Disclaimer: own nothing, but my peepz... o well...

This story died... but review anyways! XD

Unusual Happenings


The car kept swerving on the rain slick road. Even though Halie kept hitting the brakes, the car kept going; the roads were too slippery to stop and the pounding rain made it hard to see. Her baby cousin, Todd, wouldn't stop crying, for he was too frightened. Her best friend, Maeve, sat next to her, curled up in a tight ball and rocked back and forth. They both hated driving in bad weather and the current situation only supported their theories. Halie and Maeve were just coming back from archery/sword-fighting lessons and so they both had their share of weapons (swords and bows and arrows), but where Maeve had bought hers on EBay, Halie got hers through the passing of generation upon generation. Either way, both were fairly equal in combat, except for the fact Halie held more value for hers, only because it is an ancient heirloom.

Maeve was whimpering. This is it, she thought, I'm going to die so young. Even though they were both eighteen of age, Maeve sometimes acted a little childish and that sometimes made her seem younger than Halie, not that Halie didn't have her whimpering moments, but just not currently. She had taken the full responsibility to baby-sit Todd, but still, he wasn't even supposed to be with them. Although, like all stubborn 3-year olds, he wouldn't let them leave until they allowed him to go with them and now Halie regretted her choice of letting him come at all. Up ahead, the edge of the Merallstone Bridge began to appear and the vast river below called to them. Halie cried out in fright and tried with all her might to turn the car away from her death, her friend's death, and mostly her little cousin's death. It's too untimely, was her last thought as her vain attempts to steer the car away failed and they all plunged towards their watery grave.