo, and Kagome were the only ones to survive the battle with Naraku from their group. And Youko Kurama, but they thought he was dead.



Human form: Black hair w/blue and red streaks, blue eyes(Yusuke has brown, but I like Kagomes blue), baggy black pants(Chain included), Black Combat Boots or black skater shoes, Black tank top w/back button up shirt.

Demon form: Silver hair streaked w/black, red, and blue, ears are silver tipped in black, tails are silver streaked with black, one blue eye one golden eye, Two stripes on each side of her face(Top ones red bottom ones black), Red Cresent Moon on her forehead w/ blue tear drop next to it, sometimes wears Preistess kimono like Kikyos, but its black w/red under shirt, sometimes wears same as her human form.

Age: 18

Accessories: Human form: Black Choker, black and silver dragon necklace. Demon form: same as human.

Scars: Scar that goes from left shoulder to right hip, scar that goes from front of right arm and wraps around an ends at the inside of her wrist.

Tattoos: Yin Yang tatto on her entire back, Dragon that wraps around her left arm, Cresent Moon around her belly button, Kage, Rei, and Shippo on her heft hip.


Age: 20

Human form: Black hair w/ red streaks, brown eyes, baggy black pants(Chain too), Red halter top, Black Combat Boots or black and red skater shoes,

Demon form: Black hair w/red streaks, red eyes, Clothes are same as human form or her demon exterminater outfit except its black and red

Accessories: Human form: black and red choker Demon form: Black and red choker

Scars: scar on her back from Kohaku

Tattos: Dragon like Hieis

Kage and Rei:

Age: 2 almost 3

Human forms: black hair streaked w/silver, blue eyes, black pants, red and black shirts, black skater shoes

Demon forms: Silver hair streaked w/black, red, and blue, ears are silver tipped w/black, tails are silver streaked in black, Cresent Moon w/ tear drop next to it on their forehead, same clothes as human forms

Accessories: Human forms: Black chokers Demon forms: Black Chokers


Age: Human form(Illusion): 12 Demon form: No idea

Human form(Illusion): Auburn hair streaked w/black and silver, green eyes, black pants, blue shirt, black skater shoes.

Demon form: Auburn hair streaked w/black and silver, green eyes specked with gold, same clothes as human form

Accessories: Human form: Black and blue choker Demon form: Black and blue choker

Jessie: They are the only ones that have changed. the SD and their freinds are pretty much the same as they were before. Anything I forgot oh well. Here are the pairings:






Mentions of: Inuyasha/Kikyo, Inuyasha/Kagome(YUCK!)







Disclaimer: I dont own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters except Kage and Rei.

Kagome limped out of the portal from Makai carrying her prize, a very powerful necklace that she had stolen from Enmas vault. She had barely escaped because they had been expecting her. She had killed all of them, but had gotten injured in the process. "Damn guards and Spirit Detectives. Did they actually think they could catch the best thief in all the three worlds?" she muttered angerly as she limped into the house. She walked into the house, only to see a group of people sitting on the couch drinking tea. Unfortunately, they noticed her.

A woman with brown hair stood up and took a couple of steps toward her, then stopped. "You are Kagome Higurashi?" Kagome eyed her warily, but nodded showing she was indeed Kagome Higurashi. She watched as the womans eyes teared up. "Im Astuko Urameshi, your biological mother." Kagome stared at her, binked, and then smiled. The smile, however, did not reach her eyes. The SD noticed that and were confused at this. "Nice to meet you." She was polite, but her voice was cold, uncaring. "This is your older twin brother Yusuke Urameshi." She nodded at him, not really caring at the moment. Sango noticed that Kagome was bloody, and she glared at her. "Kagome, how many times have I told you to stop getting in fights!" yelled Sango angerly Before she could answer, three blurs ran in to the room and launched themselves at Kagome. "MOMMY!" yelled the three blurs.

When they could finally see the blurs, they saw three children. One appeared about twelve and had auburn hair streaked w/black and green eyes. The two smaller ones appeared to be about two or three years old. They had black hair streaked w/silver and had blue eyes. They were shocked that they had called Kagome mommy. Thats when Kurama noticed that her cold look was gone when she looked at them and she appeared happy.

"These are your children!" yelled Astuko, obviously in shock that her daughter already had children and was only 18, and that one of them was 12, which means that she was 6 when he was born, which was impossible. "Can you please explain to them Kagome?" asked Sango. Kagome nodded.

"Shippo is my adopted son. His parents were killed when he was young. He tried to steal from me and a friend, but we caught him. I ended up taking him in, and he started to call me mommy. Kage and Rei are mine though. I was 15 when they were born. Their father was killed while I was pregnant with them. I didnt find out till after he died. After he died I came home, only to find my adopted family dead. Sango is my best friend and an older sister to me, so she moved in with me and helped me. Her family had recently died too, so we looked after eachother. Weve taken care of eachother for the past three years, and weve become our own little family. Including my older brother Sesshomaru, who adopted me and Sango into his family after ours died. His mother died when he was young, and then his father remarried and he had a half brother Inuyasha, but they despised eachother. Inuyasha died three years ago on the same day Kage and Reis father died.'

'I know her! Thats my mate Kagome! But thats impossible! She died 500 years ago in the battle against Naraku! But I know her scent, and thats definetly Kagome, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara.'

/You had a mate/ He could practically see Youko glaring at him in annoyance. 'Yes I had a mate. She was a Priestess. I dont know how she survived 500 years unless she did a blood bond with Sesshomaru.' /Blood Bond/ 'It makes her part of his family and his heir. She might have become a half demon' Kurama broke the conection with Youko and stared at Kagome, noticing that she was very attractive.

"I see. I was very young when I had you and Yusuke. Your father left and I knew I could only take care of one of you, and boys dont cost nearly as much as girls, so I gave you up, hoping that youd find a family that had more money and could take care of you." Kagome smiled a genuine smile. "The Higurashis took good care of me, and I loved them very much. I still do. And Im no angry that you gave me up. I was very happy with them." She bowed. "Thank you very much."

"Can I introduce my friends now?" Astuko rolled her eyes and smacked him upside the head. "Behave Yusuke!" she scolded, causing everyone to laugh. "Please intrduce them brother." Yusuke grinned. "The orange haired idiot is Kuwabaka, the short one with black hair is Hiei, the blue haired girl is Botan, the short old hag is Genkai, the redhead is Shuiichi, and the borwn haired girl in the short skirt is Keiko, my fiance." He said, pointing to each of them in turn.

Jessie: Hopefully you like my first Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho crossover.

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