
A Lost Dream

WARNING: This fic is a total SLASH. pretty much all the characters are. So don't hate us. I think its cute and Akari does too. Enjoy

Disclamier: We don't own, so don't sue. We own nothing as it is, except our plots and some of our muses.

It was a featherly light touch. Gentle, barely there, against his cheek. Startled, Yugi looked up into deep purple eyes.


A ghost of a smile was the only reply as he leaned forward, tilting Yugi's face towards his own. There was a hesitant breath, and then he was gone.

Yugi woke in a cold sweat.

"What was that?" He looked around the room. Yami wasn't there, he hadn't been for a few months now. "Why did I have that dream? Am I just lonely?"

He sighed and went back to sleep.

It was early morning and light drifted through Yugi's window. Downstairs Grandpa was making breakfast. Yugi sighed as the alarm went off. Turning over, he turned it off and rolled out of bed. He quickly dressed, scarfed some breakfast and headed off to school, which was just as it always was. At lunch Yugi headed outside to sit under a tall tree. A cute brunette walked up to him.

"Yugi? Are you alright? You seemed so sad today."

"Hmm. Hi Tea... I'm alright it's just that I had a weird dream last night and I can't seem to understand it."

"Well, they say it's good to talk about dreams. Maybe I can help."

"Alright... I'm standing alone and I feel someone touch my face. When I look up Pharaoh's there. He leans towards me and lifts my face up. Then he's gone and I wake up. The thing is I can't figure out what he was doing."

"Well it sounds like he was trying to kiss you."

"KISS ME?... ... Does that mean I'm gay?"

"I don't know Yugi, though it probably does. Don't worry about it."

Just then Kaiba appears out of no where.

"So you're in love with a ghost. How pathetic, even for you."

"Shut up Kaiba. This isn't any of your business." Tea angrily replied.

"Then perhaps you should discuss it where others can hear. Besides, didn't he go back to where ever he came from or something? You're a fool if you love him Yugi and you're just wasting your time. Go find a real person to love." With that said Kaiba walked away, leaving Yugi even more confused than before.

"If you ask me I think Kaiba's jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?"

"Most likely of the fact that the Pharaoh has you and he has no one." The bell ranged as she finished her sentence." Well we have to get to class, come on or we'll be late."



Okay a new story for you. Hope you enjoyed it.