NOTICE: I decided to rewrite parts of the story, since it has been so long I can't remember where this was going

Revised 09/03/09

"Damn it Sasuke, you've broken my heart for the last time!"

Summary: Time after time Sakura has gone out of her way for Sasuke. And each time he walks away shaking his head in refusal. With the help of a radical treatment Sakura can get a clean slate and live the life she deserves. But what happens when Sasuke realizes how much she meant to him. Can he find a way to bring the old Sakura or let her go for the sake of her happiness?

Chapter 1: The Offer

For some reason today's Sasuke coldness really pissed Sakura off. Ever since he returned from his own personal quest, the lone avenger wanted absolutely nothing to do with his former fan girl. It didn't matter how strong Sakura had become; in his eyes, Sasuke treated her as is she was nothing but an incompetent child. No matter what he said, normally he insulted her in private, but this time is was different. Her former crush picked a fight in front of her colleagues at the hospital. Sakura was through making excuses for this jerk, and with an angry slapped she closed the door to any future relationship. Gathering up her belonging Sakura left her workplace early still visible upset from her early confrontation with Sasuke.

"I'm done, how could that bastard do that to me! Never again will I serve my heart on a silver platter!" She yelled stomping and frightening local shoppers. Some even gave her the crazy woman stare and quickly went about their business. "Out of all people, why did I have to fall for him?"

During Sakura's very public meltdown, a passerby watched with keen interest. This middle-age woman dressed in traditional black robes grinned at the sight in front of her. "Oh! What I would give to forget the day I met that bastard! Things would be different if I never knew the name Sasuke Uchiha!"

The woman gave an inward smile realizing she found what she been looking for. Timing was everything, in a vulnerable state; the girl would be an easy mark. If she played her part perfect, someone's life would be changing forever. "Excuse Miss, I know what you're going though and I'm the answer to your prayers."

A look of puzzlement filled Sakura's face; the nerve of a stranger to interrupt her personal thoughts." I'm sorry, but my parents taught me never to talk with strangers," she snickered, "So get lost."

"That's not the way to your new best friend. Listen to what I have to say; then if you are unimpressed, just leave."

If this was one of Naruto's jokes, Sakura would be very pissed. He was always coming with crazy schemes to help Sakura get a life. But this woman in front of her was deadly serious. Without wasting any more time, the woman introduced herself as Isawa Bayushi. She gave a quick history lesson on her life so far. She explained how she was here to make Sakura's wish come true.

"So, why are still talking?" snickered Sakura, "Shouldn't you return back to the crazy house!"

"Give me a chance to make my point, I simply offer you true happiness and an opportunity to fall in love!" Isawa stroked the top of her uncovered hand.

She immediately took a step back and yelled, "You don't know me, how dare you judge my life. What happens between Sasuke and me is NOT YOUR BUSINESS!"

"Forgive my imprudence, I am not judging anything. I know what it is like to love someone from afar. Stepping backing, Isawa was ready to close the deal, "Just one question and I'll leave; how long have you waited, one year or is it longer?" The mystery woman smirked as she watched Sakura struggled with her answer.

Feeling really stupid, Sakura answered honestly, "Actually I met him at the age of twelve and ever since then I loved him. Even my best friend who used to crush on him too gave up and married a pretty lazy but decent man."

Isawa listened intently and gave a small sign before answering, "It's been that long, and you seem the type not to give up easily. But everything has an end; some things are not meant to be." Isawa was amazed in the faith this young girl had given and now it was time to break this poisonous bond. It would be underhanded, but Isawa needed to stir some raw emotion to help shake her faith in this boy.

Sakura was beginning to lose her temper. "I have always been there for him and never gave up on him even when people told me he was lost to his own inner demons. His struggles became my struggles. I always believe in him, even when he didn't believe in himself. That is true love, Isawa."

Jackpot! Isawa thought to herself, as much as the girl has given to him. He probably has not even acknowledged her sacrifice. With this last question, she would see herself for the fool she is; "Please I mean no offense, tell me girl when was the last time he said thank you or showed any appreciation."

With these words, Sakura froze; she knew she lost the argument. The only time he ever said thank you was the night he betrayed the village and abandoned her on a park bench. Sasuke would never change, his remarks were always negative and inferior that would make her cry into her pillow during the night.

"What do you have in mind, Isawa?" Sakura asked quizzically.

"Well girl," Sakura chimed in, "My name is Sakura, not girl, got it?"

"Okay Sakura," smiled Isawa, "I am going to introduce you to a man who has the means to change your life."

