Reinforcements from the future: From Wes' Point of view

Chapter 1: More Mutants?

It had been a year since the Time Force Rangers left. It took me a while to get over it but Eric helped me out. We have really got close since working together on the silver guardians. Almost like brothers. We have been working together real well. It's just been hard to stop normal people and not have to use our morphers. At least the power is there whenever we need it.

I sometimes wish that mutants were still around so I can be with my friends but more importantly so I can be with Jen. Even thou we confessed our love to each other I feel like Jen has moved on and probably married Alex. Anyway Eric and I were on street patrol today. Meaning we would give tickets to people speeding. We were actually pretty far from Silver Hills and near another town called Turtle Cove. This was probably the most boring patrol of them all.

I looked over at Eric who was driving and asked, "You can't possibly think this is even remotely fun."

Eric went all stiff as usual, "It's not supposed to be fun Wes. Job is a job. Besides you heard your father today. We need to give the rookies a chance at catching criminals."

I rolled my eyes, "Guess your right. I disagreed with my dad about putting the rookies on a big job like that. I still don't think they are ready. But I guess it's the fact that being ranger makes you look at non rangers like civilians, even Silver Guardians. I was startled when I heard the sirens on the jeep go off. I saw a yellow car going about 65 when the limit was 50. There was acute looking girl inside talking on her cell phone.

Eric then said, "When will people learn." The pulled over and so did we.

I laughed, "I'll let you handle this since this is your favorite part of the job."

Eric just rolled his eyes and flipped me off as he got out of the car. I watched as Eric did his usual thing. Scaring people. A few seconds later Eric got back into the jeep.

I took of my sunglasses and asked, "So, did you give her a ticket?"

He responded, "Yep. I could just tell she starts trouble."

I joked, "Just your type."

He gave me a weird look and said, "What are you kidding?"

Later on Eric and I continued on our patrol until we got a call from headquarters. "All Silver Guardians report to the central city plaza. Repeat all Silver guardians to the central city plaza."

I responded, "Copy that we are on our way." I wonder what's up. It seems pretty big for all the silver guardians to come. As we got to the plaza I couldn't believe it when I saw three mutants. We also saw some of the plaza in ruins. Eric was even shocked. He then snapped out of it and got the crew assembled. Eric and I took out our blasters and pointed to the mutants.

I yelled, "Halt! We are the silver guardians! You are under arrest!"

Eric continued, "Surrender now or we will be forced to shoot!" They didn't seem too threatened as one of them jumped into the air and began blasting lasers at us. Eric and I hid behind a rock and commanded the team to fire as another mutant started heading towards us. Our blast didn't affect him. He then started attack us with his weapons. I tried firing again but his weapons knocked the gun out of my hands and I was taken down. Same thing happened to Eric. I got up and tried attack another mutant. I gave him some kicks and punches but he kept blocking them. He then countered back by repeatedly punching me in the chest and knocking me across the room. Eric tried fighting another one but was no match as well. Most of our men were down.

I went over to Eric. He had trouble getting up.

I said, "Here let me help you." I helped him up. We then saw that we were the only two guardians left. Eric and I looked at each other. We knew it was time to morph.



Eric and I were morphed. It felt overwhelming since it had been a while since we last morphed. "All right Eric let's finish this." I ran up to the mutant I tried fighting before. I did rapid dropkicks to him. He didn't get affected at all. He just simply laughed and dusted him self off. He then gave me a kick and once again I went flying and hit the ground hard. Eric wasn't doing too well either. I then got nervous when Eric was getting a huge blast from one of them. Another mutant tried firing one at me. I was able to barely dodge it. I took out my chrono blaster and fired. He lifted his weapon up to block my blast. Instead of it fading thou his stick began to glow. He then spun around and unleashed a stronger blast right back at me. I was hit badly and I was sent flying into the air again. I landed alot harder this time. I think Eric and I are done for.

To be continued