MewIchigoPrincess: Okay guys, this is my final chapter of Silent Football! I'm so sad, aren't you? Not really, I plan to go out with a big bang! Anyway, here are the stats:


Chloe- 2

Alexis- 1 ½

Kelly- 2

Hasselberry- 2 ½

Chazz- 2 ½

Syrus- 1 ½

Atticus- 2

Bastion- 1 ½

Okay, that's the stats, now let's get on with the final chapter of Silent Football! Who will lose the ultimate game? Ahahahahahaha! Oh, a warning to you: this chapter might be a little shorter just because there's not much left to write! Or, it might be a little longer because there is much to write. Anyway, on with the final chapter!

Chapter Three

"Hat's off let the games begin!" Jaden exclaimed.

Jaden started the game off with a thwack to his right. It went to Syrus, who shmotused back to Jaden, who doubled thwacked to his left. As soon as Kelly got it, she completely blanked out. As soon as she realized that Jaden thwacked to her, she took a total guess and thwacked to her right. Everyone looked at her and sweatdropped. Kelly started to blush a deep red. Everyone's hand shot up. Jaden called on Chazz.


"Mr. Gaymaster, sir, I believe that Kelly," Chazz stated as he made a big, no not big, a HUGE mistake. He pointed straight at Kelly. As soon as he did so, everyone shot up their hands.

"I believe that Kelly completely blanked out and screwed up the train,"

"Agreed, Kelly, half a penalty for screwing up the train. You now have 2 ½ penalties. And Chazz, you do know that pointing at someone across the circle is a full penalty, right?"

Everyone started to clap as Chazz blushed a deep red and stuck up his foot.

"Mr. Gaymaster, sir, I was only showing… I mean… I was just… uh… I---"

"Cut the crap, Chazz! You now have 3 ½ penalties and that's game!" Jaden said doing the same sign that he does whenever he wins a duel. Everyone started to laugh and think about what Chazz's punishment should be.

"Okay guys, time to think of a punishment for Chazz! What do you think it should be?" Jaden said.

"Um… I know! We should make him go to the Obelisk Blue girl's dorm and steal all their bras and underwear!" Chloe said.

Everyone sweatdropped. That wasn't really a good idea. Just thinking about it made all the guys in the circle blush, even Jaden! Sure it would be funny, but that doesn't really benefit the Obelisk Blue girls in any way. Imagine them waking up and looking through their draws and finding out that all their bras and underwear were gone! Man that would be a scary sight!

'A bunch of girls without bras and underwear---' Jaden thought. He shuddered at the thought of all the girls in Obelisk Blue without bras and underwear and pushed it to the back of his mind… hopefully forever.

"No, Ci Ci! Are you crazy! Do you know how wrong that would be! Besides, Chazz would get in some major trouble! We want to embarrass him, not get him in trouble!" Jaden said.

Chloe just crossed her arms and closed her eyes.

"Whatever! He deserves for treating Kelly the way he does, anyway!"

"Hey, that gives me an idea!" Alexis said.

Everyone looked at Alexis with curiosity on their faces. Alexis motioned for all of them to come closer as she told them her plan. As soon as she was finished, everyone was silent for a second and looked at each other. A moment later, they all started to crack up laughing. They all fell to the ground holding their sides and rolling around. It wasn't till about 5-10 minutes later that they finally stopped laughing. They got up off the floor and wiped the tears from their eyes--- well, everyone except Chazz of course who thought it was absolutely ridiculous!

"Man Alexis… that's… the best… idea… you've had… in years!" Atticus said while trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah Lex, that's brilliant!" Syrus chimed in.

"Where did you come up with something like that?" Bastion asked.

"Well, it all started about 5 years ago with an incident that happened to Atticus…"

Atticus' expression went from pure happiness to absolute terror. He had hoped that she wouldn't ever bring that up again--- in fact, she promised!
"Alexis! You promised, no SWEARED you would NEVER, EVER bring that up again! If you do, I swear on our grandmother's grave that today will be the last day you kiss Jaden ever again!" Atticus said in low, yet scary voice.

Jaden ran over to Alexis and held her in his arms and kissed her deeply. Kelly blushed and was a little disappointed by this, but she knew they were together anyway. She never had a chance, isn't that sad? After about two minutes, they finally pulled apart and Alexis looked deep into Jaden's chocolate brown eyes.

