Disclaimer: From here on out, I'm not writing disclaimers. I'll just trust you know I don't own Chronicles.
A/N: Finally, an account of what really happened in Conall Curach. Written (kinda) by De Nam himself. I was surprised that there weren't more stories like this out there on FF, but I can't complain. Also, although I love author's notes I'm going to try to keep them to a minimum in this fic. I figure, let's let De Nam speak for himself. Enjoy.
Shella Expedition Log 427
Expedition leader: De Nam
Expedition members: None
Destination: Conall Curach
Mission: To research the effects of miasma on a healthy Selkie subject and discover a method for surviving prolonged exposure.
Notes: I may be alone in my journey but that won't stop me. I don't care that no one in Shella truly believes my theories, I'm still going to try. Hopefully I'll be able to return to Shella unburdened.
Day 1:
I set out early this morning and traveled all through the day. Though I made great progress, gaining distance wasn't the only triumph today. I conducted a little research in both of the Miasma Streams I crossed. It seems the concentration of airborne miasma increases the farther I get from Veo Lu. If this pattern continues the miasma levels in Conall Curach will be devastating. Tomorrow I'll start acclimating myself to the greater volume of vapor. I need to build up a tolerance so I can get to work as soon as I arrive in the marshes.
Day 2:
I can only hope the rest of my journey goes as well as these past two days have. There's been fine weather and the Fum Caravan invited me to lunch. I know I should be focusing on my research, but I can't help it. I have a weakness for striped apples. Besides, what's the point of saving the world if you don't allow yourself to enjoy it? ... I should stop cluttering this log with my unscientific thoughts. Focus on the mission.
As I said yesterday, I've begun acclimating myself to the increased amounts of miasma. I've begun by occasionally stepping out of my crystal chalice's protective aura. At this time I'm able to stay outside for about five minutes before I feel any ill effects, even longer if I hold my breath as I step out of the aura. After that period I get a headache, my vision begins to blur and I have trouble breathing. Fortunately, the symptoms stop soon after I reenter the crystal's aura and are a little less severe every time I try.
With luck I'll be able to live comfortably in the thick miasma of Conall Curach when I arrive tomorrow.