A/N I know someone else probably already something like this but I felt like doing one myself. The chapters will be short and sweet. I got the idea from my sister who's doing a Star Wars one. Boy is it side splitting. Lol. Well here we go. My pathetic attempt. Hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog

"Welcome to the insane fanfiction talk show!" the host ,who also happens to be the author, shouted as a huge audiance goes wild with cheers and clapping. "Today we will be interviewing the characters from Sonic the hedgehog."

The crowd cheered again.

The host leaned back in her soft plush green chair and crossed her legs as she continued. "Our first victom- I mean guest- will be Jet the Hawk."

Crowd goes wild.

Jet appeared out of nowhere looking nervous.

The host leaned forward in her chair and said. "Hello Jet."

"Um hello?" he said still looking nervous. He's scared of the Host.

"How do you feel?"

"A little sick but fine."

"Oh," host nods with understanding. "It must suck to have the bird flu."

The crowd gasped.

Jet's eyes get huge. "I DO NOT HAVE THE BIRD FLU!" he shouted as he sees the fear in the audiances eyes.

Host leaned back. "Stay away from me!" she screamed. "I might catch it!"

"I don't have bird flu!" he shouted again.

"Then why are you always sneezing?" the host asked.

Jet's face went red. "Well I.." he began to explain.

"You do have bird flu!" the host screamed jumping onto her chair like she'd just seen a rat and hiding behind her notebook so only her green eyes could be seen. "Get away from me!"

"I dont have bird flu!" he insisted again.

The host screamed and kicked him across the room. "Get away from me! I don't want it!"

He landed in the audiance who screamed and ran in terror.

"I don't-!" Jet began but two men in white suits with hoods and breath masks came out of nowhere and grabbed him under the arms. "Let's go," they said. "We can't have you spreading infectious diseases."

"I DON'T HAVE BIRD FLU!" Jet screamed as he was drug away.

When he was gone the host climbed off her chair and looked at the sofa where Jet had been sitting. "We need to disinfect something in here, Charlie!" she called to the man off screen.

A/N That's if for now. My next victom will be... well that's a surprise. Yes I do know bird flu is a very serious matter. Jet did not have it for real.