A/N: Here it is! The last chapter! I know it's short but I like it, hope you will too. Enjoy!


Piper and Phoebe exited the church holding hands. The service had been beautiful. The whole place had been decorated with white candles and lilies. Loads of people had turned up to mourn for the fallen young witch. Paige had always been convinced that she was a 'friendless loser with no life'. It broke Piper's heart to think that she'd never known just how loved she'd been.

Phoebe sat down on the steps, she couldn't face going back to the manor yet. She knew that she had to go as that was where everyone was heading for the wake but she didn't care. The whole place seemed far too quiet without Paige.

She missed her so much... She missed the sound of her laugh, the chatter of her voice, her music pulsing through the house... She even missed the constant reek of her potions.

Piper stood next to her silently. She hadn't grieved properly yet. It was like the Prue thing all over again. All she felt at the moment was anger. Anger that she knew wouldn't go away until she vanquished the person responsible for all this heartache.

With a heavy sigh, Piper sat down and put her arm round Phoebe who sobbed into her shoulder. She knew how guilty she felt over all this. She did too. What was the point in being witches if you couldn't protect the ones you loved?

Phoebe could practically feel the anger coming from Piper. She'd always been very intuitive and could often sense how others were feeling. She knew Piper would not rest until she killed that bastard. The monster who had stolen their baby sister's life.

Leo came out of the church and stood a little way away from the mourning sisters. He knew they'd be in much more danger from now on, without the power of three. He was worried about his wife. After all, when Prue had died she'd turned into a Fury. He hoped this time would be different. He approached the pair, "We should probably get going. Everyone will be waiting." Piper got to her feet and held her hand out for Phoebe.

Phoebe shook her head, "I'll meet you in the car. I just need a minute by myself." Piper nodded and then left with Leo.

Phoebe rested her head in her hands. She didn't know how to handle this. She wasn't even sure if she could. Last time had been so different. Last time there'd been Paige. Although she hadn't realised it at the time, having Paige turn up on the same day as Prue's funeral had been a good thing. It had given her something else to focus on other than the loss of her eldest sister. Now though… now, there was nothing to think about other than the fact that her little sister was dead.

Hearing the church doors open behind her, she stood up and turned round. Cole was stood watching her. "I'm sorry."

Phoebe approached him and stroked his face, "You don't need to be sorry. You tried your best. You tried to save her and that means everything to me." She embraced him and felt him kiss her softly on the cheek.

Cole sighed, "I just wish I could have done more."

"I know, baby, me too. But Paige is gone and there's nothing we can do to change that now. All we can do is try and figure out who is was who killed her and vanquish them."

"I'll do everything I can to help." Phoebe smiled sadly and started down the steps towards the car. Cole smiled to himself and walked slowly to the car. He'd won.

The End.


A/N: I'd like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who reviewed and I'd like to say a special thank you to everyone who reviewed more than once (You know who you are!). Your many reviews and constant support meant a lot to me. If you've just finished reading the story then leave a review! Should I bother writing more stories or quit while I'm ahead? Let me know! Love you all! (Hugs!)