Title: Dangers Unknown (Crappy Title, I Know.)

Disclaimer: One, Two, Better Not Sue!

Author: Anna (Is a Crazy Chick)

Summary: Maybe in this chap "Yelling!" so read on and review!

Rating: T

Pairing: I don't know maybe a little DL, maybe a bit of another pairing, maybe a little show of hinting at SMACed.

A/N: The Italian in this story is just stuff that doesn't matter. It's in there because I wrote this bit then didn't want to rewrite it just because I don't speak Italian. Sorry if anyone speaks Italian and is offended by it. It's just simple translate site shit. The bits that are meant to be Italian and matter are in Bold ok? Oh and can I say I'm really sorry for how late this is but my piece of junk computer crashed on me about a month before Christmas and I had to wait for my brother to come down with his kids at Christmas and fix it. And then I've been on a long holiday since New Year's eve. And now I'm going to a different country tomorrow but I thought I'd better get this out before I leave even though I haven't packed yet :).

Oh yeah, I'm also not going to put a - in the word fuck, I didn't like it and if anyone cares then meh. I don't know if I'm meant to move the rating up so... meh.


Chapter Four: Frustration (Named For Lack Of A Better Word).

Danny's POV

Danny was working a double homicide with Lindsay and Flack. The victims' were identical twin sisters Monica and Gabriella Parker and so far their family had proven useless in helping at all. Their brother Marcus Parker didn't seem to care at all that his older sisters were dead, their Father Henry Parker was pushing them for leads while at the same time checking the stock markets and trying to bribe them into working faster ("we're doing all we can sir."), and their Mother Juliet Parker was such a hopeless mess that she could barely get strangled words out, let alone give them any straight answers about her daughters. All and all working the family seemed to be a lost cause. The girls themselves were a complete mystery, they both had short red hair, bright green eyes, long legs and were wearing white tank tops, white and black checkered skirts and long black leather coats along with matching boots. They also had both taken gunshots to the chest. The case was going nowhere fast, all they knew was that the pair were twins in their twenties, both had taken gunshot wounds to the chest at point blank range and were found together in a back ally behind a hot New York night club. The case frustrated Danny and he was letting it show. Lindsay, who had only just started talking to him again, was now completely ignoring him, and since they had nothing on the case she didn't even have to say anything to him and was now acting like he wasn't even there after he snapped at her to stop annoying him when she started to hum a country song. Danny got aggravated when Sid started going on with one of his stories instead of just giving him and Lindsay the autopsy straight, so Danny interrupted him and told him to just tell them the damn autopsy report, which made Sid stare and Lindsay brake her silence yelling and whining at him for hurting Sid's feeling, which Danny ignored completely until she stopped talking to him again. Then he pissed off half the people he'd already pissed yesterday with pretty much the same behavior as yesterday.

He was thankful beyond belief when he got paged to the front desk and saved from yet another lecture made by Lindsay.

Holly's POV

The transformation was remarkable. Hardly anybody would recognize her after she walked out onto the street outside Danny's building. Not that she had changed anything about her appearance other then tying her hair up, no it wasn't an external transformation more of an internal one. It seemed impossible that a woman that only moments before had broken down in front of a door was now walking with an air of almost abrasive determination and definite purpose.

A short while later she was in the police station waiting for Danny to come after having the secretary page him. She was sitting on a bench staring at the secretary who was giving her a 'I'm sure he's just around the corner.' fake cherry smile, so she was giving the secretary her best 'Fuck you, Bitch.' sarcastic smile.

"Holly?" Danny stood staring at his sister, his sister sitting in the police station. He was surprised to say the least. "What are you doing here?"

She was in a no-bullshit mood that would have scared the crap out of anyone but Danny.

Danny could feel it, it was the calm before the storm... his sister was angry and being the only person within vicinity that she knew he was going to be the one to know it.

