Deja-vu again? Nonono. I'm just re-editing these things. Not much has changed. A couple of words here and there. Little spelling corrections that I missed the first 12 times I read it. There's a name change in the 2nd chapter, nothing big. Just using more cardcaptor names. Yeah...


Chapter 1: The Mage

Tap, tap, tap – Music to the ears of any computer addict. Tired but determined eyes scanned over the screen of an old, dusty monitor. She knew she should go to bed, but she couldn't quit now! She must win! This was her moment! Her chance! Her time! Her –

Game Over

"NOOOOOOOOO!" an agonised howl echoed through the small house. Waves of ebony black hair washed over the battered keyboard as a distraught, young girl's head fell upon the desk in despair. She dejectedly brought her head back up to glare at the offending words on the screen with pure hatred flashing in a stunning shade of amethyst. Gritting her teeth, her gaze trailed down to the name of her challenger.

Mage Blue Moon

"I will get you, Blue Moon!" she spat out the name in disgust, "This I swear!" she continued to glare at the little cartoon mage on the screen representing her newly sworn enemy.

She quickly copied the image of the little smiling mage and printed it out. Shuffling through the bottom drawer of her tattered desk, she pulled her favourite toy; an old, scruffy and hole-full, little plush computer. With an evil cackle she taped the newly printed picture upon the plush monitor screen. "Now you die!" she screeched with delight, her hand poised to strike the depressed toy with a small pin labeled 'Virus HAHAHA'

"Tomoyo, are you trying to 'kill' one of your 'enemies' again?" a tired voice floated through the doorway as an auburn head poked through with it.

"No! Ow!" the toy and mage vanished mysteriously as Tomoyo dumped the contents of her hands quickly into the open drawer of her desk and shut it with a good kick of her bare foot causing her to wince as she stubbed her toe.

"Eh, okay. Just don't stay up too late, 'Moyo, we have classes tomorrow," her friend yawned.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I just have to finish some stuff up. Night, Sakura!"

"G'night…" Sakura left the room and absent-mindedly switched off the light, leaving her friend in the dark.

Tomoyo quickly scooped up her toy and scrabbled to find the old pin on the floor. "Where is that stupid pin? I labelled it for goodness sake! Damn this darkness… Where is it? OW!" She found it. "Now, to find that light switch," she made her way to the door and slid her hands around the sides of its frame until she felt the switch under the fingers. With a quick flick of her hand, the room was filled with light again.

"Now, where was I?" she mumbled to herself, "Ahh yes, that's right. Blue Mage must die today." She glanced at the clock 11:59. "Well, maybe tomorrow if I don't do this quickly enough." She grabbed the pin and stabbed it squarely in between the eyes of the mage taped to the plush toy. 12:00. 'I wonder if I killed him today or yesterday…' she mused as she walked off to her room and fell asleep with a satisfied smile formed on her pink lips.


"Tomoyo, what time did you go to sleep?" Sakura looked concerned as her friend slowly fell asleep into her cereal.


"Wake up!"

"Wah…?" Tomoyo shot up from her pillow of cereal in surprise. Milk dripped from her fringe as she looked around in confusion.

"Wake up!"

"I am awake!" she announce defiantly. Milk dripped from her fringe to her nose.

"Yeah, sure you are," Sakura humoured Tomoyo and threw a towel at her head. "Go take a shower. You've got milk all over your face. It might wake you up too," she added as Tomoyo began towards the wall.


"Oww…" a quiet groan was heard as Tomoyo hit the wall.

Sakura sighed. Tomoyo hadn't been sleeping much lately. She spent more and more time with that silly super-computer she made. Not that the super-computer wasn't impressive – it was, very much so – but there's a fine line between hobby and obsession when it comes to Tomoyo. God remembers the horrors when Tomoyo loved to film. Sakura shuddered as she recalled the times when Tomoyo would try to film her everywhere – including the bathroom! But at least she went out. With the new computer craze, Tomoyo didn't even want to leave the house to go to school. She had absolutely no social life – unless you include the long rambling threats she makes to the challengers she faces on her favourite games when she loses. And those where one-sided conversations too.

Sakura sighed again and decided she'd at least help Tomoyo get ready for school. She looked around to find the purple bag belonging to her friend and started the long search for her books – if she had any. After about five minutes searching in the kitchen, she found a math book in the freezer and the English novel they were studying in the rice cooker. 'Gosh, Tomoyo, that's the third copy of that book you've destroyed in a month…' Checking if it could be saved she attempted to open it and succeeded in tearing it in half. All the pages were stuck together and bits of rice hung off its cover and were probably the reason why it couldn't open. Sakura chucked the poor book in the bin and made her way to the study in hopes of finding some relatively unharmed textbooks.

There it was; Tomoyo's obsession. Sakura's eyes took time to admire the pile of junk. Tomoyo had spent three weeks assembling and perfecting that mass of old computers to make a massive super-computer capable to hold all her games and random programs. She broke her gaze to spot the small pile of books on her friend's desk beside it. As she lifted the pile of books, something fell between the desk and the wall.

"What was that?" Sakura wondered aloud. She bent down to retrieve the fallen object


1st chapter's a bit short I know. I was thinking of combining 1st and 2nd chapter.. but it's too late now.