"Hey Kate, you OK?"


"You look a little… nervous?"

"I'm fine Tony."

"You know what fine stands for right? Freaked-out, insecure…"

"Neurotic and emotional. Yes I saw The Italian Job too DiNozzo."

"Well good… so how many of those things are you then?"

"None. I'm absolutely peachy."

"You know what peachy stands for don't you?"

"I don't remember that part of the movie…"

"Well… it stands for… um… Pretty, Eye-catching, um, Attractive, Cute, Hot and… uhhhh…. Y…Y…Yellow…?"


"Yes, yellow… shut-up."

"Well you're… Tony!"

"Wow, that's original."

"Fine… you're Trying, Obnoxious… but…Nice and… Yellow"

"Haha, OK Kate. But seriously… don't be nervous. It's just jumping out of an aeroplane."

"How are you two doing?"

"Peachy Gibbs, just peachy… with a touch of fine."

"Good. DiNozzo?"

"I'm Tony Boss! Absolutely Tony."

Yeah I know… I'm asking myself the same thing. "What the hell was that and where on Earth did it come from?" If you figure out the answer let me know.