"Spock to Captain Kirk." Spock tried his communicator for the twenty-seventh time in an attempt to reach his Captain. A dull static came back to him in response. Spock almost felt the urge to release a human sigh. He closed his communicator and closed his long fingers around it. Looking back to his team, he returned his communicator to his belt.

He looked at the young men and women that made up his away team. They all looked to him with worried eyes. Fear was creeping into their professional Starfleet trained faces. Spock realized it was his position to clear all doubts they had.

"I am sure he must be out of contact range. We will beam back to the ship and make proper scanning procedures and locate the Captain's team. Ensign Machette, please return to the medical facility and alert Nurse Chapel of our situation and that we are beaming back to the ship. Until we know exactly what happened in the Captain's case, all non-essential landing party members will return to the ship. I want to keep the medical teams here as long as possible to assist in aiding the Rediasians."

The ensign nodded, following orders and starting off at a trot toward the medical facility. Spock turned away from the team and flipped open his communicator.

"Spock to Enterprise. Four to beam up."

Aboard the Enterprise, Doctor McCoy was studying his own medical charts. He couldn't understand his distractions. He seemed to be losing time and felt…honestly, what was this blasted thing on his desk? He picked up a small red looking stone on his bed table. He caressed it in his hands. It seemed to almost glow when he touched it. It had a black center. Hm. Where did I get this? Must have been a gift or somethin'. Oh. Hell. I've done it again. My files. God. Jim is pissed at me. I'm getting even worse. I can't even do my damn job.

A beep from the comm disturbed his inner turmoil. Spock's voice filled the room without hesitation as McCoy hit the button.

"Dr. McCoy please report to conference room three immediately."

McCoy sighed. Probably forgot to do something else.

As McCoy walked down the hallway, he almost felt eyes watching him. He turned around. No one was there. Yet he felt some kind of feeling; like someone was behind him all the time, over his shoulder, looking at everything he looked at. McCoy quickened his pace, yet the feeling remained. He walked into the conference room and the feeling followed.

"Yes, Spock?"

Spock was standing, hands clasped behind his back as usual. That must be like a Vulcan thing, they must all stand that way, like dogs. Trained to stand up incredibly straight and all professional looking. Maybe they even had to sit like that as babies. No crawling allowed.

"Are you listening to me, Doctor?"

"Um, sorry, Spock. My mind seems to be everywhere today."

"I have noticed." Spock sat down at the chair closest to him. "As I was saying, the Captain's team has still not been located at this time and we cannot reach him by his communicator. Scans have revealed nothing. Most of the landing parties have already beamed up as of yet, however, I have kept as many of the medical personell on the planet as I can to assist the Redisians. We have reason to believe there is a cloaked ship somewhere nearby due to strange energy reasons. We have yet to confirm it's origin. It is suspected that the ship is either Romulan or Klingon in origin. However, as I said, that cannot be definitely confirmed. I am returning back to the planet with a small security team to investigate if the Klingons or Romulans have beamed down to the surface. I need you to return with me to take charge of the medical teams. Unless…you feel that you are unfit for duty." Spock looked to the doctor, his question seemed to reach his steady brown eyes.

At that point, something seemed to take over McCoy. He was about to answer with a "I am fit for duty, sir." That was the obvious answer, he would never let Jim down. Well, he already had, but it was time to make up for that. He had to get to the surface somehow, Jim was God knows where and his whole medical staff was working down there. However, when McCoy opened his mouth to speak something seemed to take over his voice box.

"Actually Spock, I don't think I can do this. I am really not medically fit right now. So I think I'm going to take myself off duty for a while." The hell?! I didn't just say that. Spock. I am ready for duty! What the devil is wrong with me?! McCoy fingered something in his pocket, unwillingly. A hypo? How did that get there…"Actually, Spock, I think you should be off duty for a while too, you look a little tired and I know you're awfully stressed about this situation." An evil grin started to creep onto his face. McCoy started slowly feeling like he was watching his own body, watching someone else. His mind became the secondary controller and someone else was about to play doctor with Mr. Spock. "What you need is a nice rest. Here, let me help you get a goodnight sleep. Don't want you worrying too much." His own hands took a hypo out of his pocket, applying the cool tip to Spock's shoulder, Spock's last glance looking full of surprise and shock. Spock was out cold in a matter of seconds. McCoy's free hand just seemed to reach out in front of him without McCoy willing it too. It touched Spock and pushed him onto the floor with a strength McCoy didn't know he even had. This couldn't be happening. It couldn't be him. Yet he could feel the cool touch of the hypo in his hands.Must be some kind of mind control or something, someone has taken over my body, there is someone else here somewhere…or else I'm really losing my marbles. I don't even know why I did that.

McCoy started to feel his body turn and head out of the room. I don't even know where I'm going. His body seemed to know however as he moved through the transporter room doors. His hypo arched upward in his hand. His other hand took another sedative cartridge out of his pocket, putting it in the hypo and applying it to the unsuspecting transporter room technician. Oh, God, there goes another one. At least I'm not hurtin' anyone permanently. Not that I am in control here either. McCoy set in his coordinates. I don't even know how to work a transporter! I don't even know what coordinates these are. Oh God. I'm becoming suicidal and I don't even know it. Oh. God. What am I doing? His body hurried to the transporter as the beam caught him sending to his unknown destination. I hope for once my body knows where I'm going, 'cause I sure as hell don't.