"What's the price, my experience has taught me everything has a price." She said mockingly.

"He'll discuss your options; my job is just to bring you to him. If you want the details, then follow me, Sakura." With this she began walking away. Knowing curiosity killed the cat; Sakura couldn't help but be intrigued by the offer and followed Isawa into the unknown.


The place was truly a hole in the wall. Any other day of the week; she wouldn't have given this place a second glance. Isawa signaled Sakura into the sub basement apartment. As she paused in front of the wooden door her curiosity began to waver but Isawa nudged her inside. She couldn't believe the interior, it was simply one word, extravagant, marble floors and high priced art on the wall. Sakura got the impression that this place was more than it appeared to be. She was about to ask Isawa a few questions when she noticed she was alone in an office type room. The room was riddled junk ranging from little trinkets to life size statues. Scanning the contents of the room she failed to noticed the new presence in the room.

"Why don't you take a seat, Miss Sakura; so we can get started." gently spoke an elderly grey haired old man. He was dressed in a simple black uniform, covered by an off white lab coat.

His voice startled her, but Sakura quickly regained her composure. "This isn't something I would normally do, but I really can't explain what compelled me to come." As she started to play with fingers, keeping her eyes glued to the floor.

"You're here because there are no options left. You've tired of feeling rejected, hearing the constant verbal slander from the lips of your beloved, and being seen as a running joke. What I offer is freedom to live your life without waiting, living just for yourself. Tell me Sakura what you have to show for all your sacrifices."

"Plenty, I have wonderful friends and a successful career." As she glared at this strange man. Sakura was not in the mood to justify her life twice in one day especially by two complete strangers. "You mentioned freedom, what do you mean." Something about the way he spoke intrigued her. Common sense told her to leave, but still occupied the chair, not moving one inch. She wanted to hear what the man had to say. In Sakura's eyes all her life, she was a giver; maybe this was her one chance to be a taker, guilt-free.

"Such impulse, calm down and listen to my offer. Have you ever wanted to start fresh, new life, new experiences, and never look back?"

"Doesn't everyone?" retorted Sakura back, "I mean everyone has had that fantasy at least once Mr…"

"Junzo, or Jun for short." Answered the old man. "Before we continue, I'll tell you briefly about myself. As a doctor, I discover a method that makes it possible to have a second chance and ever since then I've helped the lost regain happiness."

"Whatever, Isawa has already mentioned this. All I want right now is to forget a certain prick." Sakura was starting to get impatient; she felt this man was full of crap.

"Let's discuss payment first, then we'll discuss you request. The price is steep, but trust me in twenty years I've never had a disappointed customer." Spoke Junzo.

"Payment? Nothing illegal right?"

He smiled, this girl was so innocent but she might have it in her to be a risk taker; "It is different for everyone, but for you it will cost you everything you hold precious."

Sakura fidgeted in her chair, this meeting was slowly becoming a bad idea. "I'm sorry, but this is way to creepy, I'm outta here!"

She started rising out her chair when a voice called out. "Don't move, Sakura, let me clarify; you life revolves around him, that includes your job, friends, and lifestyle. In order to be truly free, you have to leave it all behind. Here's the deal…" Junzo flashed a murky red substances in his right hand, "This drink can make you forget, everything that involves him. Still speaking he flashed a green colored bottle, "And this drink, will give you a new set of memories and experiences." He even allowed her to handle the green bottle for a closer examination. As he continued on, "In essence, I'm offering a new life and new opportunities. We will even set you up with a home far away from this place."

Sakura could not deny a fresh start was very appealing but to leave everything for the sake of one man was very extreme. "I just can't up and leave. I mean my friends will go to the ends of the earth to find me."

Junzo smiled, she was starting to come around. Now it was time for the test. He hoped this young girl had what it takes to make this great big leap of faith. "That's why you're going to make it look like you killed yourself in a moment of weakness."

She fell out of her chair; this was not the response she had expected. This man was crazy; no one would believe she was capable of such a drastic measure. "You can't be serious, I would never," she was stuttering her words, "No guy is worth it!"

"Serious, Always!" grinned Junzo, he could tell she was still interested in the proposal. "All you have to do is make it look like a suicide; we'll take care of the rest. It is the only way to have a fresh start and it not like you'll remember anyway."

"There has to be another way," and Junzo shook his head indicating no. "I mean you are asking a lot, I have deep roots here." As she stares intently at this man, today was definitely the weirdest day of her young life.

