Here's the sequel to Restless Emotions, everyone! Oh, and a side note to Black Juju: I will agree that her breaking the news to go to London was very subtle and sudden, but the reason is explained in this chapter. (I'm just making sure you guys know this sort of thing!) Hope you guys enjoy!


"So, you never did tell me where "London" is." Inuyasha said slipping his hands into the folds of his fire rate haori sleeves. Kagome paused for a moment, wondering how she was going to put this into context for someone who came from an era that still hadn't discovered any lands beyond China.

"Well…it's past the continent-"

"WHAT? Why are you telling me this now?" Kagome had to admit, this was indeed short notice, but she had no power over the situation. Her three pen pals in London had pooled their funds together and sent her a plane ticket to come and meet them only yesterday as an early birthday present, so it was, of course, a major shock to find her mom handing her a plane ticket to London that had come in the mail for her. As much as it would make her feel guilty for leaving her Inuyasha for so long, it was an opportunity that she just couldn't pass up.

"Why didn't you even tell me before?" Inuyasha mumbled as his ears pressed back against his skull. This was just plain unfair that Kagome had to leave! They've only been together for a week now, and she was leaving again!

"I had no control over this, Inuyasha; my pen pals all put their money together to buy me a plane ticket to come to London and see them. I used to go to school with these three friends until they moved- their all sisters." Kagome explained calmly as she walked closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"And besides, I'm not leaving today, but I'll be gone by noon tomorrow, so I wanted to say goodbye to you now, in case I don't get the chance to before I leave." He folded her tightly in his arms to the point where she could feel his heart beating in his ribcage. She rested her chin on his chest as she stared at him with her big shimmering brown eyes.

"I'm really gonna miss you (again), you know." Rather than fight with Kagome, Inuyasha found that he could sometimes guilt her into not leaving to go back to her time, and it actually proved to produce some excellent results, ones that he would have found a dream with his old tactics. Usually, if he put on his best puppy dog face, she'd feel bad enough to stay a few more days with him (and sometimes, he'd even get an ear rub as a bonus!) before finally taking leave. Not only did she stay longer here when he made her guilty, but she even came back earlier than originally planned, making him one very happy puppy.

Unfortunately, that wasn't going to work this time.

"I'm really sorry, Inuyasha. I have to do this. It would be mean to send the ticket back when they worked so hard to come up with the money for it. And I'll miss you, too." She reached up on her tip toes and rubbed her nose against his cheek. Even though it was nice to be able to cuddle with her, he still wasn't comfortable with the idea of her being out of his reach. It was one thing for her to just say she was going home; he could just jump down the well if he wanted to see her, but she was going further than that, further than the continent, way too far away from him in his opinion. Then again, it was unfair of him to keep her from her own life, it was selfish, he knew, but he loved her and wanted her to be near him whenever it was possible.

Still, doing the puppy dog face one more time couldn't hurt.

"Well…will you come back soon?" He mumbled, returning her earlier gesture with his nose gently brushing her cheek. She giggled from the feather-light touch he gave her, but sobered when she remembered that her pen pals had gotten her a ticket back to Japan that was only valid three weeks from tomorrow.

"Inuyasha…I'll be gone for almost a month, so-"

"Almost a month?" He whimpered as his ears drooped, causing a sharp stab of guilt run through Kagome's heart. As if to offer him some comfort, she reached up and rubbed his left ear (the ear he liked getting rubbed the most) tenderly. Even getting his ear rubbed didn't help lighten his gloomy mood.

"Just promise me two things while I'm gone, okay?"

"Okay, I guess."

"First," Kagome raised her pointer finger up, counting off the first promise Inuyasha had to make.

"Promise me you won't pick on Shippo while I'm gone."

"I promise."

"And two," She added a second finger to her first lifted one.

"Promise me you won't miss me too much, okay?" She knew he would promise, then just miss her three times as much because he'd promised he wouldn't, but if he at least kept his first promise, she'd make this up to him (no perverted thoughts, thank you very much!). He nodded his head reluctantly in response to her request.

"Okay…I promise." She smiled warmly at him, reaching up and kissing him softly on the cheek before he turned his head to catch her lips with his. She willingly responded, matching his love and passion in the kiss before slowly, almost reluctantly pulling away.

"I have to go now, but I'll make sure the first person I see when I get back to the Feudal Era is you." She whispered, detaching from her beloved hanyou and sitting on the rim of the well, flipping her legs over the side. Just as she was about to let herself fall in, she felt a warm arm slip around her waist and someone's breath by her ear.

"I'll be right here waiting for you. I love you."

"I love you, too."

And just like that, she left.

Inuyasha sighed heavily, slumping in front of the well as he rested his arms on the well's lip, right next to where Kagome had sat only moments ago. He was already missing her terribly, and it hadn't even been a day (or even a minute) since her departure. A sudden glint in the grass caught his attention, so he turned to look at what the source of the sparkle was. Kagome's favorite golden oval locket with a tiny star shaped adamant (diamond) on it was lying in the grass; the chain had finally broke, and much have fallen off her neck when they were hugging. He untangled the chain from the individual blades of grass and inspected it a moment before jumping down the well to return it to her.

Clambering out of the well, he eagerly emerged from the shrine and started heading for the Higurashi residence. Turning left to face the sacred tree, he hopped up to its branch that jutted out to Kagome's window. Cat walking across the branch with the utmost grace, Inuyasha clicked Kagome's window open and stepped inside cautiously. He could tell that she was downstairs; her scent lingered toward the door, and seemed to continue down the steps into the living room. He didn't want to disturb her, so he simply set her locket on the desk across from her bed, when something on her mattress caught his eye. A large, black bag about half full with clothes and other things she had brought to his time every once in a while (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, deodorant, razor, etc.) resting on top. It looked like she had just finished packing, and had left it there for later storage in her mom's "car."

Just as he was about to turn and leave, the door surprisingly clicked open, and Ms. Higurashi walked in, catching Inuyasha off guard. He jumped a little at her sudden entrance, but bowed his head a little as a hello. She smiled in response, a little surprised herself when she saw Inuyasha, but was happy that he came; she had a little surprise for both him and her daughter, but Kagome's blissfully unaware of it (so is Inuyasha, but that's going to change pretty quick.)

"Oh, Inuyasha, I didn't expect you, what a pleasant surprise!"

"Err, I just came to drop off Kagome's locket…it must have broke. I'll just be going-"

"Wait, there's something that I want to ask you! Would you do me a favor?" The hanyou almost took a step back in surprise. He didn't think Kagome's mom would ask something of him, but he didn't mind; he almost considered Kagome's mom his own (though no one could ever replace his real mother, he amended)

"Uh, sure, what do you need?" Ms. Higurashi smirked slyly. Ohh, how this was going to be a very interesting adventure for the both of them!


Ta-da! Hope you guys like it so far! I'll update ASAP, till then, read and click the little button to review!