Hello this is my first fic, i hope you enjoy it this is not the beginning of the story this chapter is just a peek into the future just a peek into the future. Im sorry if I'm a random updater. But if i really get into writing i can write a few chapters a night but if i run out of ideas or things to set the goal with i may not be able to update for months at a time. This fic will also be written into 2 parts i haven't decided if the other part will become a different story all together or if ill keep them all under this name. Anyway read and review and i hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own naruto or any of the names or products associated with it.
Broken Journey Chapter 1. Prologue to a broken journey
A young man stood on the gates of konoha, he was young in his early 20's with blond hair down to his shoulders, magnificent blue eyes, and contained some whiskers, He wore the usual jounen outfit.
A cold wind blew in from the west bringing with it what sounded like whispers in the wind. The other guards on the gates shivered but the young jounin stood unflinching looking over the forest, appearing as if he is awaiting something. His blue eyes scan across the forest then to the sky but it appears that nothing is coming. His eyes narrow a little in what appears to be sadness.
A young girl with pink hair around the mans age comes up to him and hugs him from behind. The young man with blond hair continues looking up at the sky as if the girl behind him isn't even there. The girl with pink hair looks up at the back of the young mans head as if to say something but decides against it as she notices the young man begin to turn toward her.
The young blond haired jounin looks deep into the pink haired girl green eyes "Sakura-chan he still hasn't come back I'm worried it shouldn't take this long"
The young man with blond hair told the girl.
The pink haired girl named sakura looked up at him "Naruto-kun... Hikasa will not fail! He has never failed any of us before trust me he will... Bring her back through hell or highwater hikasa will not fail." Sakura said looking up at naruto with a fire in her eye.
Naruto looked down at her "I know Sakura-chan... Hikasa is powerful and brave... But Ami is too... If she tries to fight back..." Naruto didn't look like he could finish the sentence.
Sakura looked up at naruto something akin to hurt in her eyes. "Listen to me Naruto-kun Ami will not fight back she...she Is confused" Sakura said lamely
Naruto looked down at her and smiled that big stupid grin of his "No she isn't confused she knew full well what she was doing. We can no longer help her but I cant just stand by... When Hikasa returns with her... The council... The elders will try to put her away." naruto said going back to looking crestfallen.
Sakura looked up at him. "Naruto-kun don't worry I'm sure i could convince Tsunade-sama to ease up on her..."
Naruto looked over at the young woman and sighed "Sakura-chan that's the problem if Tsunade-sama (yes Naruto has learned some respect.) tries to help Ami then it will look as favoritism." Naruto said looking toward the sky.
Sakura looked like she was gonna pop she was raging with anger. "How the hell did you ever come up with that dumb idea you BAKA!" raged Sakura causing many of the guards to turn their heads and stare at the fearsome kunoichi.
Naruto looked down at the pink haired beauty in surprise but he became defensive when he started talking "What are you talking about you were always the smart one if Tsunade-sama represents Ami the council will see it as favoritism, its not exactly a secret that were getting married at the end of the year, and since your Tsunade-sama's personal apprentice it would cause quite the scandal and uproar that the hokage protects her little apprentice's fiances students." Naruto nearly yelled out.
Sakura was taken aback for a second but regained her composure and looked up at the blond "Look Naruto-kun we will do everything we can to make sure Ami doesn't get locked up... But you must know that what she did was wrong..." Sakura didn't know if she should continue the sentence or leave it as it is.
Naruto looked back down at her and sighed "I know that Sakura-chan but you also have to realize that she is paying for those actions every second of everyday." naruto's face if possible sunk even lower.
Sakura looked at naruto and hugged him "You really miss them don't you." Sakura said albeit muffled a bit from Naruto's vest.
Naruto looked down at her "yes...i Really miss... All of them." Naruto said looking up at the sky. A storm was blowing in from the west the clouds were already gray with a tint of black here and there there was no blue sky. Naruto and Sakura looked up at the incoming storm as it slowly made it's way into konoha.
A young man in a chunnin vest with his brown hair in a bowl cut and a big sword on his back (think the buster sword of cloud's from ff7 THE GAME) sunglasses, and a konoha headband around his head looked out over the village,
it was sandy, sand everywhere...
He scanned the landscape, hell even the houses looked like they had been made from sand. He grew a disgusted look on his face looking at how desertish the place was. An ANBU landed next to the young man and handed him a note, Hikasa took the note without question and read. By the end of the note Hikasa was smiling the ANBU next to him looked at him expectantly. And Hikasa did not disappoint "We've found her she's in the hospital as we speak." Hikasa said smiling but his smile quickly turned into a look of sadness.
