I'm so sorry that I started a new story! I've been trying so hard to resist the urge to start this one, and only update "The Demon Within" and "Teach Me to Fly", but it's begging to get out so hard that I can't even write those others while this one's trapped inside. Heh, sorry, I tried to keep it in, honestly! I'll update the others too though, I swear! I just need to get this one out so that I CAN!
Anyway, I'm sorry that this first chapter is so short. It's the only place that I could think of to end it. Leave me some reviews anyway, and I'll make sure to update soon. Heck, maybe even in LESS than a day's time, for the first time in my life, hehe. We'll see. This story idea is strong, even though I don't have all my ideas formulated yet, so I don't really know where it's going. As usual, suggestions are welcome. SakuraSagura already gave me a lot of suggestions, but I definitely need more! Heh.
Disclaimer: There's a funny little thing called the copyright law that makes it so that the first person who figures something out gets to keep it, whether it makes more sense for me to keep it or not. Since I wasn't the first one to figure out FullMetal Alchemist, I don't own the copyright, so sorry. I can't claim any ownership here.
Edward nearly tripped over himself several times as he hobbled out to the kitchen. Ignoring the concerned inquiries coming from Winry and Pinako, he grabbed himself a glass from the cupboard and began to fill it with water from the sink.
As the glass was filling up, Edward leaned against the sink as if it were a crutch and was panting like he had just run a marathon. Winry grew concerned and placed a hand on his forehead. "Edward, are you sick?"
Edward said nothing and simply lifted up the now full glass and emptied it into his mouth as fast as he could, only to quickly return it to the sink for another refill, all the while, still panting.
"You feel a little warm, Ed," said Winry, still pressing for his attention, "You should probably go to bed."
"I just...got out...of bed," said Ed between breaths, "I'm just...thirsty...is all." He stopped talking and lifted up his second glass of water to quickly devour it, and then returned it to the sink for a third glass.
Winry continued to look on with concern. She had never seen him this thirsty before. He had definitely never had to drink three glasses of water in a row upon awakening before, and she suspected that, considering his current breathing rate, that he wasn't done yet. "Ed, what's wrong? You've never been like this before!"
Ed just shook his head while downing yet another glass of water, and returned the glass to the sink for yet another refill. "I'm fine, Winry. I guess I just got really hot last night, so I'm thirsty. It's nothing to worry about."
The corners of Winry's mouth twitched like she was trying to decide whether to smile or not. He was forming complete sentences without having to gasp for breath now, so that was a good sign, but she was still quite concerned with the fact that he'd had to deal with that in the first place.
Ed finally finished with his huge serving of water, and put the glass in the sink for good. He brought his left arm up to his mouth and wiped the excess water off, and turned to walk out of the room. Winry grabbed him by his sleeve and wouldn't let him go so easily.
"Edward...what's the matter?" Winry hesitated for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts, and then asked, "Are you nervous about your upcoming birthday?"
Edward laughed. "Why should I be nervous? I had completely forgotten that I was turning sixteen until you'd mentioned it just now."
"True," said Winry, "But considering how restless you are...does it bother you that the Colonel made you take a leave of absence for a few weeks just to rest up?"
Edward shrugged. "I don't know...I like being with you guys and all, and I don't like being stuck in one place...but I don't think that that has anything to do with that." Winry nodded that she understood that he was referring to his extreme thirst just a few moments ago.
Winry again placed her hand on Edward's forehead. It had finally cooled down, so she breathed a sigh of relief. "Have you ever had anything like this happen to you before?"
Edward slowly shook his head. "...No...not that I can think of..."
"Are you sure?" Winry demanded of him, gripping his arm even tighter.
Ed pulled his arm out of her grasp and said, "Winry, I would never lie to you. That's the first time that has ever happened, so relax. I'm sure it's nothing."
Edward then turned and walked out of the room, leaving Winry behind to watch him leave. "I sure hope you're okay, Edward," she mumbled under her breath, "It's just that I've never seen anyone react that way before."
Sorry that I ended that so abruptly! I didn't know where else to end this first chapter! The next one should be up soon! Until then, please leave me some reviews, okay? Thanks a bunch!