So... this is my first story on fanfic. I hope you like it! Thanks to Dreamcloud's Courage for helping me perfect this.
Disclaimer: I don't own Warriors. If I did, Brook would've come to the Clans and Stormfur would still be a RiverClan cat.
Wind rustled through the gray tom's fur. The moon shone on his pelt, giving him an eerie, spirit-like glow. His vigil was a long, cold one; he had received his warrior name at sunset.
The only things that kept Birchheart awake were his constant thoughts. He was thinking of a she-cat, a beautiful, golden-red she-cat.
He needed to see her. Toadpaw and Marshpaw too. They were his best friends. But he couldn't! What would his Clan think? What would they do?
The tom sighed with relief as the sun began to overtake the moon, creeping above the rocky cliffs of ThunderClan's camp. His vigil would soon be over, as soon as the first cat woke.
What would he do?
"G'morning, Birchheart," a tom's voice said from behind him. "Your vigil's over."
Pushing himself onto his paws, Birchheart turned to face his brother. "Thanks, Spiderleg. I feel like I could sleep for a moon!" He laughed.
Spiderleg gave him a playful cuff on the ear. "Well, wait until the Clan wakes. Then rest up. You'll need to if you're going to the Gathering tonight!"
"Too right," another tom's voice came. It was Firestar. "Go get some fresh-kill, and then follow Spiderleg's advice. Go to sleep. You will be coming tonight, of course."
Birchheart's heart soared. Maybe Applepaw will be there! He thought excitedly. He nodded to Firestar respectfully, and padded slowly over to the fresh-kill pile, where Squirrelflight had already settled down with a plump mouse. Choosing a shrew for himself, Birchheart padded over to join her.
"Congratulations again," Squirrelflight meowed through her food.
"Thanks," he replied absentmindedly. He couldn't concentrate. All he could think about was one she-cat.
Birchheart pushed his way through the throng of cats on the island, desperately looking for Applepaw, Toadpaw, and Marshpaw. I hope they came, he thought. I don't know what I'll do if they didn't.
"Birchpaw!" A young voice cried out.
Spinning on his paws, Birchheart turned to face the voice. "Toadpaw!" He cried gleefully. Does that mean the Marshpaw and Applepaw are here too?
"Actually, it's Toadfoot now," he meowed, coming up to him.
"Congratulations! I'm Birchheart," he mewed proudly. "Are Marshpaw and Applepaw here too?"
""You mean Marshtail and Applefur?" Toadfoot laughed. "Yes. As a matter of fact, they're behind you, getting ready to scare your fur off."
"You're no fun!" Applefur mewed poutily, cuffing her brother playfully.
No! What was he doing? He couldn't betray his birth Clan for something as foolish as a she-cat, especially since the only evidence that she felt the same was a kithood nose-touch!
Marshtail and Applefur padded past him to join Toadfoot. "How're things in ThunderClan, Birchheart?" Marshtail asked.
"Great," he replied. "Not much is new, though."
"Same with ShadowClan," Applefur informed him. As Birchheart met her eyes, there was a new feeling he couldn't identify in her eyes. His fur grew hot, and he looked away, embarrassed. Thankfully, a yowl from Onestar to start the Gathering saved both cats from having to break the awkward silence.
After the leaders finished their news, the cats began to join their Clans to leave. Before he lost his chance, Birchheart placed his tail on Applefur's shoulder. Getting her attention, he whispered into her ear, "Meet me at the Tallpine on the border tonight. I need to talk to you." Applefur looked into his eyes, puzzled. But there was something else there.
"But… we can't! It's against—"
"Please, Applefur," he pleaded.
"Well… I don't know…"
"Well... okay, I guess. But it has to be quick. And this better be important."
Without another word, Applefur joined her bothers and walked away.
And finally, Birchheart knew why it was doubly painful to see her go.
Applefur padded back to camp, Marshtail and Toadfoot flanking her. What could Birchheart possibly need to tell me? She asked herself. I'm going against my Clan to meet him!
"Applefur? Are you all right?" Marshtail asked, obviously concerned.
"You seem very distracted," Toadfoot added.
"Hmm? Oh, yes. I'm fine, thanks. Just thinking." Well, it wasn' t a complete lie. "Hey, I think I'm going to hunt for a bit. We're running low on fresh-kill. See you back at camp!" Applefur mewed quickly, and bounded away to meet Birchheart. What does he want to tell me?
Birchheart had slipped away from camp as soon as he could. He waited silently in the bushes, willing Applefur to come. He needed to tell her. You're betraying your Clan, mouse-brain! You should know that these things never work out! Graystripe... Yellowfang... Bluestar... what are you thinking
You're thinking that you love her.
Suddenly, a she-cat's whisper brought him back to reality.
"I'm here," he replied, slipping out of the bush, and he again felt his fur grow hot.
"What did you need to tell me? This isn't exactly safe. Blackstar would claw my ears off if he knew I was here." Applefur's tail swished impatiently as Birchheart met her eyes. Was there hope in them?
"I…" he gulped, swallowing his fear of rejection. "Every time I see you, my fur gets hot. When I meet you eyes, I can't hold the gaze. I… I think I love you, Applefur."
"You... love me." Applefur repeated slowly. This is what he wanted to tell me?
Birchheart's tail drooped. "Yes, Applefur, I do. I will forever. And that's all that matters." She doesn' t love me back. No. NO!
"I'm sorry, Birchheart. I don't know what to say," She mewed sorrowfully. I... I don't know how I feel. Do I love him?
"Say that you love me, too," he whispered. "Please, tell me you do." He had to bite his lip to keep from caterwauling in pain.
"We'd be betraying our Clans, Birchheart. I... I need to think." And then, she turned on her paws and sprinted away.
She didn't love him. That was it.
Haha! Cliffie! Yes, I will be turning this into a series... I'll update soon! Review and tell me what you think.