HEY EVERYONE! I'm so sorry! I know I haven't updated in forever! I have an explanation. I was going to update my story on the 5th 0f 2007 because that was the anniversary of when I posted the first three chapters to my first story on but my stupid computer when on the fritz so I wasn't able to do anything on it for a week. So when my anniversary passed, I thought I might as well wait one week into my anniversary to post the last chapter to my story! So exactly one year and one week ago I posted the first three chapters for my first story! I also have a little more news down at the bottom. Well I say it for the millionth time…I hope you all enjoy my chapter!
Sally paces back and forth in the hallway. Both Jack and her father were inside the room that Jack had shown Sally when she had first come…the workshop.
Sally hadn't seen Jack for a month. She had been helping her father try to create a skin for Jack. They finally got something, and were putting it to the test. But Sally was becoming worried. They had been in the workshop all for at least 10 hours. Sally had been pacing all night not able to sleep.
What could be taking them so long? She thought to herself. She continued to pace until she felt a small cold hand clutch hers. She looked down to see Shock. She starred at her for a moment until Shock spoke.
"He's going to be okay Sally." She said softly.
"I-I know Shock." She said with a heavy sigh. "I'm just…nervous is all." Suddenly the door opened. Her father rolled out on his wheel chair. He looked at Sally for a moment before he spoke.
"Well it took one month to create, and 10 hours to apply, but I think we've done it." He said. Sally stopped breathing for a moment. Her father rolled out of the doorway, and Sally could now fell her heart skipping a beat. Then she froze, as someone walked out of the doorway.
It was a man. He was thin, but muscular. He had jet lack hair, and green eyes like her own. He looked at her for a moment, but she remained still.
"S-Sally." He said. She recognized the voice, but she couldn't believe who it was. He took a step towards her, and she took a step back still not able to believe.
"S-Sally, it's me." He said as he walked up to her. "It's me." He whispered. He raised his hand and gently stroked her cheek, as he had done many other times. She smiled at his touch the touch of his skin, and he smiled back.
"It is you." She whispered. "It is you…Jack." She felt a tear run down her cheek, and he quickly wiped it away. He lowered his head and gently kissed her. He took her into his arms, as the two held the kiss. It was the most wonderful kiss of their lives. They finally let go from a lack of air. Jack looked into Sally's eyes, and he himself felt like crying. Suddenly they snapped back to reality when Sally's father made a coughing noise.
"Oh…Oh thank you sir. Thank you." Jack said. Sally's father smiled.
"I'm not all who is to be thanked. Your inventor came up with most of the plans for your skin. Sally and I just put it all together."
"Still, there is nothing I could do to show you how grateful I am for what you have done for me." He said as he looked at Sally.
"There is one thing," He said. Jack turned to look at him as he spoke again. "Take care of my daughter. She's all I have left."
"Don't worry sir. I plan on it." Sally couldn't help but smile. But she suddenly remembered something.
"Jack if you're going to come live down in the town, what will happen to Lock, Shock, and Barrel?"
"Who?" Her father asked.
"Us." He heard a young girl's voice say. Her father turned around to see three robot children.
"I'm Lock."
"And I'm Barrel." Her father was amazed.
"Astounding." He said as he looked at the robotic children. "Tell me do you kids like creating things, and are you good at putting things together?" He asked
"Yes!" They all answered.
"Well how would you like to be my lab assistants?"
"Really? You mean it?" Shock asked.
"We'd love to!" She said.
"Alright! Experimenting!" The two boys said.
"Wonderful, wonderful!" The doctor said. "Now here's what I was thinking for my next invention…", and Sally chuckled as the four left already discussing what the new invention would be, but she quickly turned her attention back to Jack.
"Isn't this wonderful?" She asked.
"It's more then wonderful." He replied. "I said it would take a miracle, and you made one." He said gently kissing her forehead. "I love you Sally."
"I love you too Jack and I think this is the beginning of a beautiful new life."
"I couldn't agree more." He said, and with that the two embraced one another, and….
"And they lived happily ever after. Right Grandma?" The small child asked her grandma.
