Author's notes: Gomen!! There was a black out when I was typing my story so, everything I typed got deleted! I managed to complete this chapter but I couldn't type From Sunrise to Sunset. I'll post it latest by Tuesday.

I am going out of town for two days. I'll be leaving in an hour or so and I just finished this chapter, so please ignore typographic errors. I apologize if this chapter is slightly boring. I want to make Sakura and Syaoran's relationship slow.

Chapter 4:-

Just an ordinary day:

Sakura's POV

It was 9:00 in the night. Syaoran's uncle had gone on a night duty though Syaoran had told me earlier on that his uncle was useless at night duties because he always fell asleep snoring like thunder. But then again Syaoran tells me that his uncle is useless at several things, I mean in all the things he does.

I can't believe it's already been four days since I came here. Syaoran said he'd picked a movie. I haven't seen a movie in a long time. (There are many things that I haven't done in a long time, actually.) So I sat on the couch in front of the TV, while Syaoran went to fetch the popcorn. He appeared from the kitchen and turned on the movie,

"What movie is this?"

"I'm not sure. Eriol told me it's really good and he wouldn't say more than that"

The title appeared on the screen. No way! A horror movie! I hate ghosts! If I watch this I won't be able to sleep properly for a week. I was too embarrassed to tell Syaoran that I was scared so I hugged a cushion, hoping the movie wouldn't be too bad.

Unfortunately for me, the very first scene was a murder scene. I whimpered softly and buried my face in the pillow. Suddenly something touched my feet. I moved my feet, but it kept banging against my feet.

Something soft and furry…

The woman on the TV was walking in some kind of a cemetery and she suddenly shrieked in terror.

That's it, I snapped. I squealed loudly and flung myself on Syaoran, curling my legs on his lap, my hands wildly grabbing the front of his shirt while me eyes searched frantically for the source of my fear.

"What's up?" He raised a brow questioningly.

"Something touched me" I wailed.

Syaoran looked down, "It's just Den" he said.

My cheeks burned. Den's tail had been banging against my leg,

"Sorry" I mumbled and looked down, my face turning into a bright scarlet color as I slid off his lap back to my place in the couch feeling extremely embarrassed.

He laughed, "It's ok."

I couldn't see the movie anymore, not only was I scared but I didn't want to embarrass myself again. I buried my face in the pillow I was hugging and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Syaoran's POV

I sighed staring at the television quite bored. My chin was resting against the palm of hand and I yawned for the twentieth time. Only forty five minutes had passed since the movie began and I was already sick of it.

I felt something hit my knee. I glanced at Sakura. She was asleep, her head resting against the armrest of the couch, hugging the pillow to her chest, her legs hurled over my knee.

"You should've told me if you were feeling sleepy" I told her, even though she was asleep.

I leaned over and wrapped her with a blanket and looked at her sleeping face,

"I guess you're not used to staying up late"

I grabbed the remote from the table in front of me and turned off the TV. That was worst film I had ever seen. Note to self: Never ask Eriol suggestions about a good movie. Never.

I stretched myself and leaned against the back of the couch. I had to take Sakura back to the room I reminded myself sleepily. But as usual being the lazy human I was I decided to do the task after I had taken a short nap. Unfortunately my short nap wasn't as short as I had planned it to be.

A loud thud jerked me awake from my slumber and I glanced at the clock. Darn it! It was 6:00 already. I had overslept. Den began barking loudly and I could hear a groan from the front door. Uncle's back! From the noises I had heard, I realized that uncle must've tripped over Den. It then struck me that I had let Den sleep on the doorway instead of his usual place at the corner of my room.

I let Den tackle uncle while I quickly wrapped the blanket around the still sleeping Sakura and dashed up the stairs to my room. I set her on the bed and grinned at her as she slept on quite oblivious to the commotion. She must be a really sound sleeper is she can actually sleep through the combined noise caused by Den and my uncle. I shot off to clean the popcorn mess. After making sure everything was in its place, I walked casually to the front door.

