Disclaimer:Do I really need to do this??? Fine. I am obviously not Jerry Bruckheimer or Anthony Zuiker…Do not own…Blah, Blah, Blah…And if you think that I'm getting paid for this, I can recommend a good psychiatric hospital if needed!!

AN: This is the fifth and FINAL fic in a series of one shots that take place between chapter 50 and 51 of my other story: A Time to Heal. Hope y'all like it! Okay. I am so sorry that this took so long to complete. I was just blocked with it! I'm glad that it's finally done and I hope to have the first chapter of the actual sequel up within the next week. I just need to find the time to type it up (I wrote it during my 3 hour lecture class on Art Appreciation). Thanks to everyone who reviewed on this one and I'll respond to all the review I get on this chapter to everyone privately!! Also, this one is not beta'd so all the mistakes are mine. If you find anything major, just tell me in a review and I'll fix it!

Screaming-Poetically-Yup. That's basically where the sequel is going. What can I say. I just really love writing Ortiz. He is such an arrogant SOB, but he's fun to write. So is Tim. I love Tim. I just don't know what I would do without Tim!!! Kiss, Kiss to you, too! I love the idea of very cool Mac at a stripclub. It's just so...illogical. Yeah. Lindsay is so much cooler than me. I totally don't think that I would have done that for my man. Tweedle Drunk and Tweedle Drunker was my fav line from that chapter! Sorry I made you wait so long for the update. Real Life is a bitch.

Rio Rahne-I love Adam. I'm just not so sure how to write him yet. In case you didn't know, the wedding is chapter 51 of A Time to Heal. My muse was not cooperating, so now that I have a week off from work, I'm making her really work at the writing thing! Thanks so much for your review!

The Little Corinthian-Yeah, Sid is great. I just love him as a character. He's so much fun since I can pretty much have him say anything and he'll still be in character!! I don't have to really worry about going non-cannon with him!!

Chili-Peppers-How do you say forgive me in Welsh??? I am so sorry that it's been almost 2 months since an update, but real life intruded and my muse decided to leave me. sniff She's back now, but to quote Desi Arnez "She's got some splaining" to do.

mj0621-I don't think that you lost your alert, but I know that ff has been acting up lately. So I don't know if you'll get an alert on this one, either. I haven't gotten any alerts since Christmas Day. I'm glad you like this fic. I've had fun writing it. It's been a good way to get back into my characters!

Soccor-Bitch-Whoo-hoo! A new reviewer!!! New reviewers always rock. Y'all tend to inspire me to write more!!! But, anyway. Thanks for reviewing and I'm glad that you like the story!!

The Bachelorette Party

Cory had not told Lindsay what she was doing for her bachelorette party. She wanted to surprise her. As she had told Nicole, she was having an adult toy party. She had arranged for Nicole to fly up. Stella, Maka, Lydia and Lindsay's sister Julie were all going to be there. In total, Cory had invited fifteen people to the party. It was being held on May 5 since Cory wanted plenty of time for the products to come in.

On the Friday before the party, Cory and Lydia decided to go shopping for the food and drinks.

"Cory? How many people are coming tomorrow?" Lydia asked.

Cory pursed her lips. "Hmm. Seven. You, me, Nicole, Lindsay, Julie, Kylie and Stella."

"What are you going to make for snacks?"

"Luckily, Nicole is coming over tonight. She's going to help me cook up some dips and make some party trays. I'll have one for meat, cheese, vegetables and fruits." Cory looked thoughtful. "That reminds me. I need to get some more wine glasses. Do you have any suggestions for anything that I'm forgetting?"

Lydia thought for a moment. "Not really. Have you told Lindsay what we're doing?"

Cory smiled. "Nope. I want it to be a complete surprise. I've had so much fun planning this."

Lydia looked at her. "But don't you and Danny have sex?"

Cory got a gleam in her eyes. "Hell, yeah! But toys can make it interesting. You know, spice it up a bit. Plus, this particular dealer has books, movies, lotions, lingerie and costumes." She shrugged her shoulders. "What can I say? I'm adventurous. Plus, Danny kinda likes being surprised."

