
"Come on Twinkle-Toes! Again!" Screamed Toph. Aang and Toph had been practicing earth-bending for a while now. Aang was loosing his strength as well as his patients. He was about to comment when she grabbed him and pulled him into a bush nearby. "Wha-" Aang was cut off by Tophs hand over his mouth. "Shh…listen" Toph said and pointed to the right of them. Aang then heard the footsteps too. He waited with interest to see what was going on. Toph of course knew who it was and what they were doing. Toph expected Aang to be upset.

She silently earthbended them back to the campsite. She noticed Aang had turned slightly purple. She knew he would want to talk to someone about it and she knew it could only be her. If he told Sokka he wouldn't have believed him. And since Toph was there she could talk about it. "Listen Twinkle-Toes and listen good" Toph said "I'm sorry for what you just saw and I know your probably sad and everything-" Toph stopped and noticed the look in the young avatars eyes. "What are you gonna' do?" She asked noticing the hint of rage in his eyes. "Plan revenge" he said and went back to thinking. "Wow, who knew you could even want revenge." She smirked and began to walk away when Aang grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the ground. "Not so fast. I need your help too." He said a smile creeping up his face. Now Toph was really confused. He had just seen Katara and Zuko making out. And instead of crying he is plotting revenge? She decided to go along with the avatar.

Since it was something to do and she hated sugarqueen anyway. She waited while Aang thought it over again "I'm not sure you'll want to do this but it would make Katara pissed… I want to make her jealous so she'll dump Zuko and come back to me." He said Toph was thinking and Aang continued not giving her a chance to talk, "So we could pretend to fall in love and act all love dove around her so she'll get jealous. Now before you say no just think-" "Sure I'll do it" Toph cut in she wasn't sure why she said yes so she added "Anything to get under sugarqueens skin." To keep her image.

"Okay so tonight I'll give you the queue so we can start acting" Aang said. With that they continued to plan a little more. "Okay so when you give the cue I lay down and you'll tuck me in?" Toph asked for the millionth time "Yes and before you fall asleep build a rock tent around us so we build up suspicion." Aang said. "And when were under the tent ill wrap my arms around your waist and you'll lay your head on my chest just like me and Katara used to do." He said. Toph simply nodded. Night came fast after that.

Everyone was at the campsite. "Lovely night isn't it Toph?" Aang asked. Toph nodded. It was the cue everything that was supposed to happen was about to begin. "Yeah it is… (Yawns) I'm getting tired I think ill go to bed now." Toph said as she walked over to her stuff. Aang followed and once he laid next to her she built a rock tent around them. "Alright just remember act like your in love with me and I'll act like I'm in love with you." He said. Toph blushed slightly she wasn't sure why she blushed but she did.

Aang noticed and smiled he wasn't sure why he smiled but he did. Aang scooted closer wrapped his arms around her waist and she laid her head on his chest. She blushed harder. Aang nudged her slightly and she earthbended the tent around them down. Katara saw this and was filled with fury. Sokka saw this and he started laughing. "What!" Katara spat at her brother. "N..nothing nothing at all" he said between laughs. "Ya I know there is something and your going to tell me what it is." She gave him a look that shook Sokka "Your jealous! You of all people are jealous" at reminding himself he started laughing again only to get water-whiped. "I am not jealous!" with that she turned over and tried to sleep. Sokka did the same and soon they were both asleep. Neither Aang of Toph left there spots though they stayed like that till morning.