My uncle was there at the doorway brandishing an umbrella at Den trying to drive him away. But Den paid no attention whatsoever to the umbrella and kept snapping at his ankles. My uncle noticed me and glared fiercely,

"Why the hell did you let that dog sleep on the doorway?" he spat

I looked at him with mock surprise, "He was guarding the house. As you, my brave uncle weren't here to protect the house; I'll let him do it"

"Keep that mongrel away from me" he said stressing every word he spoke ignoring my last comment.

"He won't bite and he's a well bred German Shepard not a mongrel" I replied staring at my uncle's now purple face. He looked like he was going to explode. I whistled to Den and left back to my room before he could say anything.

I was in no mood to face my uncle's temper. I was dog tired having not slept properly last night. And my neck ached because I had slept in a sitting position

I entered my room and noticed Sakura look at me sleepily rubbing her eyes.

"I thought I slept downstairs last night. How did I get here?" she asked stifling a yawn.

"Long story," I replied. She just shrugged it off and stumbled to the bathroom almost bumping against the door frame.

I sighed and plopped on my bed. Brushing the bangs off my eyes, I decided to take a short nap. This time a real short one.

Sakura's POV

I wandered around Syaoran's house idly. His uncle had gone for work, Midori had left and Syaoran had gone to soccer practice so I was free to roam about the place as I liked. I was feeling incredibly bored. Syaoran had told me that he wouldn't be coming for lunch and that he was going for lunch to a nearby restaurant. So I knew I would have to wait till 4:00 in the evening for him to return and I was already bored sick.

"What should I do, Den?" I asked the dog who was trotting alongside me. As I passed the dining room, I noticed something on the table. I went over and picked it up. It was Syaoran's wallet.

"Oh! He's left his wallet behind. How would he buy his lunch?" I wondered aloud.

I stared at his wallet an idea forming in my head. Maybe I could make him some lunch. I am feeling bored and I have nothing else to do. Besides it would be my small way of appreciation to all what he's done for me.

So I went into the kitchen, thinking of making him something really good. I wanted him to have the best lunch ever so I would give it my all. I began to make some lunch putting my cooking skills to use.

All the while Den was lying down at my feet, occasionally raising his head to sniff at the delicious aroma that drifted through the kitchen.

"There! All done. I hope he likes it" I said, blushing slightly, as I packed what I'd made neatly into a lunch box and tied it up.

I tidied the kitchen table so that it was spotless and proceeded to the door, and looked down at Den,

"Den, I think it's best that you stay here, ok?" I told the dog.

Den gave a short bark and bounded to his place in the hall. I smiled and slipped on my shoes. I knew where the soccer field was as he'd shown it to me the previous day while we were returning home.

Humming a happy tune, I shut the door behind me as I walked along the pathway towards the field. It didn't take me long to reach the field. I could hear noises coming from inside as I climbed up the stairs. It was a practice match and there were very few spectators. I walked around among the seats, my eyes looking for Syaoran. I knew I had to wait till the match got over. I spotted Syaoran; he was shouting some instructions to his teammates. I sat down and decided to watch till the end of the match. I glanced at the scoreboard, Syaoran's team was well in lead but still they seemed to be intent on scoring.

After all, I thought, they are going to the finals. So they probably needed the practice. I heard a roar of cheers and turned my attention back to the game. Syaoran was in possession of the ball. Girls were screaming wildly. I rolled my eyes when I heard some girl say,

"That guy is really hot isn't he?" she pointed to Syaoran.

"Oh, you mean Syaoran Li?" her friend asked.

"What! No way! The Syaoran Li?" the first girl squealed.


I felt a pang of something, somewhere in my heart but I ignored it and moved away from the squealing girls.

I watched as the opponent team started to get aggressive as they tried to get the ball back from him. Syaoran deftly made his way through the defenders and passed the ball to one of his team mates. But I noticed his leg twist in an alarming direction, only for a sec though.

A pained expression appeared on his face but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. I knew he had hurt himself though. No one else seemed to have noticed that he had injured himself. He tried to cover it up but to me it was obvious that his speed had considerably reduced.

I was starting to get worried; if he kept running then he might injure himself permanently. I walked to where the coach was standing and stood behind him. Fortunately I was unnoticed by anyone. Besides I didn't think it would matter. After all it was only a practice match. Just as I was deciding to tell the coach about Syaoran the referee blew the final whistle indicating the end of the match. Syaoran's team had won quite easily.