Hikasa turned toward the ANBU "You and the rest of your team wait outside I'll go in solo in case she tries to fight back if I'm in there... I doubt she will try and fight back." Hikasa said turning toward the ANBU.
The ANBU merely shrugged and went back to his hidden position. Hikasa mumbled under his breath "Im glad naruto-sensai is friends with the kazekage or we would never be allowed in here." As he looked over at a couple of sand ANBU who were looking like they were itching for a good fight.
Hikasa smiled widely at them and waved, the ANBU took off apparently to hide. "You idiots better keep them off my back or we will never get this done"
Hikasa spat into the microphone he was wearing.
A voice came from the other end. "Don't worry little man we can take these ANBU, we just don't know if YOU can fulfill the mission." the ANBU on the other line said mockingly.
Hikasa spat back into the microphone "Look asshole i can take care of myself and you better keep them off my ass or you're gonna wind up with my sword halfway up your ass." Hikasa realized he may have spoke to loudly. And squatted down.
The voice at the other end was angry this time "Listen punk just get the girl and get out before you draw anymore unwanted attention ya little prick"
Hikasa shrugged it off and dove from the rooftop hitting the ground gracefully and taking off at full speed. He noticed the ANBU begin to move for both his side and the sands, But Hikasa paid no mind to it. Though the ANBU were arrogant assholes they were strong and could carry more than there own in a fight.
Hikasa ran at fullspeed from street to street accidentally knocking over a stand or two along the way. He could feel their chakra and mumbled "Dammit if there gonna use that much chakra everyone in all of sunagakure is gonna be able to know were here." looking behind his shoulder at the few clashing ANBU.
Hikasa saw the hospital ahead and came to a stop at its door. It was larger than the hospital in konoha and it was a darker color. As Hikasa walked in he noticed another difference instead of white the walls and floor. They were a different color a brownish-baje. Hikasa smirked realizing Ami would probably know exactly what color it was.
A nurse with pink hair tied up in a bun walked over and asked hikasa if he needed any help but the young chunnin merely shrugged her off. Hikasa came to a stop in the lobby and took off his glasses to reveal big empty white eyes.
"Byakugan." Hikasa said looking up at the hospital he was trying to find it it didn't take him long to find her she was on the third floor twelth door down from the right. Hikasa relayed the information on to the ANBU leader who also commented that he needed to hurry up the sand ANBU were putting up more of a fight then he expected.
Hikasa pulled out his kunai and kept it hidden in his hand as he slowly started his accent up the stairs. He gripped the kunai hard as it started to sink into his flesh. Hikasa's mind wondered from when he was a child on the hyuuga complex to his days at the academy, the day team 7 was formed, their first mission in the earth country, his first kiss with Ami, the assassination mission, the chuunin exam, Finding the final living seven swordsman of the mist, the year he took to train the Neji-sama, his failed attempt at becoming a jounin, his final battle with Taeku, relaying the inforation to Naruto-sensai that he had failed and the past several months searching for them he felt the blood drop from the cut in his hand and slowly as if in slow motion come down onto the floor.
Hikasa finally came to the third floor and looked down he could here crying... The crying of a desperate woman who had lost everything. Hikasa slowly made his way down the hallway careful to avoid doing anything stupid.
A doctor walked out of the crying woman's room it was the twelth door down from the right. The doctor had his head hung low as if in sorrow.
Hikasa silently walked past the man and put his sunglasses back on as he stood at the door looking in he could see the outline of feet under blankets at the end of the bed. Hikasa slowly opened the door.
It revealed a young woman with long blond hair, longer then Hikasa remembered it, and what appeared to have been a great ninja body had she kept care of herself... She was crying her eyes out onto a bundle of blankets, Hikasa didn't need to be a doctor to figure out what was wrong. The blankets weren't moving they weren't they weren't crying it was just there.
Hikasa felt a tear roll down from his eye "n..nooo." Hikasa managed to whisper out of his mouth. Hikasa took of his glasses and wiped the tears from them. But wiping only made it worse so he gave up and put the glasses back on trying to regain his composure, but how could he.
Hikasa walked up the the crying young girl she was his age young only 15 years of age. But here she was crying over a dead child... Their dead child.
Hikasa stood strait and rigid trying to gain his voice back.
Hikasa struggled for a few more seconds before finally gaining it back "Ami Cameia B-Rank missing nin Konagakure you are under arrest for abandoning your home village of konoha and helping in the escape of S-Rank missing in Sila Row, S-Rank missing nin Tsao Pecoma, A-Rank missing nin Bree Kaneda, and... A-Rank missing in... Taeku Row.
