
"What are you doing, Sakura?" Sasuke growled while he listened closely though the thick mist that Sakura had created, "If you think you're going to defeat me this way…" He suddenly opened his eyes, shinrigan activated, "You're pretty naïve."

"You can't see through the mist, even with your shinrigan." Sakura replied curly while she started to do hand signs.

"Don't you know ninjas are supposed to be quiet?" He mocked appearing behind her and sliced at her swiftly with his kunai. His eyes widened though, as he realized that he was slicing through a clone. He cursed while glancing around.


Sasuke groaned while he felt sharp pain tug at his limps, "Ranshinshō? What the hell does that do?" He yelled and lifted his right hand. To his amazement and dismay, he found his left hand raising and no matter what he did, his body wouldn't listen…

"That." Sakura said while happily making Sasuke slap his own face, "Is what it does." She whispered appearing in front of him and letting the mist clear, "It started out as Tsunade-sensei's jutsu, I just modified it a bit." She said and made Sasuke's body do a dance. She let out a small laugh at the sight of both him dancing and his face turning bright red.

"Sakura…I didn't train you so that you could make fun of me." He said warningly while he twirled around like an idiot.

Sakura rolled her eyes as she nodded and stopped controlling him. They had been training for nearly three months now; he had claimed to be "preparing" her for the mission. She had found him to be the same old Sasuke. Always quiet, and when the times when he wasn't quiet he would be lecturing her on how important it was not to fail. He was still underestimating her, as if fixed on the thought that she would screw up. Sakura smirked slightly at the idea. She would show him, that stupid undeserving bastard that she, Sakura, had actually became stronger.

Her green eyes glanced towards the sky and she sighed. It was getting late, if there was any hope in finishing the book she was reading, she better get back now.

"I'm heading back." She yelled towards the Sasuke that was behind her. She froze as a kunai cut through the air and she moved an inch to the right before feeling it slash past her. Bewildered, Sakura turned around wondering what was wrong.

"No, you're not." Sasuke whispered and Sakura shivered a chill down her spine when she felt his hot breath on her neck, "Just because you managed to catch me off guard does not mean you can defeat Itachi." He spat his brother's name like it disgusted him, which was probably what he thought of him.

Sakura turned around and crossed her arms, "I'm not going to defeat him remember, I'm going to seduce him."

Sasuke let out a low groan and shook his head, "Sakura, you were the brightest ninja of Konoha, you should know that you're going to die if you don't train more!"

Sakura stared at him. Emotionlessly. She knew whenever she did that it pissed him off, but she didn't care. That stupid idiot deserved it. Train more? Why should he even pretend to care? What if she did die? So what?

Her lips curled while her bangs moved slightly and she shook her head, "You're just angry because I caught you off guard. Sorry, Uchiha prodigy..." She drawled on the prodigy word, "but sometimes you just have to accept that you underestimate me."

She turned elegantly and walked towards the cabin again, ignoring the angry man behind her.

Whoosh… Another kunai.

This time, Sakura caught it with her hands.

"Sasuke, I will die for my mission. Quit fussing over my life. Take it as an opportunity to get rid of somebody annoying."

And with that, she disappeared, leaving a confused Sasuke behind.

Sasuke groaned as he kicked the tree again. Another kick, another punch. He was angry and frustrated. But for what he wasn't sure.

He knew she was going to seduce her brother…Hell, it was him, Sasuke who came up with the grand idea in the first place but…it felt so wrong.

Groaning again, he punched the tree with more intensity.

"Sasuke…If you're still mopping over getting tricked by me, you can stop now." Sakura shouted as she threw the tomato she was eating out the window, hoping it would hit him in the head.

And unfortunately, it did.


Sakura blinked as she glanced up from the book she was reading and found her green eyes staring at a red faced Sasuke. Bits of tomato remained in his hair and cheek as he furiously shook the half eaten tomato in his hand.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" He yelled, crushing the tomato with his fist.

It didn't take a genius to know that Sasuke was mad. Gulping, Sakura decided to choose her words wisely. After all, one doesn't mess with Sasuke, especially not when a tomato is involved.

"Reading a book?" Sakura replied, keeping her tone as sweet and innocent as possible. Part of her brain reasoned that if he saw the sudden change in her attitude, he would be content enough to leave; the other part of her brain screamed no chance. Sensing that the other part of her brain was right and that it was probably not the correct answer, Sakura hid behind the book hoping he would see the cover and be embarrassed enough to go away.

"A BOOK? FIRST YOU DECIDE TO BLOW OFF TRAINING, THEN YOU THROW A TOMATO AT ME WHILE I AM TRAINING! AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THE REASON FOR ALL OF THIS IS BECAUSE OF A BOOK?" Sakura bit her lip and shut her eyes, but her stubborn attitude still made her head nod. After all, it was the truth.

"WHAT ARE YOU READING THAT CAN BE POSSIBLY MORE IMPORTANT THAN TRAINING?" Sasuke yelled again as he snatched the book out of Sakura's hands before she could stop him.

There was an awkward pause as Sasuke read the page Sakura had bookmarked while she flustered around helplessly. It gave her temporary relief as she watched Sasuke's face turn as red as hers. She tried to say something, but found her lips tremble slightly from embarrassment. She knew what he was reading, the book just got to the part where the main characters were "getting it on" in graphic detail.

Sakura blinked as Sasuke shoved the book back into her arms roughly. Not expecting the sudden harshness, she looked at him, puzzled. His face was still red, but there was a new darkness in his eyes. It was something she couldn't quite place, he looked almost furious.

