Disclaimer: I do not own any of these Characters... Shamefully the person who wrote them does... to bad...
"Whoa, wait what happened if you're Inuyasha then that means that this is the forest several hundred years ago." asked Kagome getting up.
"Umm, duh? Now if you'll shut up I can get rid of this damn demon!" Said Inuyasha turning and running the direction he had just come from. "Wind Scar!"
Kagome looked at Shippo who had just come running up. "Hey, Shippo? What's going on?" she asked very confused. "Inuyasha has been fighting the same demon for a while. I thought you were supposed to be gone for two weeks?" he asked also very confused.
"I thought so too! Where is everyone else?"
"Over there." he pointed to a fire in the distance. "Inuyasha smelt a human, I guess it was you, and went to look for them. Then he ran into this demon he's been fighting it for a while...How long have you been around?"
"I'm not really sure Shippo... I remember falling in a hole and then waking up here." She stated clearly thinking hard.
"Well let's go tell the others that Inuyasha is fighting a demon and needs help." said Shippo turning to leave.
"Damn-it, Shippo-I-Don't-need-help!" grunted Inuyasha blocking the demon's blows.
They turned and ran towards the campfire that they could see in the distance. When they got there, they were totally out of breath.
Sango and Miroku looked up in surprise. "Kagome I thought you were supposed to be gone for another two week!" asked Sango standing up to give her a hug.
"Inuyasha- Demon!" said Kagome totally out of breath.
"Wha-what!?" said Sango utterly confused. Then it hit her. "Is Inuyasha fighting a demon!?"
"Yes..." was all she could get out before Sango went running the direction Kagome and Shippo just came running from. Shippo, Miroku and Kirara quickly followed, Leaving Kagome by herself, again.
"Uhh, yeah I'll just stay here and wait for you guys!" Kagome called to her friends as they disappeared into the forest.
She sat down and took slow deep breaths... Hoping they would come back soon. She sat there for at least ten minutes. Then twenty...Thirty. She started to get tired so she lay down.
Her eyes fluttered open. She thought she had heard something. She lay ther for a few minutes.
Finally, something stirred in the bushes. She got up figuring it was Inuyasha. She spoke first, "Hey Inuya- Your not INUYASHA!!!!" The last part she said more franticly.
It was Sheshomaru. He stood there looking at Kagome with a look of confusion.
"And you're not Kikyou... I swore up and down that you were she. But you're just my half brothers mate." He said in disgust.
"Well, I guess you're just- HEY WAIT A SECOND YOU'RE NOT VERY NICE!!!" She yelled realizing what he just said.
He smirked and turned to walk away but Kagome ran in front of him and blocked him saying, "I did not say you could leave!" He gave her a cold look causing her to flinch and fall back. She caught herself in mid fall and stood up straight.
"What do you want you pathetic human?" He asked cocking an eyebrow at her. She looked at him and squeaked, "Why do you want Kikyou?"
"Why is it your business?"
"I just wanted to know? And because she's my friend." Said Kagome with rising confidence.
"Well it's none of your business, human!" He said leaving.
"Bu-bu-but!" she said into the darkness.
"KAGOME!! WHERE IS HE? WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU? I'LL KILL THE SON OF A BITCH!" Inuyasha had come running through the bushes at full force looking around.
"Who Sheshomaru? He left."
"Oh." Inuyasha's face fell. Aparently he was looking for a fight. "Well what did he want?"
'He wanted Kikyou' is what she thought. "Nothing." 'I'm lying to him. Why am I lying to him?'
Inuyasha walked up to her and looked her straight in the eyes. She didn't back off. After him staring into her eyes for about a minute he turned away and said, "I have to go save Kikyou before that bastard gets a hold of her, don't I?"
Kagome blinked. 'How did he know?' Inuyasha turned back to her, gently grabbed her arm and said, "We need to talk..." He looked around at everyone then added, "Alone!" Then still holding onto her arm they walked off.
Kagome was blushing at the touch of Inuyasha but it was dark out and really hard to see... for a human maybe. Inuyasha looked at her and asked in his same impatient voice he always uses and asked, "Are you embarressed that I took you away in such a hurry?"
Kagome nodded. 'I just lied again. Why am I lying to him!? I should be telling him the truth... the whole truth!'
"There is something going on and I want to know what it is, Kagome. Or are you just going to leave me in the dark, like always!" Said Inuyasha turning and looking into her brown eyes. Kagome looked to the ground desperatly needing more time.
"I WHAT!?" He said very frustrated.
"I can't tell you!" she whispered tears brimming her eyes.
"Holy Hell Kagome! And why the hell can't you!?"
Kagome took a deep breath and said, "Cause I don't know how to tell you... And you wouldn't be able to handle it."
Inuyasha blinked. He wasn't confused but thrown back 'How can she handle something I can't?' He scoffed and turned away. "Yeah right... I can handle anyhting."
There was an akward silence that followed that comment. Inuyasha waited for Kagome to give in and tell him. But Kagome turned and started to walk off.
"Hey- wait where are you going!? You're supossed to be telling me what I need to know!!" he hollered to her. "To go get Kikyou," was her reply.
Inuyasha ran up to her. "Why?"
"Because your brother is after her and you wouldn't want anything to happen to your precious Kikyou, would you?" she shot at him coldly.
'OUCH.' Inuyasha flinched and stopped walking. That was cold. Worse yet, Kagome had said it. 'Woa! Since when is Kagome so cold when it comes to Kikyou? I mean, yeah she's a little harsh, never cold. And what does she mean by precious? Did I say something to upset her?'
"Hey mutt! You comin' or what?" Kagome called with the same edge in her voice.
'Double ouch!' Inuyasha ran up to her and said softely, "We don't have to go get her."
Kagome stopped and turned to look into Inuyasha's eyes. After a moment she whispered, "Really?
"Yeah," said Inuyasha a little taken back that she didn't argue. "She's a big girl. She can take care of herself." He paused and then asked, "Umm... Can I please ask you something really important that we need to discuss?"
Kagome's jaw dropped open. He was actually asked her nicely and used the word please! "Uhh, yeah... okay? Shoot!"
"Nothing. Go ahead."
What has been bothering you? Why are you so emotional? And what are you supose to tell me?"
Kagome sighed and sat down. It's going to be a long night. "You might want to sit down we'll be talking for awhile..."