Lydia raised her eyebrows. "Really? Do I want to know?"

Cory just laughed. "I'll spare you the details. So have you and Sheldon done the deed yet?"

Lydia shook her head. "No. We want to wait for right time. We've had some amazing make out sessions, though. He is such a great kisser."

Cory raised her eyebrows. "Really?"

Lydia blushed. "Um. Yeah." She stammered out her answer as her cheeks turned red in embarrassment. "So. Toy party. That's going to be interesting. What kind of drinks are you having again?"

Cory laughed as Lydia babbled in her embarrassment. "It's okay, Lydia. I really don't want details! I was going to get some wine, plus I have enough to make any mixed drinks that people will want. I just need to get some mixers."

Lydia seemed relieved at the change in conversation. "What kind of mixers?"

"You know. The usual. Orange juice, pineapple juice, soda's. That's the next stop in the store."

Laughing, the women made their way to the drink section of the store to buy mixers. An hour later they carried all the groceries up to Cory's apartment. They had just put the cold food up with the buzzer rang.

Cory walked to the panel and pressed the button. "Yes?"

"Chica! It's me. Let me in. I'm cold out here."

"Not a prob, Nic," Cory said as buzzed Nicole in. She unlocked the door so Nicole could walk in.

As the door opened, Cory called out, "Friend or Foe?"

Nicole laughed. "It depends. What do you want me to be today?"

Cory smiled as Lydia laughed. 'Definitely friend. I need all the help I can get!"

Nicole almost snorted. "Honey. The kind of help you need, I'm not qualified to give!"

"Hey! I resemble that! How are you doing?"

Nicole grinned. "I'm good. The kids miss you. How are things going with you and Danny?"

"They're good. We've had a couple of rough patches. Most of them had to do with Ortiz, but we're working things out." Cory turned as Lydia walked into the room. "Nic, I'd like you to met Lydia Sanchez. Lydia, this is my best friend, Nicole Henry."

The two women nodded to each other as they said hello.

"So, Cor. What are we making tonight?" Nicole asked.

"Well. I need some help making some dips and then putting together some party trays. You want to stay and help, Lydia?"

Lydia smiled. "Sure."

Cory smiled. "Good. You can make the salsa. I'll start on the trays and Nic? You can make the cream sauce for the fruit."

Several hours and a couple of glasses of wine later, all three women were giggling on the couch. "Oh my god, Nicole!" Lydia snorted. "You mean that you had to explain to your husband what a vibrator was?"

Nicole nodded. "Yeah. He knew in theory, but he had never seen one. The funniest thing was that after he found it, he asked me why I kept it!"

Cory was laughing uncontrollably at this point. "What did you tell him, again?"

Nicole tried to draw a full breath. "I simply told him it was for the times when he was at work. I totally left it at that. I mean, come on. I really did not want to go into that discussion with my husband!!!"

The girls laughed a little longer, and then Cory looked at the clock. "Oh, my. It's one o'clock. Lydia, you are way to drunk to make your way home. Why don't you sleep on the couch, since Nic has my spare bed? I'll get you up early enough tomorrow that you can go home and change."

Lydia knew that she was to drunk to walk. "Okay. No arguments here. I can just fall asleep where I am and I'll be happy."

Cory smiled and went to go get an extra pillow and blanket. Once she was assured that both women were almost asleep that she made her way to bed.

(The next day, 5 O'clock)

Cory and Nicole puttered around her apartment the next day, putting the final touches on the decorations. Just as they were done, the buzzer rang.

Cory walked over to it. "Yes?"

"It's Stella, Kylie and Lydia!"

"Come on up!"

Cory smiled. "Welcome! Can I fix y'all a drink while we are waiting?"

They nodded yes and Cory made her way to the bar. Twenty minutes later, Cory heard her buzzer. "Yes?"

"It's Julie and Lindsay! Can we come up?"

"Heck, yeah. It's about time y'all go here!"

Cory motioned for silence as they waited for the women to arrive. When they did, the entire group of women yelled "Surprise!" Lindsay looked a little stunned and turned to Cory in her confusion. "What's going on?"

