It all started during the Halloween feast. Draco was so sick of it already, all he wanted to do is go to his dorm and maybe take a young girl with him. Maybe not. He looked at Pansy Parkinson sitting next to him at the round table. Dumbledore had decided that this year everyone should dress up and have a different kind of feast. Pansy, being the whore she is, dressed up as a St. Mungos maid. Her outfit, lets say, was a bit revealing and she was looking at Malfoy with hope in her eyes. Hope that he would screw her tonight. ...yeah right.
Draco's eyes wandered across the Great Hall towards where most of the Gryffindors were sitting. With disgust written on his face, he spotted the golden trio. Except one of them was missing. There was Potter in his dracula costume, and Weasley with his...whatever his costume was. But the mudblood was nowhere to be seen. Even Potty and Weasel seemed to be looking for her.
They didn't have to wait long, because right at that moment someone entered the Great Hall. A very beautiful girl, Draco realized. She was dressed as a fairy and her wings sparkeled. As she stepped into the hall, most eyes turned on her. In a very fairy tale like moment, she walked across the room towards her friends. Midway there, though, she tripped and fell flat on her face. The room was quiet for about a second and then burst out in laughter. When the girl got up, there was embarrassment written all over her face. The face that belonged to dear Granger, Draco all of a sudden realized.
"Who knew that our favorite little mudblood could look so bloody hot, eh?" His friend Blaise Zabini told him. Then it hit Draco that Granger was in fact looking really hot tonight. "Malfoy, mate. How about we see who can get her first? After all she is a hot girl, mudblood or not. We'll have our fun, then dump her. But lets see who can get her to sleep with him first."
Draco thought about this for a moment. The girls at Hogwarts were starting to bore him, so why not? In the end, he would get to hurt her feelings anyway, so why not? "You're on." Draco said. "But I get to make the first move. You can do whatever you want tomorrow, but tonight she is mine."
They shook hands over this, and returned to eating their food. Pansy scowled for the rest of the evening, knowing this bet would ruin her plans with Draco for the night. Stupid Mudblood bitch.
"I'll be fine guys, I am only going to the bathroom." She repeated for about the tenth time.
"All right but come quick!" they repeated for about the tenth time.
Hermione quickly nodded and went into the girl's bathroom. Just as she came out someone grabbed her from behind and pushed her into the wall. She squealed but there was a hand covering her mouth, so she couldn't make a loud noise. She felt herself being dragged into a closet and once the door was shut, she was let go. To her disgust, Draco Malfoy stood in front of her, looking quit nervous.
AN: Okay so that was the second chapter. i hope you guys liked it. The third chapter continues from where the first chapter left off. And if the writing totally sux its because this is not a planned out story. its a "go with the flow" story so it might sound a little immature in writing. sorry!