Silent Football: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Style

MewIchigoPrincess: Hey guys! This is my second story and I'm really excited about it! This is a game that we play in my Youth Group when we go on retreats. It's a lot of fun! I LOVE this game! So, here are the players:

Jaden Yuki

Alexis Rhodes

Atticus Rhodes

Chloe Yuki (OC)

Chazz Princeton

Tyranno Hasselberry

Bastion Misawa

Syrus Truesdale


Kelly Trubeau (OC)

Kelly Trubeau-

Description: Short black hair, violet purple eyes

Dorm: Ra Yellow

Okay, here are the motions:

Shmotus- You take your left hand, put it on the crease of your right arm and lift up your right hand and smack your forehead.

Zoom- Place your right hand over your left shoulder, lift your arm in front of your face and look at someone in the circle and lean your body towards them. Your right arm must cover your mouth and most of your nose. You have to make eye contact with that person, or else…

Shrug- Self-explanatory.

Thwack- You thwack your right or left leg with your right or left hand, depending on which way the "train" is going.

Double thwack- Same rules apply with a thwack just do it twice.

Now, here are the rules:

There is a person in charge of the game called the Gaymaster (AN: No people, that doesn't literally mean that that person is gay. Bajeezers people! What's wrong with you! Hahaha, just kidding! It's just a title!). So, once the circle is closed, you cannot talk or laugh at all and nothing exists outside of the circle. That means if someone said hi to you while you were playing, you couldn't say hi back. You have to completely ignore that person. That person doesn't exist. However, if someone wants to join the circle, you can ask if the circle can open up for people to join.

When the circle is closed, the Gaymaster will put his/her hands up like they're putting on a hat and say, "Hats off, let the games begin!" and everyone mimics them and takes off their "hat". So, the Gaymaster will start off with a thwack or a double thwack to the left or the right. You have one of five choices. You can:

Double thwack or thwack the same direction, zoom, shrug, or shmotus back to the person who thwacked or whatever to you. But, you can only do all of these moves FOUR times. If you do these moves more than FOUR times, that'll get you a half a penalty or a full penalty. So, this is how that works. If someone catches you doing something wrong or you miss your turn, they will raise their right hand and the Gaymaster will choose to call on them. When he/she calls on you, you must ALWAYS answer:

Ex: "Mr. / Mrs. Gaymaster, sir/ma'am, so and so did this…"

You must NEVER point at the person you're telling on. You MUST say their name or else that'll get you a full penalty for sure! Anyway, the Gaymaster could agree or disagree. If they agree, they will award that person a full or half a penalty. Once you have three full penalties, the game is over and you must be punished by doing something embarrassing.

For example, whenever someone loses Silent Football when we play it in my Youth Group, they must do something embarrassing and only the people who were playing the game can make that person do it. Like one time when we were playing, a girl named Melanie lost the game and every time a person who was in that game said "garnish", she had to do this thing where she sang, "Come out, come out wherever you are and see the young lady who fell from a star. She fell from a star, she fell very far and Kansas she said was the name of the star."

And we would repeat, "And Kansas she said was the name of the star!" For those of you who don't know, that's from the Wizard of Oz. She would also have to do these motions with it like she was summoning people out of wherever they're hiding. So anyway, that's just an example of what could be done.

If you agree or disagree with what you or another person did, you can:

Agree- Clap the back of your hand together with the palm of your other hand.

Disagree- Just stick up your foot.

Now, here's how the motions work (this is just to clarify in case you didn't get how to use the motions):

When the game begins, the Gaymaster can either thwack or double thwack to their left or right. If the Gaymaster thwacks to their right, for example, that goes to the person on their right. If they double thwack to their right, for example, it skips to the next person. So, say on Jaden's right there were Alexis and then Bastion. If Jaden chose to double thwack to his right, it would skip over Alexis and go directly to Bastion. So, it skips every other person when you double thwack to your left or right. Once the Gaymaster has the game going, you can either thwack or double thwack and send it to another person or you can shmotus, shrug or zoom.

So, if Jaden thwacked to Chazz on his left, Chazz could either thwack to Syrus on his left or double thwack to Atticus. Or, he could shrug or shmotus back to Jaden and Jaden could choose to do one of those two things back to Chazz or he could thwack, double thwack, or do a zoom to someone else. Do you guys get it? If you don't understand, submit me a review at the end of these rules and I'll answer your question the best I can. So anyway, that's how that works. Again, if you don't understand, just submit me a question and I'll answer it the best I can! Thanks for taking the time to read my story and I hope you enjoy it! Shmotus it up! Oh and one more thing I forgot to say! When you shmotus, shrug or zoom to a person, the person can thwack or double thwack, if they want to, to another person anyway they want to and that starts the "train" moving again to the left or the right. Anyway, that's how you play! You can totally play this at home with six or more people! Trust me, it's a great party game! Shmotus it up!