Summary: Yuki must teach Kyo not to drink from the milk bottle. Slash, just a short snippet to kill some time (oneshot) no sex R&R
Disclaimer: I own Fruits Basket. I couldn't afford the DVD's though so it's the sub… lol my script, someone else's puppets.
Yuki could hear bottles clattering in the kitchen. That baka neko was disturbing his oasis. He gently closed the book he had been reading and walked into the kitchen. Kyo was drinking milk from the bottle, as usual.
"Baka neko. Do you know how to open a cabinet and take out a glass?", he asked, felling irritated.
Kyo lowered the bottle, revealing a shiny milk mustache.
"It's not your milk, you damned rat!" he shot.
Yuki began to walk towards him.
"You want to fight? I will teach you!" Kyo took his fighters' stance.
Yuki did not stop and fight. He walked right up to the baka and grabbed him by the shirt before he had a chance to react.
"What the hell are you doing, you damned rat!" shouted Kyo as he tried to pull away.
Yuki leaned into the weaker boy, and licked the milk from his upper lip. Kyo blushed and shivered slightly. Yuki brushed his lips gently against Kyo's. He ran his tongue gently across his rival's lips. Kyo felt his lips tingling, and he involuntarily leaned into the kiss. He was shaking from the mixture of fear, surprise, and ecstasy. Yuki pulled back and released the stunned boy. He turned on his heel and began to walk back to his book.
"Next time, use a glass, baka neko." And he was gone.