Title: A Tale Of Two Cities
Authors: Sara and Lizzie
Rating: T for language, sex, you know.
Disclaimer: We happen to own our personal anatomies, not Grey's. Or Patrick Dempsey's. Sadly.
Summary: Another shot at Post Prom. It's going to be a little silly. It will be our version of what happens post prom, and then jump a few months in the future when uh, some bicoastal high jinx ensue. So we'll start right after the prom.
Author's Note: This is the end! Basically, to avoid confusion, the baby is fine. They name her and go back to Seattle. Meredith flies to NY about two and a half months later to get a check up with Addie, since Addison is her OBGYN. And that's where the sequel comes in.
Look for 'It Takes A Village' coming soon.
"That's my child." Derek breathed in stark amazement.
"Your daughter." Meredith said, smiling and reaching her hand in to touch her daughter. "When can she get out of this?" she asked Addison.
"Four or five days." Addison said, smiling in spite of herself.
"Four or five days." Meredith repeated, slowly. Derek was grinning, a full ear to ear grin.
"She's perfect." Derek said his voice reflecting complete and utter awe.
"You know, you need to name her." Addison said.
"Name her, Derek. Christen her with a name chosen lovingly by her parents." Addison's voice was sarcastic, tinged with amusement. Derek looked at Meredith, as though this had escaped all realms of knowledge until now.
"A name." he breathed.
"Yeah." She giggled. "A name. What do you think?"
"I lost my virginity to a girl named Kristin." Derek said automatically. Meredith and Addison wrinkled their noses simultaneously.
"Definitely not Kristin." Meredith said. "It's too girly anyway. God, look at those eyes. That hair. She's gorgeous."
"My eyes. My hair. Of course she's gorgeous, Mer." Derek said. "She looks just like me."
Meredith rolled here eyes and smacked Derek in the arm. "The face and hair might belong to you, sir, but the facial structure is all mine. She looks playful, mischievous."
"What about Cameron?" Derek asked.
Meredith looked at him. "Cameron." She murmured. "I like it. I think it works."
Derek gripped Meredith's hand and looked at his daughter. "Cameron Shepherd." Out of the corner of her eye, Meredith saw the glint of red hair of the woman who had let her husband go, and the woman that had saved her baby.
"Cameron Addison Shepherd." She said firmly. Addison smiled at them and turned away so they wouldn't see the tears forming in her eyes.
Mark found her later, in the hallway, wiping tears from her eyes. "Addie…" he said.
"Cameron Addison Shepherd." She said. "That's what they named her. I just…"
Mark had been wondering when the time was going to come when he should say this. It had been in his head since that conversation with Derek. How to say it, how to get it out. It hadn't come to him until this very moment.
"I want us to be one of those couples." He blurted out. Addison blinked at him, confused. "One of the couples that makes it. That defies the odds. I want us to always argue over linens and Ketel One versus Grey Goose. I don't want you to give up on me, Addie."
Addison smiled through the tears that threatened to spill. "How did this happen? Seriously? Derek just had a baby with his dirty mistress, and I'm so in love with you, it terrifies me."
Mark smiled, pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her head, her forehead and then her lips and smiled into her mouth. "I love you, Addison Montgomery." He said.
When they got back to the NICU, Meredith was chatting away on her cell phone. "Put me on speaker, Joe." She commanded. "It's a girl!" she squealed. "We had her three days ago, but it was tricky. She needed a surgery, and it was…it was a little rough. Addison was amazing though."
There was a long pause and the grin on Meredith's face broadened. "She's beautiful. She has dark curly hair and these gorgeous, gorgeous blue eyes."
"So she's McDreamy junior?" they heard Izzie yelp into the phone.
"She's got my face." Meredith protested. "Her name is Cameron. Cameron Addison Shepherd."
"You named your kid after McWife?" Cristina barked into the phone. Behind Meredith Mark and Derek snickered.
"Cristina!" Meredith said. Addison chatted with Mark and Derek as Meredith talked to each of their friends, and Joe.
"We'll be back in two weeks." Meredith said.
Two And A Half Months Later
Addison walked into the room and rolled her eyes. She didn't really feel the need to investigate the vagina of her ex husband's dirty mistress, but hey, a job was a job. And since Meredith and Derek had stayed in her apartment for two weeks after the baby,she was sort of used to their constant presence. Still, it didn't mean she wanted to poke around Meredith's vagina.
"Sorry." Meredith said as Addison sat down.
"What are you sorry for?" Addison asked.
"When you walked in, you had this look on your face. It was then I realized my vagina is probably the last place you want your hands."
"I actually like you, Meredith. And you did fly all the way here from Seattle for this check up."
"I know. But you still don't want to touch my vagina."
"That's very…." Addison blinked. "Meredith, come with me." She said.
Meredith followed her down the hall, her mind spinning. "Where are we going?"
"Ultrasound." Addison said her voice purposefully breezy.
"Yea, why?"
"Just come with me, Meredith." Addison said. Meredith didn't argue. She didn't even say anything as Addison led her into the ultrasound room. She didn't say anything as Addison spread the ultrasound gel onto her stomach.
She closed her eyes and turned her head towards the monitor. When she opened one eye to look at the monitor, her heart stopped. "Jesus Christ!" she shouted. "What the hell is that?"
Addison shot her a look. Meredith sputtered and her face reddened. She looked like her head might explode. "You guys had sex that soon after a C section?"
"We're creative!" Meredith snapped. "Give me your phone!"
Addison handed it over, and Meredith dialed Derek's cell phone number by heart. Addison looked on in bemused fear at her rage.
"Addison?" Derek answered. "Isn't Meredith with you? What's wrong?"
"Mother fucker!" Meredith shouted. "It's me, you ass. And I'll tell you what's wrong. I'll tell you exactly what's wrong. I'll tell you that you and your stupid penis, which I may chop off, and your sperm have got twins in my stomach. Twins Derek. Two babies. Two. Plus Cam makes three."
"You're pregnant again?"
"No. I'm hatching twins. Of course I'm pregnant, you asshole."
"Meredith, Meredith. Breath, okay?"
"No I will not breathe, Derek. I'm an intern. I have a career. I can't have three children under the age of, well, three and be an intern."
"Mer, yes you can. We can work this out. We've got a family at that hospital. I'm shocked. And scared. And you're obviously freaking out. And very angry. But we can do this."
"So they'll be raised by the village, Mer. That's all right. I promise you we can do this. Just come home, and we'll work it out."
"You really promise?"
"I really promise."