Hi, I'm the narrator! This fanfiction is about the famous pair, ShikaIno. This is my first fanfiction, so it might not be so good and stuff. Hope you like it!


Once Upon a Daydream

Chapter 1: Thoughts and Dreams


Ino was sitting alone under a tree on top of a hill. The gentle breeze ruffled her hair. She was looking at the view below and daydreaming at the same time. She saw her house, her best friend Sakura's house, Konoha Highschool, and rows of other houses and buildings. Yes, it was all very beautiful.

I wonder what it's like to have a boyfriend, she thought out of nowhere. Then Ino saw a lone daisy in the patch of grass she was sitting on. She picked it up. I will have a boyfriend, I won't have a boyfriend, she thought as she tore off the petals gently and let them float in the breeze. I will have a boyfriend, she thought as she tore off the last petal. It was sunset now, and Ino watched it with a look of satisfaction. As if in response to the boyfriend thing, the leaves began to rattle and fall down to Earth. One leaf landed in Ino's lap. It was small and green. She decided to keep it as her good luck charm because she thought it was a sign said she would have a boyfriend. It wasn't long before she dozed off to a nice long, sleep…


Ino's House

"Ino Yamanaka! Where have you been?!" shouted Ino's mother angrily at 9 P.M. Ino had fallen asleep for too long, and she was supposed to be back by 7.

"Oh, uh…" Ino's eyes fell on a picture of her and Sakura. "I was at Sakura's house."

"Oh really? Because when I called Mrs. Haruno, she said you weren't there!" replied her mother.

"Oh… did I just say Sakura's house? I meant I was at…Tenten's house…for a project we're doing together!" said Ino.

Mrs. Yamanaka glared at Ino for a moment, and then said, "Next time, tell me where you're going." With that, she walked away.

Ino wiped sweat off her forehead. Phew! That was too close!

She walked to her room, changed, and went to sleep.


Ino's Dream (or is it a vision? Nobody knows...)

Sakura: Hey Ino! I can't wait for your party! It's gonna be the biggest event of the year! Oh yeah, and Sasuke-kun asked me to it!

Ino (thinking): Aw man…everybody has a date to my party! I can't be at my own party without a date!

(Shikamaru comes along)

Shikamaru: Hey Ino, do you want to be my date for your party?

Ino (thinking): Shika-kun? Now this is one weird dream. Why would Shikamaru ask me to the party?

Ino: Uhh…sure Shika! I gotta run!

End Dream


Ino's Room

Whoa! That was a weird dream! I had this party and Shikamaru asked me to it, thought Ino as she got up. She changed into a green T-shirt and jeans and tied up her long blonde hair in a ponytail. She looked around and found it. It was her lucky leaf. It was still smooth and green. She tucked it in her pocket. Ino ran downstairs, grabbed a bagel and her bag, and said, "See ya, Mom! I'm meeting a couple of friends before school and I'm already late!" Before her mother could answer, she slammed the door behind her and was on her way.


Well, that was the first chapter! Hope you liked it! Kinda short, I know. Don't worry. It'll get better, I promise! Also I usually update quickly so you don't need to worry about that either. Please review!