Author's Note: Hey guys, and hello summer! Well I hope I cam can get some serious writing done in this heat. If chapters are a little delayed, I give my advanced apologies. Hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Summary:After the call backs, Troy and Gabriella's relationship begins to blossom. But Sharpay wants Troy, and the part of Minnie. Will Troy and Gabriella be able to pull through? Or will Sharpay succeed?


Crazy Kids in Love


Chapter 20

Gabriella and Troy walked through the night holding hands under the stars, the lights from the memorial were their only light. They drifted farther away from the crowd. The wind softly brushed against their bodies.

"Oh Troy," Gabriella said softly letting herself fall into his arms.

"Gabriella…" Troy said bringing her into his arms.

"Yes…" Gabriella leaned into him and closed her eyes, readying herself for a kiss.

"Oh my god, Gabriella I forgot to tell you!" Troy said, Gabriella opened her eyes and leaned away. "You said that they wouldn't give out free money at the mint, right?" Troy asked excitedly.

"Yes…" Gabriella replied curiously.

"Well…" Troy paused and began to dig through his pockets. "Aha!" Troy pulled out a crisp dollar bill from his jean's pocket. "There, a fresh dollar bill, found at the U.S. Mint!" Troy cried happily.

"Troy you're insane," Gabriella said with a giggle.

Troy's face grew serious.

"Yeah…for you," He said romantically. "These last few months have seemed so lonely without you in my life Gabriella. I hope you can find me in your heart to forgive me," Troy said compassionately.

"Troy, I took you back didn't I?" Gabriella replied.

"Yes, that would be the case but I need to know Gabriella. I did such a terrible thing to you. And I feel horrible, it was such a mistake and…" Troy's rambling was interrupted by a soft kiss on the lips.

"Is that enough reassurance for you?" Gabriella asked softly.

"I think it is," Troy replied as he put his arm around her shoulders.

They walked on.

"So Troy, out of curiosity, how'd you come up with that great and absolutely perfect make-up speech you gave to me earlier today?" Gabriella asked with a smile as she looked up into his clear blue eyes.

"If I told you…you'd laugh," Troy said in an embarrassed tone.

"I promise I won't Troy," Gabriella replied giving him sad puppy dog eyes.

"Ok," Troy took in a deep and dramatic breath. "Pirates of the Caribbean," he spat out as he glared at her, waiting her reaction.

Gabriella smirked trying terribly hard not to burst into laughter, but she couldn't hold it in anymore. Within seconds she burst out laughing.

"See? I knew you would laugh," Troy said smugly.

"Troy," Gabriella said catching her breath. "I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you!" Gabriella said wiping the tears coming from her eyes from laughing too much.

"Hah funny," Troy said as he folded his arms against his chest.

"Aw come on, can't you take a joke?" Gabriella said.

"Humph," Troy replied in a girly tone as he turned himself away.

"Troy, my Will Turner," Gabriella began in an English accent. "Will you find it in your heart to forgive me?" Gabriella said dramatically, as she put her arms around his shoulders.

"Oh my Elizabeth Swann, I do forgive you!" Troy replied in the same dramatic English accent.

The two gave each other playful hugs as they giggled uncontrollably.

"Quoting Pirates of the Caribbean I see, god you guys," Chad said as he came over.

Troy wrapped his arms around Gabriella's neck from behind as the two began to giggle some more.

"How come we don't do that Taylor?" Chad asked her as she also joined the group.

"Because Chad, we are two very intellectual human beings who base on conversations on real life events, not the events of Jack Sparrow," Taylor said in a joking way as she caught sight of Chad trying to catch lightning bugs. "Well, one of us is an intellectual human being," Taylor rolled her eyes.

"No I know what it is," Chad said as he stuck his tounge out at Taylor, as a reply to her remark. "They're two crazy kids in love and we're just apparently just two intellectual human beings," Chad said quoting Taylor.

Gabriella looked up at Troy and in her mind she thought: "Yeah, we are just two crazy kids in love."


