Chapter 7: Ranger Party

We drove back to the clock tower. Eric went back to his house to change. Everyone had a nostalgic feel as soon as we entered. It was still pretty banged up from Ransik's attack last year but it's still standing and luckily the rangers' clothes weren't damaged.

I said, "Guys your clothes should be in that black trunk."

Trip said, "Thanks Wes." He smiled as he took out his hat from his backpack and put it on. We all went to the trunk and changed in different rooms. I put on the old wife beater and red shirt as Jen entered the room. She had her pink blouse, leather jacket and skirt back on.

I pretended to look sad, "Aww Jen I like the whole Lara Croft look." She wasn't smiling. "What's wrong?" I already knew what it was and have been dreading it.

"Wes, last night was probably one of those most happiest moments of my life. When you proposed I haven't felt that happy since the time when you said you loved me." My dread began to fade. I bend down on one knee and took her hand. She then yank it away. "But saying yes was a mistake." My heart was crushed.

"Why we are made for each other. I love you and I know you love me."

"But we are from two different times, we can't alter history." I got up.

"Yes we can Jen; look if you get too homesick then I'll go to the future with you I don't care as long as I am with you!" She started to cry.

"Wes this was the reason I didn't want to contact you. I was too afraid to face you. I wanted to avoid this."

"You mean this." I grabbed and we started to kiss. I could not let go and she didn't want to either. We eventually stopped. Jen stopped crying a bit.

"Wes I do truly and deeply love you but because of the time force law, we can't it's just not possible….

"….FUCK Time Force's law! I can't live without you Jen. My life has no meaning without you!" I saw she wasn't looking at me I turned to see Katie, Lucas and Trip. They were looking at me almost like I was a mutant. I couldn't take this. I signed, "Come on we have to get to the animarium."

Jen said, "Wes these are our last moments together let's not end it like this and let's just pretend like nothing is going on ok." God how could she say that. I decided she was right thou as much as I hate to admit she was right.

"Ok guys let's go." I said.

Eric picked us up and we drove to the animarium. Princess Shayla teleported us up saying it wasn't necessary to climb the mountain. The Wild Force rangers were waiting for us. Ransik and Nadria were there as well. I laughed when I saw Ransik in a Hawaiian shirt Cole greeted us, "Welcome friends. The picnic is this way." We walked over down a beautiful valley. Jen and I held hands. We tried to take advantage of every second we have left.

We all went to the picnic table and ate the fruit and coconuts that were offered. Everyone was having such a blast that what happened at the clock tower felt like ages ago. Reality would strike me hard soon but for now I just decided to enjoy the scenery and the people around me. Eventually Max made everyone formed a circle and dance in the middle of it. We cheered him on as he show us his best Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake dance moves. Later on Taylor left somewhere. I saw Eric look over. I patted him on the back, "This is your chance go for it."

Eric shook his head, "I don't think so."

Trip mocked, "What is the big bad quantum ranger afraid to ask a girl out." We laughed especially since this was coming from Trip.

Eric said, "We'll just see about that." He walked over to where she was.

I high fived Trip, "Nice one man."

He smiled, "Thanks." Suddenly we heard a commotion coming from Katie and Danny.

Danny said, "You can't beat me in arm wrestling I'm the Iron Bison! And your just a girl!"

Katie said, "Bring on flower boy." We all laughed and yelled "Ohhhhhhhhhh"

Danny yelled, "LET'S DO IT!"

Max laughed, "Yeah Danny never give up!"

Alyssa walked over to me, "Cole is challenging you to race."

I raised my eyebrow, "Really, Well time to show the lion that he can't out run…. Um…"

Jen whispered, "Time Force 1."

I said, "Yeah Time Force 1 that's it!" I walked over to Cole.

Cole explained, "Ok when the ladies say go we both run to see who can get to each other girlfriend first." That was blow to me but I ignored especially since Cole said, Girlfriend.

I said, "Wait are you and Alyssa…"

"…Yeah I asked her to be my girlfriend earlier today. Lucas gave me great advice."

I rolled my eyes, "If want advice about women Lucas is definitely the person to go to."

Jen yelled from across the field, "Are you guys gonna race or what?"

I yelled, "Keep your shirt on. Actually not wait scratch that."

Alyssa said, "Ok you guys ready?"

We both got into racing position. The girls wave towels and at the same yelled, "Ready set go!" We started running. I ran as fast as I could. Cole was pretty fast. The race ended up being a tie. We both laughed and high fived each other. This had been a great day but was soon about to change as I saw the sun starting to set. It was time to say goodbye.

To Be Continued…