The last name Hikasa had trouble getting out of his mouth it hurt just to say those words it hurt a lot. The young girl didn't stop crying though she just held her baby tighter. Hikasa finally felt the pity take over for him and he knocked the girl unconscious.
Hikasa looked out the window, a strom had passed through not to long ago as it made its journey east.
A caravan was caught up in the storm, it had trouble getting it's cattle through not to mention the wagons and the people on foot. The rain pettled at the travelers without mercy a person fell here or there but would get back up. A few children yelled at their mother that they needed a break but the mother continued pushing the children along.
At the end of the caravan were three people the first was a girl was easily in her early 20's with short brown hair and very tall rivaling the height of most men. The other woman was short even for a woman she was short with long green hair that reached to her knees. The final person was hidden beneath a cloak.
The final person stopped all of the sudden and looked up at the sky, He had long black hair and piercing green eyes his eyes were sunken in a bit it was obvious that this person had not slept in a very long time.
The young man continued staring up at the sky as the rain pelted on and off his face. Opun closer inspection the man had two bags under his eyes and was short the man really hadn't slept in a very long time.
The young women stopped and looked back at the young man who's face was still expressionless, the taller of the girls stepped forward slowly and spoke "T.
Taeku-sama are... You f...feeling Alright." The tall girl asked. The young man continued looking up at the sky as if nothing she said even registered with him.
The tall girl moved forward to touch Taeku, but the shorter girl put a hand on her shoulder motioning that it was dangerous. The taller girl nodded and sighed. The shorter girl finally spoke "Taeku-sama we need to continue moving or we will be left here in the middle of nowhere." the girl begged.
Taeku continued looking at the sky as his face continued to get hit with rain.
The two girls stared at each other for a good long time wondering what they should do. If they left him behind they would be in trouble, If they just stood there they would eventually get lost, If they tried to break him out of it he might kill them. They both sighed seeing no way out of this.
Taeku continued looking up at the sky expressionless but in his heart he could feel it everything that was going on in Sunagakure. He finally brought his head down and stared at the ground or mud or whatever he was standing in now it was an indescribable liquid earth.
The two women looked over at the young man as he finally looked down. The taller one decided giving a shot at talking to him. "Tae...Taeku-sama." But there was no answer he continued to just stare at the ground.
Taeku finally understood what it was all about he had figured that he had destroyed his own destiny! He hadn't he had just delayed it, in his own head Taeku berated himself for being so stupid but his face remained expressionless.
The two girls looked at each other not knowing what to do or say. But finally his voice woke them from their stupor "Hey." It wall all he said but it was more than enough to get their attention. Not once since they had came to him had he ever spoke they never heard him do anything but grunt during their.
Nightly exercises. They both looked at him and said in unison "YES TAEKU-SAMA"
Taeku looked up at the two girls he still had no expression on his face but there was a fire in his eyes neither of the two women had ever seen before. "You two were sent to me as gifts from the mizukage were you not." But women in unison said "YES TAEKU-SAMA" The young man did something that astonished the two women something they both believed impossible the young man smiled.
Taeku couldn't believe his luck this was the perfect opportunity. "Take me to him." Both women smiled at each other this was it, their chance they had traveled with him for far to long they needed someone to talk to. But first they had a mission "YES TEAKU-SAMA" both women yelled.
Taeku reached into his cloak and withdrew a sword it wasn't long but it was skinny and both women realized this was his famous sword the cituro. He also pulled up a headband and tied it around his neck. It was the headband of konoha except this one had three scratch marks on it.
Taeku expertly put his sword back into its sheath within his cloak and looked at the two women. Both women understood and took off. Taeku followed wordlessly knowing that his chance to finally rise had come again. He could feel it in his blood their reunion was coming closer. "Wait for me brother this time are fight will have a winner whether it kills one of us to do it this time one of us will not walk away." Taeku mumbled to himself looking up at the sky as it rained and thundered he smiled one last time.
Taeku jumped from tree to tree following the young women ahead of him.
Ok so that was the first chapter, i hope you enjoyed it the next chapter will actually begin the story, but don't worry we will eventually get to this point. Though with the time table I've set up we wont arrive back at this point until around chapter 30-35. I hope i continue writing that long, lol so since you've read it please go and review it constuctive criticm please. And please message me if you have any ideas for the way the story goes such as pairings and winners of certain fights. I will have voting set up since i can easily work my way through the story doing that. So please review. Till next time this is TAK bye bye.