Cory smiled. "Well, you mentioned how you really did not want to go to a strip club for your bachelorette party, so I made other arrangements."


"We are going to have a party. An adult toy party! This way you can get some things that might, uh, enliven the honeymoon." Cory grinned mischievously as Lindsay caught her meaning and turned bright red.

"Oh, my. I think I would have been less embarrassed with a stripper."

"You know you love me. Come on. Sit down and I'll get you a drink."

As soon as Lindsay was seated, with drink in hand, Cory introduced Alice, the saleswoman.

"Hi. I'm Alice. So to start off, how many people have ever been to a toy party?" Only Nicole and Cory raised their hands. "So. I have a lot of toy party 'virgins' here today! Excellent. How many people here have ever owned a vibrator?"

Sheepishly all the women looked around. Every single person in the room raised their hand. "Well, that's good to know. I can guarantee you that we have something for everyone in our product line. We not only sell vibrators, but we also sell massage oils, stimulating lotions, clothing and lingerie. Now since Cory is hosting the party, normally she would get all of the discounts for the dollar amount that everyone purchases. However, she has graciously decided to give that discount to Lindsay. So ladies, the more you buy, the less it will cost our bride to be!"

Lindsay looked at Cory. Cory just shrugged her shoulders and smirked.

Alice continued. "First of all, as an icebreaker, I'd like everyone to try a product. It's called Cleopatra's Secret. It's a clitoral stimulate cream which comes in five different flavors. Choose the flavor that your man likes the most and he will never complain about going down on you again! I have a sample of the mint flavor. I personally think that it packs an extra punch, but that's just my opinion." Alice carefully passed around plastic sticks with the green lotion on it and motioned for the woman to go apply it.

When all the women were done, the ones that had gone in first were decidedly becoming a little flushed. "Wow," Lindsay said. "This is…wow."

Alice winked at her. "Trust me; your man will love it. The first product line I'd like to go over with you is the books and DVD's. We have a fine selection of Tantric Sex books and DVDs. For those who are a little more adventurous, we also have guides to a number of fetishes."

Julie looked a little confused at that. "What kind of fetishes?"

Alice looked at her. "Oh, you know. Spanking, bondage. That sort of thing. These are guides on how to do it properly, so not to injure your partner."

"Oh. Okay."

Alice continued to go through a list of products for the book section, noticing that several women were taking notes.

When she got to the end of the section, Cory stood up. "Before we continue, would anyone like a drink?"

All the women nodded and Cory refreshed their drinks while everyone grabbed some food. While Cory was making the drinks, Lindsay walked up to her. "So fetish guides. You seemed to be taking a lot of notes during that section."

Cory grinned. "Let's just say, I've had some experience in that and leave it at that."

Lindsay opened her eyes wide. "You and Danny! Oh. My. God. That was so not an image I wanted."

"No. Not Danny. James. Let's just say he liked to be dominated and I'm not going to explain any further. You looked kind of interested in the Tantric section."

Lindsay flushed. "Yeah. Well. It just seemed interesting. You know. The sex between Don and me is always good, but we've lost the spontaneity that we used to have. It's gotten routine."

Stella overheard that part of the conversation. "Honey. That happens to all of us! It like six months into a relationship, guys just don't want to try anymore. Why is that?"

Cory nodded. "I don't know either. That's why I keep trying to liven things up. Keep them on their toes. I can't wait until she goes over the lingerie and costumes. I need some new ones."

Lindsay just nodded. She never knew that Cory was so adventurous and uninhibited. I hope some of that rubs off on me. She seems like her sex life is never boring!

As everyone sat down with their drinks, Alice began going over the costumes and lingerie. "Okay, ladies! How many of you have every role-played with their man?" All six women raised their hands. "Oh good. Then this section will appeal to everyone. We have a fine selection of lingerie and costumes. The lingerie is pretty standard. Just like you would find at a store like Frederick's of Hollywood. But the costumes can be pretty out of this world. We have everything from the naughty nurse to sexy aliens."