Flack's POV

Don was on his way out to find Danny when he spotted them, Danny and some blonde girl arguing in what sounded like Italian.

"Il fotte è Danny! Lei non sa niente di esso! Il congedo di ya giusto me il fotte solo! E ciò che il fotte la sono facendo il Danny?!"

Damn that woman is really pissed.

"Che?! Che l'è l'Agrifoglio?! Che il fotte è COSÍ insanguina l'ingiustizia con ciò che faccio?! Perché l'inferno l'è COSÍ peggiore poi ciò che il did? di Louie! Uhm?! Lei dice a me ciò che è cosí fottendo l'ingiustizia!"

Danny sounded worse.

"L'OSA COME?! Come il fotte la sfida lei?!"

The Blonde was back with a vengeance.

"NO! Nessuno Holly! Non darme quella MERDA! Lei sa! Lei SA che questo ha niente a che fare con perché urliamo!"

Danny sounded exasperated.

Flack watched the pair fight. It was like a football match, the blonde was gaining ground but Danny was had a strong defense.

Flack moved cautiously closer to the conflicting couple.

"Idiota! Idiota! Idiota!"

"Um Danny" Flack said interrupting the duo. The blonde who had her back to him spun around and Flack came face to face with an angry blonde, blue eyed, Italian woman that looked remarkably like his friend Danny Messer.

Flack was stunned "y-you-you-your Danny's sister?!" he exclaimed.

Holly's POV

She studied the man who had stopped her mid-rant, he was obviously a cop. He was tidy and wearing a suit, he had dark hair and blue eyes and he'd also just pissed her off. "No, shit, Sherlock." She muttered defensively. The Man was instantly taken back by her blunt, bad-mannered statement and her obvious unconcern about it.

The two men were still adjusting; Danny was the first to speak "What the Hell Holly?!" She glared at her brother and said a word that didn't need translating.

Flack POV

"Erm, excuse me…" Flack tried once more, she snapped her head around to face him and he thought she was going to start yelling at him, "I'm sorry, no speapka the Engolishia."

"You just spoke in English before." Don said in bewilderment.

Danny's POV

Danny really thought his sister was going to explode after Flack pointed out that she did in fact know how to speak English, she was obviously angry as she turned and stared him down. Instead of shouting or anything she give him a cherry smile to both men's surprise then started speaking in fast, happy Italian while giving Don a coy smile. Danny was mortified once his sister started speaking "Fuck off and die ya bastard cop, why don't ya go arrest someone or whatever it is that you jackasses do all bloody day, how 'bout finding some one that actually should go to jail, dumbass, motherfuc-"

"Holly!" he cut her off. Don was looking at them confused, obviously not understanding a word they were saying and slightly put out by Holly's sudden change of attitude. Holly turned to her brother and said still in cheerful Italian "Keys?" though her eyes were shooting him daggers,

Danny let out an exasperated sigh "Holly…" She eyed him dangerously, like she wouldn't care that she was in a police station, if she wanted to kill him.

"Danny" she said through gritted teeth, "I want to go, now please give me the keys." Danny put the keys to his apartment in her hand. It was the note in her voice that made him do it, it was the same note that he himself had used in Mac's office that very morning when he had asked to keep working, it was the note that said she needed to go home to his place, not wanted, needed

Holly's POV

With the keys firmly in her clutch, she turned on her heels on stormed out in to the streets; she was going to need a drink when she got back, that was for sure…

Danny's POV

After Holly had gone, Danny had been left standing with Flack wondering how to explain events of having meet his sister, his sister's first words to him being 'No, shit, Sherlock.' And her calling Flack such malicious things that Flack mercifully didn't understand.

Thankfully Don seemed to have sympathy for Danny and said, "Well, we better get a move on with the case." Danny thanked god that his friend was so understanding and moved along with the detective. He knew he'd have to explain sometime soon but he really couldn't do it right then.

Please review! Anna wuvs you all.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna Banana Bowbana Anna