Sensing that she was staring at him, Sasuke gave her a deadly glare, "Why don't you focus on more important things?" He asked, his tone harsh and accusing, "Crushes, love and hot boys are for the weak. Then again, isn't that what you are? Weak and annoying…"

"I'm doing this for you." Her voice was so quiet; Sasuke didn't catch it the first time.

"What?" He asked, turning his head sharply towards the pink kunoichi. Her hair hid her face, but he could tell she was angered. Sakura bit her lip to keep her from hurling the book at his arrogant face. How dare he? How dare he accuse her of being weak and annoying? After all these years, after all the things he put her through…How dare he?

"I'm doing this for you." She said, louder this time. Her fury showed in her voice. With each word, Sakura took a step closer to Sasuke, her eyes never leaving his face, "You told me to seduce Itachi, and here I am trying to study the techniques and you accuse me of being weak and annoying? Who. Do. You. Think. You. Are?!"

Arragont Bastard.

Sakura watched Sasuke's beautiful face intently; she waited for the remorse and guilt that would flood over any normal person's face. However, she should have known better. Sasuke was not normal.

"Hn," That was all Sasuke said as he promptly turned and started to walk towards the nearest sink.

So much for apologizing.

Moments of silence passed as Sasuke washed his hair and Sakura (after clutching her fists so tight, there might be permanent imprints of her nails in her palm) started to read the book again, hoping it would distract her from attempting to kill the cold, uncaring bastard in front of her.

"Would you like to start training?" Sasuke's cold voice echoed throughout the room as he shut the faucet.

Taking a deep breath to hold back her anger, Sakura replied, "Sasuke, I told you. I am reading…"

Sasuke cut her off, "Yes, you are studying," He stated obviously, but added, "Would you like to put your skills to the test?" It took a second for Sakura to understand what he was suggesting. Her face reddened slightly and she wondered if he was being serious. From her angle, she couldn't see his face for he had turned around once more to dry his hair.

"I…" For a moment she toyed with the thought of seducing the infamous Uchiha Sasuke. The thought excited her. It intrigued her. It was something so forbidden, yet so devilishly enticing. But no, she couldn't. Knowing Sasuke, this was probably another one of his tricks to ridicule her crush on him. No. He was not going to humiliate her again.

"I don't think I think I'm ready yet." Sakura said truthfully, chickening out of the opportunity.

Sasuke turned around and gave her a look, "I want to see your progress." He demanded, letting it known that she did not have a choice.

Clearly annoyed and agitated, Sakura groaned, "I said I don't think I am ready yet."

"Well, get ready." Sasuke was not letting her out of this one. This kunoichi had just made him lose his temper moments ago. That was something nobody did. People made him irritated, yes. They made him annoyed, yes. Hell, they've even managed to make him groan slightly in anger. But yell? No. Uchihas are cold and collected. And how he reacted was definitely not cold or collected. Sasuke was embarrassed, that much he was willing to admit. It was a foreign feeling, and he didn't like it at all. It made him feel uneasy, even a little guilty. Tightening his lips, Sasuke's eyes darkened. He needed a way to regain his dignity.

And this was the only way he knew how.

"Sasuke. It's getting late. I'm going to head off…" Sakura gasped as Sasuke quickly moved in front of her blocking the door.

"Did you not hear me?" He was too close to her, and he knew it. Sasuke watched in fascination as Sakura stiffened. It was then he realized—she knew too.

"It's getting late…" Sakura started again. Her previous anger was suddenly drained as she felt their close proximity. Too close. Way too close. She could feel his eyes staring at her. It made her weak, vulnerable and pathetic. She hated it. Gulping, Sakura tried again, "Would you please step aside?" Mustering up some strength, she lifted her head to glare into his eyes, "Unless you want me to knock some of your teeth out."

Sasuke lifted a delicate brow, "No."

"Good, then move."




"Ugh!" Sakura's temper snapped, she attempted to slam her fist into his pretty face, but as expected, he dodged it easily, "Uchiha Sasuke, what do you want?!"

"To see your progress." There was nothing in his tone, or in his face. It was just a statement, a request—as simple as describing the weather.

Sakura paused. She stared at him wearily as she scanned her brain to find a way out. But then, he pushed her too hard.

"Are you afraid, Sakura?"

It wasn't a threat. It wasn't a warning. It probably wasn't even meant to be anything. Maybe it was just Sasuke being Sasuke…but it didn't matter. To Sakura it was a challenge, a challenge that she was not going to submit to.

Absolutely not.

"Afraid of what, Sasuke-kun?" She whispered softly as she reached up to stroke his cheek, "I have you to protect me, don't I? What could I possibly be afraid of?"

Sasuke tried not to wince as he suddenly felt her hot breath breeze across his skin.

Her sudden change in attitude signaled that the game had finally begun.

This is what he wanted wasn't it? What he taunted her and provoked her for?

But why…


Her hand played with his hair as she nibbled gently on his ear.



The feel of her breath on his ear sent shivers down his spine.

"Sasuke-kun…I want you."

Why did this suddenly seem like a horrible idea?

A/N: Haha, okay. So yea, late update…don't kill me! For those who were smart and went to my livejournal page to see the preview, kudos to you! My lj page: xxinkstainsxx.. Now…the usual. Read and Review! Please review. Or else I'll feel depressed, miserable and defeated...just kidding. But seriously, review and let me know there's actually people out there that like my story TT The next update will be coming soon. Oh, and I apologize for the OOCness .