Those Who Are Blind


Those who are blind will never understand people who need people.

They go on with their lives selfishly taking advantage of others, selfishly squandering money on material items, selfishly taking their lives for granted. They live for the day the moment, a snippet in time. Then they make fun of those who don't.

How sad.

Ever since I was a young girl, I have always needed someone. Someone to feed me, someone to train me, someone to be my pillar, my foundation, my stronghold. I had someone to train me, I had someone to feed me,, but I became the pillar for everyone else.

I was in charge of Gaara as he grew up and matter what he did or how he treated me, I still tried to support him and love him in the best way could. Even if that meant that while I physically stayed away from him, my heart prayed fervently for him. Then when Father died, I was the someone who feed me and the pillar in our odd and unstable trio.

That's why when Gaara had a change of heart, he needed me. He needed his older sister and a mother and a friend all in one. And I gladly filled those roles for him as well as for Kankuro. By him needing me, I had a reason to live and enjoy life- I needed them for a family. The little things that made me nervous and jumpy went away as the burden of the pillar slowly filtered out to my brothers. That's when I learned that in order to appreciate life fully, to live through the up and downs you need someone. Which is why I was so confused when I still felt that I was the main pillar, the stronghold of our small kingdom.

I was consulted for anything and everything from policy making decisions to what to put in the shopping cart. I didn't mid it, I've always like being in charge but… there was a void inside of me begging and pleading me to need someone as desperately as I was needed. I tried as hard as I could to find it in my brothers but I couldn't. They viewed me as a mother and the older sister to them, I was the one in charge. That was when I met him.

He was different, so laid back so relaxed not stressed like I was. I had known him but never really known him until the day he asked me what was bothering me. I never sad anything or looked different but… he knew. He always knew. And even though he didn't show it, he was always in charge. He always won the game no matter if it was a battle of wit or weaseling information out of me and really, deep down I was happier than I had ever felt in my life. And so I found my someone, the someone who understood me no matter what I did or said in a way and a level that was so high so complex that it ultimately became simple. Just a smile or a glance was enough to tell him what I was thinking and it only took me a sigh or his eyes to tell me what he was thinking.

That's when I knew that that I was lucky. He had become my pillar just as equally if not more as I became his. We cried together, laughed together, and loved together. The void was filled and soon I became a pillar for our children and he became a pillar for them as well. I can only hope that that one day my children realize that to live life, to love life they must need people because someone will need them. Then they too will understand that people who need people are the luckiest people in the world.

Nara Temari no Sabaku