A/N: I do not own any of the characters.

Pairing: KuroxFay

Excuses to drink

Moon viewing sake

The moon shines brightly upon your skin; it dances upon you as if the night would never end. Together we share this night of feelings.

Fay walked into the room, both hands holding seemingly heavy shopping bags. He grinned and seated himself next to Kurogane, and released the weight from his tired hands. The bags landed with a glass against glass sound on the table in the centre of the room.

"You been shopping?" Kurogane asked the smiling mage sitting next to him.

"I bought something for us all!" Fay couldn't contain himself any longer and up from one of the bags he pulled out a bottle of the finest sake. "Lookie, look!"

"I am looking you freak!" Kurogane said and tried to hit the bottle away from his face. 'The damn mage is going to drink again, and then he will go all…,' Kurogane didn't have time to finish his thought before Fay wrapped his hands around the ninja and started meowing. "You can't start acting drunk before you start drinking!" Kurogane howled at the wizard who kept making those stupid noises while swinging the bottle in his hand.

"Kuro-tan doesn't remember how fun it was last time we had something to drink?" Fay said smiling, and turned towards Syaoran and Sakura sitting on the other side of the table. "You should have seen him, he was all drunk and couldn't keep his hands away from me," Fay said with a serious face and got a brand new bottle opener out from the bag as well. "He was all over me, and I must say I had to struggle for a while to get him off."

"What the hell did you say?" Kurogane jumped out from his sitting position on the floor beside the grinning mage. The ninja took hold of the wizard's hand that was holding the sake, and was going to scream some more but was interrupted by the voice of the magician.

"Now I didn't expect you to get all touchy before you start drinking, would you mind containing yourself until you get a sip of this?" Fay said and shook the sake bottle as much as the strong grip of the ninja allowed.

Kurogane yanked his hand away as if he had burned it or something, and seated himself in the corner of the room mumbling something one could easily guess to be something not that nice about the now drinking mage.

"That was good," Fay said and wiped off his mouth in one swift movement before slamming the bottle on the table, a satisfied grin upon his face.

"Come and get some to drink everyone, there's enough for us all," Fay said and pulled up several bottles from the various bags on the table.

"You robbed the whole store?" The ninja grumbled from his corner.

"The owners of the store did give me some suspicious looks," Fay said before he tilted another bottle upwards letting the sake run down is throat.

"That must be because you look like a damn fool," Kurogane snapped and closed the view of the drinking mage away by closing his eyes. Suddenly he felt the opening of a bottle being pressed against his mouth, unable to resist to the pressure in the fear of the bottle breaking his teeth, he opened his mouth and in came gushing a river of sake. He swallowed and opened his eyes to see the mage standing over him holding the bottle against his face.

"Wasn't it good Kuro-rin?" Fay said and drank from the bottle as well, a light shade of red filling his face.

"What the hell did you just do?" Kurogane snapped in the knowledge that he had just drank of the same bottle as the stupid wizard had minutes before. He wiped off his mouth and looked furious at the wizard who never seemed to take his mouth away from the bottle witch liquid inside seemed to diminish drastically by each sip.

"Didn't you like it my dear Kuro-chan?" Fay said grinning, and ran after a new bottle, as the one he had previously been drinking was now lying empty on the floor.

Kurogane couldn't say he didn't like it, it tasted rather delicious to be exact, but of course, that wasn't something he would let that damn wizard know that easily.

"Kanpai," Fay said and gave Kurogane a bottle of his own, and walked outside into the moonlight with his newly opened bottle, little sounds of meowing leaving his mouth on the way.

Kurogane took a sip from the bottle, then another sip, while he watched Syaoran and Sakura pouring the content of a bottle into two glasses. 'This stuff is really good,' he thought and tilted the bottle upwards, taking another big sip of sake. 'The mage may be a dumb ass when it comes to most things, but he sure knows his alcohol.' And so Kurogane drank and drank, and when he reached his third bottle, he darted out the door, noticing Syaoran and Sakura meowing friendly together by the table, each one neglecting their half-full glasses and instead held a bottle each on their own. Once outside he was amazed by the moonlight that shined so brightly along with the stars that was spread on the night sky. He looked around and it didn't take long before he could see the blond sitting on the ground his bottle by his side empty. Kurogane seated himself beside the mage, and took another sip of the bottle before he gave it to the wizard.

"That's so nice of you," Fay said and smiled before he took a sip of the bottle.

"You shouldn't drink so much, you are giving the wrong example to the children," Kurogane said and turned around towards the opened door, the moonlight an amazing contrast to the dim warm light from inside.

"If you kiss me, I will kiss you back – does that count like a real kiss?" Syaoran voice slurred from inside.

"I don't know, but if I take another sip then kiss you, it will not be a real kiss," Sakura answered followed by a meow.

"Let's just kiss," Syaoran said and a silence followed.

"I want more to drink," Sakura said, and there where noises of glass clinking together.

"They will be fine," Fay said grinning, and wrapped his hands around the ninja smiling. The magician's skin was enlightened by the moonlight, his eyes sparkled and his mouth was seeking Kurogane's. Then they met; the ninja's lips and the wizard's. Kurogane closed his eyes, letting the magician's hands slitter inside his shirt, caressing his chest with light strokes. The ninja enjoyed the mage touching him and started unbuttoning Fay's shirt. Suddenly the magician pulled away and turned swiftly against the door, which had Syaoran and Sakura standing in it.

"Look, look, Kurogane is all over me, there's no way I can get him off!" Fay said and gave the ninja who was still holding the mage's shirt in both hands, one button opened already, a huge grin.

"What the hell!" Kurogane yelled and got to his feet in an instant. 'What would the kids think now?' he wondered, and turned to watch Syaoran yawning.

"Sakura and I have a wedding tomorrow; you are both invited," Syaoran said and pulled Sakura closer to himself. "Kanpai." Syaoran took a big sip from the bottle and started walking inside again, with Sakura after him.

"I will make the cake," Sakura said and continued her meowing.

"Mokona will arrange the flowers," the white manju said, and started to meow with Sakura. Then the door closed, leaving the ninja and wizard with the opportunity to continue. And the opportunity was not wasted. They both started kissing in an instant, Kurogane's worry of the kids remembering anything about this shrinking by each touch made by the mage.

A/N: This is my first attempt at writing something crack. No deep Fay feelings here, at least not yet. I am thinking of making this story all about the gang drinking. The next chapitre will be named Snow viewing sake. Please review, they make me so happy! If there is something you like or don't like just say so. If there is someone who likes this story I will continue it, so please review.