A/n: Hey guys, how are ya'll doing? Hope you're week is going good, I hope to see more reviews I want to know how I'm doing and love the feedback from the readers so please review it doesn't even take a minute. Jeez if that wasn't a beg for a review I don't know what is…oh wait PLEASE REVIEW! I'll give ya some cookies…ok I wont but it's a nice thought right? I'll shut up now and let you read the story hehe.

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone or anything except for Gina, and Rose unless otherwise stated.


The next week it was yet again time for RAW Gina was on edge because tonight she went for her title shot. Arriving at the arena at 5 she began to get ready, while doing her makeup Lisa came in.

"Hey Gina." Lisa said taking a seat on the couch.

"Oh hey Li, how are you?" Gina asked

"I'm doing ok just tired I was at a signing all morning." Lisa said shaking her wrist that were cramped up from signing stuff.

"Ah that sucks, you have a match tonight?" Gina asked

"Nope, yet again." Lisa said with a frustrated sigh, Gina's face immediately went into a frown for the fellow wrestler.

"That really sucks, maybe I can talk to Vince later?" Gina offered

"Nah don't bother, if he doesn't put me in a match next week I'll talk to him." Lisa said

"Alright but my offer still stands." Gina said getting out her lip gloss, just then Torrie came in holding Rose.

"Hey I was wondering where my Guinea Pig went." Gina said with a smirk, Torrie was a huge animal lover.

"Sorry I couldn't help but take her out with that cute little face begging to come out, I even used some of the doggie nail polish I put on my dogs." Torrie said showing Rose's now hot pink nails.

"Aw that's so cute." Gina said as Torrie placed Rose in Gina's lap.

Later on that night Gina was in Jeff's room with Rose walking around the floor squeaking and hopping and Gina did her stretches.

"So you nervous?" Jeff asked

"Yeah hopefully I'll win." Gina said before getting up to hug him, just when they were about to kiss one of the crew members opened the door telling her that she was up.

"Alright I'll see you after." Gina said taking in a shallow breath before quickly kissing him on the lips, as she went to walk out the door he grabbed her by the arm.

"Yeah?" She asked

"Kick ass." Jeff said with a smile before letting her go.

Mickie's music came and she came out jumping around holding the title above her head before skipping down to the ring and sliding in before showing off her title to the audience. Mickie's music stopped and she turned around towards to the ramp and looking at her belt then looking at the ramp, Gina's music came on and the crowd went crazy. Gina walked out slowly before stopping at the top of the ramp and looking straight at Mickie mouthing she was going to take that belt from her, the crowd screamed louder. Gina then walked down to the ring before jumping onto the apron and staring at Mickie before flipping over and getting right in her face, the referee took Mickie's belt before ringing the bell.

They both locked up before Gina pushed Mickie making her fall, Mickie got up and Gina ran to the ropes bouncing off she did a flying clothesline. Both girls tumbled on the floor before they both started to get up Mickie grabbed Gina by the hair and swung her around. A few minutes in Gina had the upper hand and thought it would be the perfect time to execute the Shooting Star, but just as she went to the top rope and was about to jump off someone from the audience jumped over the barricade and jumped onto the apron before knocking Gina off the top turnbuckle making her slam head first onto the mat ring.

"J.R. did you see what that audience member did to Gina?!" The King said exclaimed before the "audience member" took of his hat and jacket.

"That's no audience member King, that's Randy Orton!" J.R. said, Gina was slowly getting up as Randy stalked her waiting for the right moment to give her the RKO. Turning around Randy went for it and gave her the RKO, a surge of pain went through Gina's head and neck as Mickie took the opportunity and went for the roll up. Getting the three count she jumped up and down as some of her fans booed her thinking this was all planned, after being handed the belt and raising her hand she turned to look at Randy who was now gone. Mickie looked down at Gina who was still out of it, helping her up she walked backstage with Gina leaning against her for support.

Once backstage Mickie helped Gina in a chair before Jeff came over and making sure she'd be ok Mickie left.

"Baby you ok?" Jeff asked bending down to her level as she held her head in her hand.

"I don't know, what happened?" Gina asked looking up at him with a dazed look in her eyes.

"Come on I'm taking you to the EMT's." Jeff said helping her up off the chair, she leaned against him before slowly starting to walk.

"Alright how many fingers am I holding up?" The emt asked

"3 no wait 4?" Gina asked, the doctor looked at his fingers he only had two up.

He turned on a small flashlight before flashing it in her eyes, after doing a few more test he pulled Jeff aside and said she'd be out of it for 2 days at the most but that she'd be fine.

"I'm going to kill him." Jeff thought before Gina tugged at his sleeve trying to get his attention,

"What is it?" Jeff asked

"I want to go see Mike, could you help me up?" Gina asked

"Alright." Jeff said helping her off the chair.

After walking around a bit and haven't seen him in his room they found him at catering drinking a bottle of water.

"Hey Gina, I heard what happened out there. You ok?" He asked

"Hm oh yeah." Gina said staring off into space not really paying attention, Mike raised his eyebrow and looked at Jeff who mouthed he'd explain later.

"Don't you have you're match with Cena?" Gina asked

"Yeah, why?" Mike asked

"I want to come out there." Gina said, Mike was about to say yes before he remembered Randy would be out there as well.

"No not with him out there." Mike said

"Oh come on, just because what ever happened out there I have to stay back here?" Gina asked

"Gi you don't even remember what happened, you're in no condition to go out there right now." Jeff said

"What am I child Jeff?" Gina asked glaring at him, Mike was quick to jump in not wanting them to get into another argument.

"Gina we don't think of you as a child, we just want you safe so please for the both of us stay back here tonight ok?" Mike asked

"Fine." She said rolling her eyes, she started to walk away

"Hey aren't you going to wish me good luck." Mike said

"You don't need it." Gina said, Jeff shrugged and patted Mike on the shoulder before catching up to Gina.

While Mike and John were out in the ring, Gina was sitting on a couch with Jeff. During the match Gina had fallen asleep with her head on Jeff's lap, he guessed it was from the painkiller the EMT gave her.

"And the winner of this match and the NEW tag team champions Shawn Michaels and John Cena!" Lillian announced as they both held the titles up before Shawn looked at John then at the title.

"King did you see that look HBK gave Cena, he wants that title." J.R.

"Who cares about that, what I'm wondering is where Gina is." King said

"From what we've just heard she has a concussion, thanks to Randy Orton." J.R. said before the camera zoomed in on Randy and Edge who were finally getting up from the beating they received.


A/n: Alright that's the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and if you have any suggestions I'm all ears…well eyes ah you get what I meant. So you know what to do, remember the whole begging scene back up there? Alright so review, Love ya all hope you have a nice week!