"Whoa, what was that for?" Alexis asked dreamily.

"Hello, earth to Alexis! Did you not hear your brother? He's gonna freakin' kill you, Lex!"

"Jaden, he's not gonna kill me! Not if he knows what's good for him, he won't!" Alexis said as she glared at Atticus.

Atticus knew this look--- it was the look she gave him when something terrible was about to happen to him if he didn't run… and fast! Her gaze sent chills up and down Atticus' spine and he quickly ran out of the room. There was no way he was gonna end up dead--- he hadn't even been a guest judge on a talent show!

"Whoa… I've never seen anyone run that fast in my entire life!" Kelly stated.

"He better keep on runnin' if he knows what's good for him!" Alexis said.

"Anyway, let's get back to Chazz's punishment. When should we do this?" Jaden asked.

"Let's do it tomorrow during break time in class! It'll be perfect!" Chloe said.

"Good idea, Ci Ci! Tomorrow it is!" Jaden said.

The Next Day…

As the bell rang for break time to begin, it was time to inniate Operation Embarrass Chazz! Bastion, Alexis, Jaden, Chloe, Atticus, Syrus, Kelly, and Hasselberry all looked at each other and nodded their heads. Jaden ran to the front of the classroom, stood on Prof. Farrah Hollingsworth's desk and shouted for everyone's attention.

(AN: Prof. Hollingsworth is a woman with long, fuchsia hair and bright green eyes. She's Ra Yellow girl's dormitory professor. Anyway, on with the story!)

"Excuse me, excuse me! Can I have everyone's attention please?"

Everyone immediately turned to look at Jaden. Prof. Hollingsworth was out of the room so he didn't get in trouble for standing on her desk.

"Our very own Chazz Princeton would like to share something with you all! Chazz, show them your super rad skills!"

Chazz started to blush but, he had to do it. Whenever someone who played in Silent Football said rad, he had to get on top of a table or desk, yell at the top of his lungs, "I'm a fat doody head!", take off his shirt, fling his shirt over his head, and gallop like a cowboy, while also saying, "Yeehaw!".

So, he got up on Prof. Hollingsworth's desk and did exactly that. Everyone started to crack up laughing. There wasn't a dry eye in the room. Everyone continued to laugh long after Chazz was done. About 10 minutes later, everyone started to regain back their composure and pull themselves together while trying to stifle back a few remaining laughs.

"Man Chazz, it's even better watching you do it then hearing about it!" Jaden said.

"Ya got that right, Sergeant!" Hasselberry chimed in.

"Ah man, Alexis, I gotta give you props on that one! That was great! Of course, all your ideas are great but this one takes the cake!"

Alexis kissed Jaden on the cheek in a form of a thank you.

"I gotta admit, that was pretty great. I mean, I'm not trying to tute my own horn but, tute, tute!"

"Are you done?" Chazz said while putting his shirt back on.

"Sorry Chazz but that's what you get for being a total jerk to not only Kelly, but everyone else! It was that you got a taste of your own medicine!" Bastion said.

"Whatever, I'm outta here!" Chazz said.

"Where are you going, Chazz?" Syrus asked.

"I'm going to hide in by room for the rest of my life! No one bother me!"

With that, Chazz zoomed out of the room. Kelly watched him speed away and then turned to her friends. She smiled at all of them as they continued to chat and go on about what just happened. Her violet eyes sparkled with happiness. She had never had better friends than the ones she had right there at that moment. This truly was the best day of her life.

MewIchigoPrincess: Well you guys, that's it! I finally finished one of my stories! Yippy for me! Yep, Chazz lost. Get over it! Just kidding! Anyway, review me and tell me what you thought of the entire story and tell me what could've been different or how you would've done it! I would really love to hear about that. Also, tell me what you thought of Chazz's punishment. Was it lame or was it fame? Fame means funny by the way! Tell me what you would've done. Oh, and tell your friends about this story and Hearts Collide. Jadenyukialexisrhodes, tell some people about this cause you're my loyal fan! Anyway, thanks for reading Silent Football and I'll see you guys in my next story! Shmotus it up!