"Look at those two, so happy and giddy. Makes me sick," Sharpay said to Ryan as she sat on a rock, he sat behind her not really paying much attention.

"What are you going to do about it?" Ryan asked, cheese fries pouring out of his mouth.

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do," Sharpay got up from her sitting position and began to pace on the gravel beneath her. "I'll tell you what I'm going to do, I'll tell you," Sharpay began to repeat herself.

"You have no idea do you?" Ryan announced to her.

"Not a clue…but you're going to help me!" Sharpay exclaimed.

"Eh, I really don't want to get into all this…" Ryan replied backing away.

"Tough," Sharpay dragged him from his cheese fries as she pulled him to away to go start planning.


Meanwhile, Gabriella, Troy and the rest of the gang were deep in discussion.

"No Taylor, you know nothing about Lobsters. The tail is the best part!" Chad exclaimed.

"Chad, I'm telling you, the claw has the most flavor!" Troy protested.

Gabriella and Taylor were watching along the sidelines as they happily watched the guys argue.

"Men," Taylor remarked rolling her eyes.

Gabriella giggled as they continued to look on.

"Taylor? Could you give Troy and I a minute? I want to talk to him," Gabriella declared.

Taylor nodded as she walked over to Chad.

"You know what Troy? I'm going to throw a Lobster at you!" Chad threatened.

Taylor walked up to him and whispered something in his ear, Chad nodded and walked away.

"Too chicken Chad?" Troy began to make clucking noises in his direction.

Chad turned to him and rolled his eyes at his friend as him and Taylor walked the opposite way.

"Troy can I um…talk to you for a sec?" Gabriella asked, as she interrupted him mid-cluck.

"Oh yeah sure Gabriella," Troy replied returning to his normal self.

"Listen, about the Peterson School," Gabriella started.

"Oh yeah, that," Troy's voice fell as his eyes darted away from hers.

"Well you sound real supportive," Gabriella replied.

"Well how am I supposed to sound when my girlfriend is going to a college a billion miles away from me?" Troy said unhappily.

"Hey, I never said I was going," Gabriella replied. "And what I wanted to ask you is that, tomorrow is the orientation. And in the letter it said you need a male escort for some reason. I wanted to know if you would 'escort' me," Gabriella finished.

Troy said nothing.

"There a catch though, according to the letter you must be a gentleman aka, polite, clean, and mature," Gabriella said in an uneasy tone.

"You have no faith in me do you?" Troy replied jokingly.

"I do I do…but your not the type of gentleman I think they're looking for," Gabriella continued.

"And what type of gentleman are they looking for?" Troy asked.

"The prince William type," Gabriella replied.

"And you don't think that I am the Prince William type?" Troy asked sticking out his chest and acting like royalty.

Gabriella smirked at him.

"I mean come on, how bad can I be?" Troy asked.

"Bad Troy, this school…they get top students, children of senators and congressman," Gabriella stated.

"So I'm guessing they would not be impressed by the child of an MVP high school basketball player, huh?" Troy replied.

"No Troy, but still I'd be honored if you'd be my escort," Gabriella said meekly.

Troy pretended to think it over.

"Hm…I'm not sure," Troy said sarcastically.

"Troy!" Gabriella squealed.

"Fine, fine," Troy said opening his arms for a hug.

Gabriella leaped into his arms and giggled. Troy kissed the top of her head.

"I love you so much, don't go," Troy whispered.

"You say something?" Gabriella asked pulling away.

"No nothing, let's go it's getting late." Troy suggested as they walked off.

"How does this look Taylor?" Gabriella asked holding up a floral print dress.

"Whatever Gabriella, whatever what will get you out of this room and going!" Taylor whined.

"Well I want to look ok, this is a very important. It could change out lives," Gabriella replied.

"God Gabriella," Taylor said fixing the clip in her hair.

"Well it's true," Gabriella said as she went into the bathroom.

"Are you almost done?" Taylor called to Gabriella.

"Yep," Gabriella stepped out in a navy blue cocktail dress with a high neck and modified train in the back, with a black bow that tied in the front.

"Wow Gabriella, you were worried for nothing," Taylor said stunned.

