Mission Impossible by: miyuki-kawaii25

Summary: Sakura Kinomoto, 16, hates boys. Li Syaoran, 17, resident school heartthrob, player. But what if their best friends pair them up for the annual school dance? Possible? Or Mission Impossible?

Disclaimer: No duh! How many times do I have to do this? CCS is definitely NOT owned by miyuki-kawaii25. That's all.

A/N: Another story for you guys! Enjoy!

Chapter 1- Men are from Mars

"Yo! Eriol where have you been?"


"Again! Dude, you're creeping me out."

"And how about you Li, where have you been?"

"As usual, soccer field." He answered with a smirk.

"Li, you shouldn't be wasting your time with that such kind of activity." Eriol scolded Li.

"Dude, you now sound like my mother." Li said as he putted a disgusted face. "Maybe that's the side effect of going to the Library more than twice a day." He added with a whisper.

"I heard that Li. Honestly, why do you bother on going to the soccer field very frequently." Eriol asked.

"To see Kinomoto." He simply answered as he stretched his arm.

Eriol looked aghast, "Kinomoto! You mean THE KINOMOTO! You've got to be kidding me Li. You know very well that she hates every guy on the planet."

"Ofcourse, who wouldn't know that fact. Every guy on Tomoeda High knows that the gorgeous but deadly Sakura Kinomoto hates every guy on the planet." He said as he added a smirk.

"But why?" he asked.

"I wanna know the reason behind her hate against us." He answered.

Eriol noticed the evil glint on Li's eyes, "You're up to something, and I'm sure of that."

"How could you say that Eriol!" Li said as put up his most innocent look he could muster.

"Put a sock in it Li. I know you since birth. We're cousins." Eriol remarked as he headed towards their lockers.

"Ofcourse you know me Eri-chan." Li said tauntingly.

"Stop calling me Eri- chan!" Eriol hissed.

Li chuckled, "Fine… But I still wanna know why Kinomoto hates us." He said as he pulled out his Physics book from his locker.

"You wouldn't dare. You know that she hates people snooping in her business." Eriol said as he placed his Sociology book inside his locker, which was beside Li's, and pulled out his Physics book.

"That's why I wanna know more about her." Li whispered. "She's so mysterious." He added. He then started to reminisced the past.


"GOAL!" the sports commentator shouted at the microphone. "Number 14 Sakura Kinomoto added another point to Tomoeda High. The score now is 2-0." He added.

"Eri- chan, I didn't know that Kinomoto plays soccer." Li remarked to his cousin.

"I know that she's good at sports but never knew that Soccer's her favorite." Eriol answered nonchalantly.

Li licked his lower lip and purred.

Li's action never escaped Eriol's fast eyes, "Hey, don't tell me that you're up to something."

"Yeah, and she's gonna like it." He purred out.

"Who's she?" Eriol asked, looking intently to his cousin.

"Sakura Kinomoto."

…After the practice game; locker room…

"Tomoyo- chan, you're really good." remarked by a honey- brown haired female.

"Not as good as you are Sakura- chan!" a smoky haired female said.

Sakura blushed with Tomoyo's compliment, "Aw, Tomoyo- chan, I'm not that good you know."

"Ofcourse you are! You made our team win at our practice game against the Seijou High." Tomoyo said gleefully.

"Arigatou." Sakura said, then both of them changed back to their uniforms, and Sakura headed out the locker room, only to find out a chestnut haired guy waiting by the door. She simply ignored the guy and continued walking. She stopped when she heard him calling her name.

"Hey Sakura."

Sakura whipped her head, looking to the person who called her name, seeing Li; she ignored him again and continued walking.

"Ne, Sakura! Matte!" Li shouted as he walked fast towards Sakura and gripped her wrist.

"What do you want!" she hissed as tried to wrench her hand away from Li's grip.

"I just want to congratulate you for doing a job well done on your practice game against Seijou High." He said and added his charming smile.

"Thanks." Sakura replied sarcastically and removed her hand from the guy's grip and started walking away.

Li gripped Sakura's hand again and did something he knew Sakura would hate him for all eternity; he kissed her on her lips.

"SYAORAN LI! How dare you do that!" Sakura shouted at the running figure of Li.

Unknown to the two, a student saw what happened.

End of Flashback

"Yo! Dude, entering into a trance again?" Eriol asked Li asked he flashed his hand infront of Li.

"W-What did you say?" Li said as his train of thoughts suddenly broke because of Eriol's action.

"What's happening to you Syaoran? You're kinda in a daze." Eriol said.

"Ah that… I was just reminiscing the past." Syaoran said with a smirk.

"Reminiscing your past? That's new." Eriol said jokingly. "Ow!" he said Syaoran punched him on his head.

"Serves you right." He said with a smirk.

"Serves me right eh?" Eriol said as he punched Syaoran on his arm.

Syaoran countered with another punch, which missed.

"You missed!" Eriol said as he stuck his tongue out. "Ow!" he said.

Syaoran laughed as his punch landed on Eriol's arm. Eriol then joined him laughing.

Then two girls came into view.

"Men, you can't live with them and you can't shoot 'em." Tomoyo said with a sigh as she saw the two guys laughing.

"Hmph." Sakura just simply ignored them.

The two boys noticed Sakura and Tomoyo by the lockers, gathering their stuffs.

"Daidouji- san! Kinomoto- san!" Eriol greeted the two girls.

"Hey Hiiragizawa- san! How are you?" Tomoyo greeted back.

Eriol and Syaoran approached the two girls.

"Hey Sakura…" Li greeted Sakura in a seductive tone.

Sakura just simply ignored him and slammed her locker door shut and walked away.

"Li- san, sorry about Sakura's behavior. Obviously, you know…" Tomoyo apologized to Li.

"No worries Daidouji- san." Li said.

"Come on Tomoyo- chan, we better head to our English Literature Class." Sakura said.

"Sakura! Heads up!" Li shouted as he threw a Soccer ball to Sakura which Sakura caught.

"What do you want from me!" she asked irritatingly.

"I just want to be friends with you." Li said.

"I don't want to be friends with a low- life guy with you." Sakura answered curtly.

"Ouch, burn. You wounded me Sakura. May I ask you, why not?" Li asked again.

"It's none of your business Li." Was Sakura's quick reply.

"Why not?" Li asked again.

"I said it's none of your business. And stop sniffing to other people's business." Sakura said, and left.

"Sakura- chan, matte!" Tomoyo said, running after her bestfriend.

"I told you so Li." Eriol said as Tomoyo and Sakura were out of earshot.

This made Li smirk, "She'll be mine."

End of Chapter

A/N: Sorry guys for the lousy chappie, I try my best to make it better on the forthcoming chapters. And one word, "REVIEWS!" I need it badly…