Zack walked past Cody to the kitchen,

"Cody..What're you doing?" He asked pulling out his ice cream pop,

"Packing," He answered,


"Because! It's Agnus, she fallowed me to my locker today and wouldn't stop staring at me!" He panicked,

"And now she wants to out with me again!"

"Wow...that's awesome!" Zack smiled,

"Yeah awesome for you! Nightmare for me!" Cody cried,

"Just tell her to leave you alone." Zack said, "Oh can't! Your a push over!"

"I can't help it...I was born an angel.." He said smiling at his luggage, all perfect in order,

"I could help." He said,

"Thanks but we tried that once member? Yeah..she ended up falling for you," He laughed,

"Oh well..I dunno what else to add," He sighed, "You'll just have to live with it, like I have," He said,

"That...really wasn't the answer I wanted, but thanks," He said pulling his bags up,

"I'm moving to a new suite by the way," He said, Zack was stunned.

"Moving...out?" He asked surprised,

"Yeah, if I move out Agnus wont know where I am, and leave me alone." He said heading out the door,

"Woah woah hold on a sec," He said grabbing onto his brothers shirt,

"You can't move out," He said,

"Oh really? Why not?" He asked crossing his arms,

"Because...Because, what would mom say? It was weird enough you moved into the coat closet," He teased,

"Yeah well this time I mean it." He said walking out,

"Cody wait!" Zack shouted, and ran out the door,

He grabbed his brothers luggage again,

"Look, if I help you will you not move out?" He asked,

"Fine..but it better not back fire like last time.." He said throwing his luggage,

"Ok here's the plan,"


"Maddie, do you know where London is, she's supposed to show me her homework but I can't find-"

London walked into the tipton,

"Hi everyone!" She shouted with her arms out wide,

"I found her.." Maddie answered, she took a bite out of her cookie,

Moseby walked to her,

"London, where have you been? You were supposed to show me your home work an hour ago," He exclaimed,

"I know...But I went to the mall and saw these new ear rings that my idol, Jayme Tetherlane made, you gotta see em." She said pulling them out, with red real diamonds and white small ones around it,

"Aren't they cool?" She said joyfully, and put them on her ears,

"And, they're real comfortable," She said smiling, "Yay me!" And she clapped twice as fast that time,

"I'm glad you got what you wanted but-"
"You are?" Maddie interrupted,

Moseby made a dry look at the candy counter girl, "Do...your...job," He growled, Maddie nodded and took the last bite out of her cookie,

"London, I'm glad you got what you wanted, but school and education is more important," He said dragging her to his desk,

"Now..Lemme see your homework,"
London rolled her eyes, and handed him the paperwork, Moseby looked over it, but it didn't take long to say "F"

London smiled,
"It's an F, but I worked my harderest, and I didn't loose focus!" She said,

"You lost that a long time ago.." Maddie informed, and giggled,

"Maddie!" Moseby yelled, Maddie turned around,

"London...You need to learn how to keep your mind on your school work, if you don't get any of this you wont have a proper education," He said more seriouse,

"Moseby, its hard, and shopping eases my mind,"

"Maddie come here a sec!" Moseby yelled, Maddie did so,

"Your gonna tutor London again," He said throwing her the homework,
"What?" They both yelled, "Again?"

"Yes...again," He answered walking behind his desk,

"B-But Moseby that's not fair! Teaching her is gonna take forever! And I have to study too!" She screamed,

"I know..But Maddie, London really needs help, and your the only person who can help her," He whispered,

"Why can't you get someone else! Like...Cody!" She said,

He rolled his eyes,

"I'm sure Cody has alot to do for his grade...But you know everything in high school, It wont take that long," He said, Maddie took a deep sigh,

"Fine..I'll let her teach me," She sighed,

"Alright,You better get too it if you want to make it to yur homework Maddie," Moseby said,

"Come on..lets get started.." She said pulling her arm.

"Waaaaa..." London whispered,