"Are you sure it looks ok?" Gabriella asked uneasily looking at the back of the dress.

"You look just lovely Gabriella now come on!" Taylor said pulling her friend out of the hotel room and into the hallway.

They walked down the hallway into the direction of the elevator when they were stopped by and un-friendly guest.

"Hello you two," Sharpay said as she greeted them in a peppy voice.

"Hello Sharpay," Taylor replied as she nudged Gabriella who was staring at the floor.

"Sharpay," Gabriella said politely.

"You both look totally amazing, with a dresses like that, it's a fact that the both of you will get in," Sharpay said with a sly smile.

"Thank you Sharpay," Gabriella replied to her with a smile.

Troy came up from behind them and put his hands over Gabriella's eyes.

"Guess who?" He asked.

"Oh boy I have no idea…Troy?" Gabriella said sarcastically.

"Nope, Prince William," Troy said letting go of her eyes to let her see him.

"Whoa Troy, you clean up nice," Taylor commented wide-eyed.

Gabriella just gave Troy a knowing smile as she went over to stand next to him.

"We really should get going Gabriella," Troy said putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah, we should. See you later Sharpay," Gabriella said as the three of them left into the elevator.

"Where's Chad?" Gabriella asked Taylor as the elevator dropped to their floor.

"I didn't believe in brining an escort, only makes it harder," Taylor commented as the golden elevator doors opened to the lobby. They all stepped out.

"What ever you say Taylor," Troy replied, giving Gabriella a smile.

"I mean, no offence to Chad but his idea of dressing up would be in his basketball uniform," Taylor said as they walked out of the hotel.

"Guys, guys wait up!" The three heard a familiar voice calling their names, they turned around to spot Abigail hurrying toward them.

"Gee thanks for waiting guys," Abigail said in a huffed out of breath voice.

Gabriella looked at Taylor with a sense that 'they forgot to get Abigail'

"We were busy trying to shoo of Sharpay," Taylor replied making an excuse on the spot.

"You guys talked to her? How was she?" Abigail asked eagerly.

"Strangely polite but we know not to trust her when she's like that," remarked Gabriella as the group began to go hail a taxi cab.

"Where's your escort Abigail?" Gabriella asked looking around.

"Right here," from behind Abigail appeared a tall handsome man.

Taylor's jaw dropped.

"He's my dad's intern. I needed an escort so Jacob here stepped up to the plate," Abigail said with a smile.

"Hey man," Troy walked up to Jacob while Gabriella and Taylor stood dumbfounded. "I'm Troy and this is…" Troy stared at Gabriella.

She snapped out of her daze and replied: "Hey nice to meet you, I'm Gabriella," she replied.

Gabriella nudged Taylor.

"And I'm uh…uh," Taylor was at a loss for words.

"Taylor, her name is Taylor," Chad stepped in. Taylor glared at him.

"Chad I told you I didn't need an escort," Taylor said glaring at him.

"Well I thought this is way better than spending my day learning about dead people right?" Chad smirked.

Jacob laughed.

"Oh yeah Chad, this is my escort…Jacob," Abigail said as she looked up at her handsome escort.

"Yes Taylor, I am defiantly coming with you," Chad said after one look at Jacob.

Taylor groaned as they all went into the cab.


"Welcome, Ladies and Gentleman. To the Peterson School," started the headmistress. "Today I will be showing you our lovely campus and what this school has to offer. Shall we?" She finished as she led the group down the hallway.

"She reminds me of Darbus," Troy whispered in Gabriella's ear. Gabriella giggled.

"Ahem," the headmistress quickly whipped around to look at them. "If I haven't made myself clear already, no giggling, or chitty chatty that is totally obscure to the topic," she scoffed as she whipped back around.

"Yep, defiantly Darbus," Troy whispered again.

"Crazy kids," muttered the headmistress.

Author's Note: And I leave you off there. Sorry the chapter couldn't be longer, I slammed my finger in the car door on Wednesday and I can't really type. And right before my vacation too, fabulous. Enjoy!