"Yes Lucy and they lived happily ever after." The old woman replied. She was very old indeed. She was thin, had long gray hair, and sat in her rocking chair looking down at her four grandchildren.
"But grandma," one of the two boys said, "How do you know all of this?" She removed her glasses to reveal big green eyes.
"Because I…I was there." She said calmly. Suddenly the door bell rang.
"That must be your mother," She said pointing to one of the girls and one of the boys, "And your aunt." She finished as she pointed to the other two children.
"I'll get it grandma." The eldest boy said. But when he opened the door it wasn't his mom that was there.
"GRANDPA!" He shouted.
"Oh there's my big boy." He said as he scooped the boy into his arms and swung him around.
"Grandpa!" The other kids cried as they ran up to him.
"Oh man," He said as he put the boy down. "I'm getting to old for this."
"Grandpa, grandpa," The littlest girl said as she tugged on her grandpa's shirt. "Grandma told us a story about a girl and a skeleton." Suddenly the old man's head shot up, and he looked at his wife.
"Oh she did?" He asked.
"Yeah!" The eldest boy exclaimed. "It was awesome!"
"It was so romantic." Said the other girl
"Yeah, it's a good story alright." He said keeping eye contact with his wife. Then the door bell rang again.
"I'll get it," said the old man. He opened it, and a woman stood there.
"Hey dad." She said as she hugged her father.
"Hey Judy, how are you?" But before she could answer the four kids ran towards her.
"Mommy, mommy!" Two of them said.
"Oh hi kids. Come on it's time to go home. You two as well." She said pointing to the other two children.
"Okay aunty." They replied.
"NO WAY YOU GOT IT LAST TIME!" They all screamed as they ran outside to the car. The three adults couldn't help but laugh.
"Sometimes I don't know whose kids are harder. Mine or my sister's."
"Oh, and Judy did you call your brother's about how next weeks dinner is cancelled?" The old women asked.
"Yes mom, I called George and Michael."
"Good." She replied
"Well I got to go. I'm meeting James for a romantic dinner. Bye mom bye dad."
"Bye sweetheart." They both said, and with that she left.
"Well I'm going to go get ready for bed." The old women said.
"Me too," He said, "I'm bushed." They both went upstairs, and prepared for sleep. After a few minute of silence the old man finally talked.
"So you told them our story did you?" He asked. She didn't speak for a moment.
"Yes." She finally replied.
"You've never told that story to anyone." He said.
"Well, they wanted to hear a different and interesting story so I told them one." He couldn't help but smile. There were a few more minutes of silence.
"Jack?" She said.
"Yes Sally?"
"Do…do you ever regret leaving the castle, and staying with me?" He turned and looked at her right in the eyes. He walked up to her, and touched her cheek.
"Never." He said. She smiled at him.
"Everything you said came true Jack. I have grown to be old, I've had beautiful children, and beautiful grandchildren, and the best part is I've gotten to do all of it…with you. I love you Jack now and forever."
"And I love you Sally, even after death do us part." They both smiled. They laid down on the bed, and quickly fell asleep, and had dreams that night of when they had first met, and everything that had happened afterwards. And almost at the same time they took their final breaths of life, as they both died peacefully in their sleep…together.
Dedicated to you Grandpa…I'll always remember you and love you.
Well there is my story, and I'm not sure but I though it was one of my better one's. I have some more news. I will no longer be writing TNBC stories. Yup, I'm done. If I come across an idea, I may write one again, but it won't be for a long time if I do. Otherwise I'm done writing TNBC stories. I jus wanted to tell you guy's that you have made this the best year ever. I think this has been the most difficult year of my life so far, but all you reviewers have mad it wonderful. I love writing, and I have loved reading all your comment because they have all been so wonderful and…DAMN I PROMISED MYSELF I WOULDN'T CRY! Anyway thank you, to all of you. I hope you will read other stories I write, but if you don't then I still have all of the wonderful comments you have written about my first four stories that I can look back on. Thank you. I hope you all enjoyed my story.