I watched as all the players walked up to the stands. I ran over to hobbling Syaoran who was surprised to see me.

"Sakura what are you…?" he began but I cut him off by forcing him to sit on the grass and quickly removed his shoe and sock and gently pressed my hand against his ankle.

"Are you ok, Syaoran? Does it hurt much?" I asked a bit anxiously. His team mates and coach surrounded us. Syaoran grimaced in pain as I touched his hurt foot.

"It doesn't look to too serious," the coach leaned to get a closer look. "But you'd better go to the clinic for a check up, just in case."

Syaoran nodded getting up. I picked up the lunch I had brought and helped him stand up. The coach looked at me, "You've got a pretty observant girlfriend, I must say,"

I felt my cheeks burn. I quickly turned my gaze to the ground.

"We're just friends," I heard Syaoran mumble more to himself. But the coach was not listening. He went over and instructed the other boys to get changed and get some rest.

Syaoran and I walked to the clinic in silence. He pushed the door open and I was greeted by the familiar smell of antiseptics that always lingers around clinics and hospitals.

"Syaoran! What's up? An injury?" The doctor inquired as Syaoran sat on the bed.

"Yeah," he replied pointing to his injured leg.

The doctor examined his foot for a few moments and announced, "It's just a sprain. I'll put some pain reliever and a bandage. Your foot should fine by tomorrow evening. Just don't strain too much,"

About ten minutes later we had left the clinic and were walking towards his house. "Let's go this way" Syaoran suddenly said grabbing my hand walking in a different direction.

"Huh?" I blinked at him, "Where are we going?"

"To the park" he replied.

Syaoran dragged me through the street and into a small park nearby. He took me a small fountain and sat down on the grass near it.

"Well, let's eat." He said taking the lunch from my hand which I had totally forgotten about.

I sat down next to him, but he had already opened up the lunch box and had begun eating.

"This is good," he said with his mouthful.

"Thanks," I beamed at him "But don't talk with your mouthful, you'll choke," I said wagging my index finger in front of his face like a mother scolding a child.

"Yes mom," he replied meekly.

"Hey!" I slapped him lightly at the back of his head.

He gulped down the food and looked at me, "Why don't you eat too? There's plenty."

"Sure." I replied and helped myself to some food.

Once we had our food, Syaoran began telling me about his family. His father had died when he was very young and he had four older sisters who were really loud and noisy.

He told me that he had lived all his life in Hong Kong and had come here visit his uncle only once before this, again, because of a soccer match.

"What about you?"

"Well," I began, "My family lived in Kyoto till I was fifteen. It was a really nice place and I had lots of great friends. But then we had to move to Tomoeda because of my dad's job transfer and then…." I stopped remembering all the awful memories, my brother's accident and that Hayato.

"I never had any friends or any happy memories there…"I mumbled softly.

Syaoran placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently. "It's ok…" he said softly, a slight smile on his face. I shook my head telling him that I was fine and then leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I should be thankful to him in a way though. It was because of him I met you," I muttered closing my eyes and moving closer to him to sit in a more a comfortable position.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "I guess so,"

We sat in that position for a little while in complete silence just enjoying each other's company.

The door swung open as Syaoran pushed it and at once he was thrown backward as Den pounced on him glad to his beloved master again, his usual greeting. He bounded up to me and licked my knee too. I bent down and scratched his ears. I heard Syaoran groan as he sat up. Then I remembered something.

"Syaoran, your ankle!" I ran and sat beside him.

"No I'm fine. Just a sore back." He groaned again and looked at Den, "You really should stop that Den, you're getting heavy," The dog bowed his head and let out a small whine as though he was apologizing.

Syaoran laughed and petted him, "I'm not mad at you. Just don't do that again ok?" He turned towards me, "Uncle will be coming home soon. Let's better go upstairs." I nodded and followed him to his room.

Author's notes: Sorry again for not posting From Sunrise to sunset. I promise it will be up by Tuesday. One of you had requested a sequel for it and I am still not sure if I am going to make one. I have never thought of it.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all of you! N' joy your holidays!


Sakura doll