While Alice was going over the costumes, Lindsay thought back to some fantasies that Don had shared with her. She got a smirk on her face as she found the perfect costume to create one of the fantasies with. Oh, this will be to perfect. I wonder if I can wait to use it until the honeymoon. That will just knock him back on his heels!

Lindsay was brought back to reality by the change in topics.

"Okay, ladies. Now for the main event. Vibrators. We have several different types and styles, depending on your personal preference. One that I would like to point out is a kit in which you can make an exact replica of your man. I know that since the majority of you have partners which work crazy hours, this is a perfect opportunity to have your man with you even when he is not."

Stella was especially interested in that product and made some notes on her pad. Cory was another person making notes.

Finally, thirty minutes later, Alice's presentation was over. "Cory? Do you have a place set up for me to take orders?"

Cory smiled. "Of course. In my bedroom is a table and chairs set up for you."

Alice nodded. "Thanks. Ladies, when you are ready, I'm ready to take your orders."

The women nodded their agreement while Cory refreshed their drinks. It took almost an hour, but finally all the women were done purchasing and Alice had packed up to leave. "You will have your merchandise in about four weeks. I'll send it all here to Cory and then she will distribute the bags to you. Don't worry about privacy; all of the orders will be separated into paper bags, so no one else will see what you ordered."

Cory thanked Alice and after she left turned to the group. "So. Was this a good idea or what?"

Stella looked at Cory with a twinkle in her eye. "This was the best idea. Now what are we going to do with the rest of the night?"

Cory looked at Lindsay. "It's up to you, honey. We can stay here if you want or we can go out to some clubs if that's your idea."

Lindsay thought about it for a moment. "Can we go out to Trance? Just don't do anything embarrassing to me."

Cory looked at the other women. "Sure. Although I do suggest that we fix our make-up before going out."

The other women laughed and made a mad rush to the bathroom. Two hours later, everyone felt ready to leave.

When they got to the club, Cory made sure that the seven women stayed together as they walked up to the bouncer.

"Hey! Cory! Long time, no see," Bobby said as he opened up the velvet rope for the women.

"How you doing, Bobby?"

"Can't complain now that you're here! I didn't know that you were coming here tonight."

"I know. Spur of the moment decision. Bachelorette party. Is Jerry in?"

"He's walking the floor. Make sure you say hi to him."

Cory smiled. "Not a problem." She turned to the ladies. "Okay, girls. Ready for some fun?"

All the women nodded as they headed to the bar. Cory walked up to Arianna and said hi once she was free.

"Hey, Cory! Your usual?"

Cory nodded. "Yup. And something for my six friend here. You remember Lindsay and Stella, don't you?"

"Yeah. How could I forget them? You guys lit up the dance floor last time you were here with them."

"I'd also like to introduce you to Julie, Lydia and Kylie. Lindsay is getting married next month and this is her bachelorette party!"

Arianna smiled. "You getting married to that tall, dark and handsome guy that was here last time?"

Lindsay smiled. "Yeah."

"Good for you. Okay. First round is definitely on the house!"

After they had drunk the first round, The Prodigy, started playing and Cory dragged all of the women out on the dance floor. That was where they stayed until about four in the morning.

Cory smiled as Lindsay and Julie decided to go home. "Linds. I hope you had a good time!"

Lindsay smiled and hugged her. "It was perfect. Thank you so much! I need to go home now. I'm a little tipsy from all we've had to drink."

"Not a problem. Call me when you get home. I want to make sure that you made it okay."

She issued the same warning to the other women as they left the club and had Bobby catch a cab for her to go home.

Right as she got home, her cell phone rang. "Hey, Linds. You home okay?"

"Yeah. I had fun tonight. We should definitely make this a regular thing. I love going dancing. I'm going to go crash now. See you tomorrow. Night."

"Night. We'll see about making this a monthly outing."

Cory walked into her apartment and realized what a mess it was. Oh, well. I'll clean tomorrow. Right now I just need sleep. With that thought, she walked into the bedroom and fell into bed, careful not to wake Danny up.