"Well you can't get something for free, right Sakura?" She paused for a moment before answering, "Why would you do this for a complete stranger?"

"Like I said before, it is my calling to help lost souls and I can't lie I do make a generous profit for the deals. Part of your fee will be set aside to help on your way." He paused for a moment before continuing. "The offer is good for 24 hours, after that I'll never offer my services again." It was time to tie up loose ends, "Sakura sooner or later you've have to face the cold hard truth, that you'd loved in vain; and with nothing to live for, you'll become a cold hard shell. Just remember a depress person has one final bang before their exit."

"One day, that's not fair," she sprang to her feet; ready to argue for more time. "We are talking about my life, and I take it, once I drink that crap there is no turning back. Right?"

Junzo nodded his head in the yes fashion, "A word of advice, suck it up and ask him straight out where you stand. Chances are slim; he'll tell you what you want to hear. Should it happen, I wish you all the happiness you deserve. Or you'll realize how foolish you've been and take a second chance. Either way you'll have serenity and begin living your life. A quick reminder about this meeting…"

Sakura quickly finished the sentence, "Never happened, I was never here; Got it. I'll tell you my decision in person at the same time tomorrow, Bye Jun!" she smiled as she waved goodbye.


Leaving Junzo's place, Sakura had a lot to consider, a clean slate was very tempting but at same time it was the cowards' way out. Not watching where she was going she bumped into the source of all her problems, Sasuke Uchiha.

"Excuse," but when she saw Sasuke, she perked up. "Sorry Sasuke, I was in wonderland just now." He didn't even acknowledge her presence. Feeling brave, she took the chance to speak, "I was about to get some dinner want to come?" Too bad for her, that the air was the only thing that heard her request. Then she softly whispered, "That's okay I know you're a very busy man, maybe next time."

Shaking her head, she started venting for the second time today, "Do I looking like a fucking wall! That's it! I am sooo over him." clutching her fist.

"Wow, hell was finally frozen over. Sakura Haruno has finally given up on Sasuke Uchiha," laughed her best friend as she poked fun at Sakura's misfortune. "I never thought I lived to see the day!"

"Yea, starting today, I've decided to move on, Ino." Cheerfully spoke Sakura, "Maybe tonight we can go out and have a drink." She kidded, "That's if your lazy husband allows you to."

"Of course! I don't need anyone's permission, I glad you've seen the light, Forehead!" smiled Ino, "It is time to put you back on the market."

"Can't wait, Ino-pig!" grinned Sakura, but inwardly she felt incredibility sad. "I'm sorry; Ino, I hope you can forgive me. Goodbye."


The pink-hair medic needed to have one last conversation with her former crush. Returning to stalker mode, Sakura took to haunting all of Sasuke's favorite spots. She watched him for a few minutes and was surprised when he spoke. "What do you want now," in a cold monotone voice.

"Uh, Sasuke, I really need to know how you feel about me, because I was doing some thinking and…" her voice was starting to fail her. She blurted out the rest before she lost her nerve. "Please, I just need you to tell me…" She took a deep breath, her voice sounded way too desperate.

"You know you're really pathetic, Sakura." Coldly answered her crush, "Any other human being with half a brain would have taken the hint to get lost." His trademark smirk was beginning to form at the corner of his lips. "At first, I thought it was amusing, but now it is downright sad."

Tears were streaking down her face right after the pathetic remark. "If that's what you think, I'll never talk to you again, Sasuke Uchiha. Tomorrow I'll request a transferred, just give me a chance to explain it to Naruto." Sasuke continued to stand there, with a bored expression. Now Sakura had her answer, it was really over.

How could he think so low of her? She shook her head; what a complete ass. Not even looking up she took off in the directions of her apartment.

She as attempted to wipe her tears, new tears ones kept falling down in their place. "Then this is Goodbye." Thinking bitterly of her final encounter with Sasuke, "I really did love you, with all my heart, but it isn't enough anymore."

The distraught girl spent the night burning all traces of Sasuke, and putting all her affairs in order.

Early next morning, Sakura left goodbye letters on the kitchen counter address to her most cherished people, Naruto, Ino and Tsunade. As she walked out, Sakura took one last look at this life, hoping next time would be better. She purposely left her headband on the door, with necklace her had received when she was promoted to chunnin.

The more she thought about this, it all felt right. At first she was worried about the cost; but eventually she was headed in the direction, right? A very small part still had some doubt.

On the other side of town, a certain boy woke up in a cold sweat with a feeling nothing would be ever alright.