Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu hakusho
Hiei instantly realized that he had one slight disadvantage against Yota. He didn't have a sword and his enemy did. That would be a problem to anyone including Hiei but he wasn't about to let the fact bother him. He knew if he lost he and Botan were dead and he just couldn't let that happen. Not to this egotistsical idiot anyway.
At one point he got a little too close and Yota was able to cut a long scratch in his chest. The fire demon grunted and moved back holding the wound that had already stopped bleeding. It had been shallow and the pain only made him more determined to put this guy down.
Botan watched from the sidelines mentally cheering Hiei on as well as worrying. Be careful, she thought anxiously.
Yota lunged forward with the intent to kill, visions of impaling Hiei dancing in his head, but only got air as the fire demon jumped over him and landed on the stone floor behind him. Sencing the demon was about to attack, the other demon twisted around and swung his blade at Hiei who dodged skillfully.
The two fought for the next few minutes trying to get the upper hand even though it looked like Yota was winning. The demon hoped it would end that way but he discovered something about his nemesis. Hiei was much faster than he'd first thought and he had a hard time keeping up with him. Suddenly, before he realized what had happened, the fire demon grabbed the blade of the sword. Yota's eyes filled with surprise as he stared at Hiei who held onto the sharp blade as he tried to yank it out of his enemies hands.
This movement angered Yota and he swung the sword around, trying to make Hiei let go.
The fire demon ground his teeth and hung on for dear life. If it he let go, this would all be over.
Yota eyes filled with rage as he stared at the determined Hiei. "I'm not going to let go," the raven haired demon said in a voice so calm it made it seem like he was bored. "How about you give up now before I am forced to kill you, Yota?"
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Yota screamed swinging the sword with a rough jerk.
Hiei, taken by surprise by this action, could barely hang on. The force of the action was so great it caused him to let go and fall to the stone floor. Yota's sword pierced the floor just centemeters from his head.
Yota's rage died down a bit when he saw the the fire demon wasn't bothing to get back up at that second. "Not so cocky now are you?" he demanded.
"You won't get away with this!" Hiei shouted glaring at the demon standing over him. "I won't let you get away with it!"
"I already have," the other demon said reaching down and grabbing Hiei by the neck. He lifted the fire demon into the air. "Too bad you won't be living long enough to see what esle I have planned."
Hiei's red eyes filled with killer hatred as he tried to get out of Yota's grip. He felt the other demon closeing his fist more tightly around his neck, making it hard to breathe.
"Hiei!" Botan screamed starting to run toward the two demons.
"Stay back, onna!" he gasped.
She stopped in her tracks and stared at him in horror. "Hiei!" she exclaimed not sure what to do.
"I can take care of this," he said grabbing Yota's hand and trying to pry it away from his neck.
Botan said nothing. She wished Hiei would admit he needed help for once. If he didn't he was going to die and it would be her fault for not helping him. I can't let that happen! she thought clenching her fists. I'm going to help him whether he wants me to or not! The onna summoned her oar and ran at the demon with it raised above her head. "LET HIM GO!" she screamed, striking him with it.
Yota grunted then glared down at Botan who stood with her eyes closed as she wacked at him with the boat oar. "LET HIM GO! LET HIM GO! LETHIMGO!" she screamed, pounding away at him but not even leaving a mark.
"BOTAN!" Hiei shouted. "GET AWAY!"
She didn't get a chance to do that. Yota let Hiei go and turned his full attention on the girl. He grabbed Botan's oar and wrenched it out of her hands. She stared at him in horror as he loomed over her like a giant tree. "Ohhhh," she whimpered, backing away from him.
"You shouldn't have done that, wench," the demon said. "Now you'll be the first to go."
"Let the onna alone!" Hiei shouted as he tried to get up.
Yota ignored Hiei and raised his sword. "Time to die, bitch!" he shouted.
Botan screamed as the sword came down at her.
The fire demon's temper snapped. He wasn't go to let anyone hurt Botan! "Yota!" Hiei growled running toward the demon and kicking him in the head.
The other demon dropped his sword and fell back. Hiei appeared infront of Botan and glared at his enemy. "I told you to leave the onna alone!" he growled.
"You!" Yota yelled regaining his footing. "Why are you even bothering to protect her? Is it love? I thought you didn't have time for love," he said mockingly. "Why do you care about her so much?"
Hiei didn't feel like telling the stupid shadow demon anything. Baka! Damn baka! He started walking slowly toward the man. "That's none of your concern, Yota!" he snapped. His right arm crackled with electricity. "The thing you should be concerned about is the thing you forgot I had!"
Yota's mocking look froze. "What?" he demanded suddenly enraged.
Hiei began to slowly unwrap the bandage around his right arm. "When you attacked Botan you made a dreadful mistake. One that I will not forgive." Hiei held up his arm. It crackled again. "You must be punished."
Yota's eyes got bigger when he spotted the black dragon tattoo on Hiei's arm. Some how he knew what is was and his expression changed to that of fear and fascination. "The dragon," he said in a lustful voice.
Hiei smiled. "Right," he said. More sparks. "Too bad you won't be around long enough to try to steal it!" He came at the shadow demon. "Dragon Of The Darkness Flame!"
The huge black dragon came out of Hiei's arm and barreled toward the other demon like a run away bullet train. Yota didn't even bother moving. His face held a strange expression as the dragon came toward him. He hadn't expected Hiei to use it. But he had. Yota vanished with a shocked expression forever masking his face. Then the dragon, having served it's purpose, vanished as well.
Hiei stood before the ashes of the other demon panting heavily. That man hadn't been as strong as he first thought. He should have used that as soon as he'd started.
Botan stared at him a moment, not sure what she just witnessed. He protected me, she thought. He protected me and used the dragon to save me. "Hiei," she said out loud.
The demon panted then collapsed to the floor.
"Hiei!" botan exclaimed running up to him and kneeling down beside him. "Are you all right?"
He nodded. "I just used up too much spiritual energy," he told her looking up at her with tired eyes. "I'm going to have to hybernate for awhile. Do.. you think... you could... carry me out... of here?"
Botan nodded. "Yes," she said. "Of course."
He didn't say thank you. He just smiled then fell to the floor unconcious.
Botan stared at his sleeping figure smiling slightly. You're not as bad as you try to make people think, Hiei Jaganishi, she thought as she picked him up and gave him a piggyback ride out of the cave. I just wish you'd admit it. I was right all along. You're a perfectly decend guy.
A week later
"Botan are you comingor not?" Keiko called to the onna from the living room of the blue haired girl's appartment. "We were suppost to meet the guys an hour ago."
"I'm coming!" Botan called back, stuffing her foot into her shoe then running into the livingroom where her friend was waiting. "I just had to put on my sneakers."
"Oh well c'mon," Keiko said grabbing her friend's arm. "Shizuru's already in the car."
The two girls ran outside.
A half hour later Shizuru parked the car in the parking lot of the towns local wilderness resort. The boys were already there and the girls quickly joined them. The eight friends were going to climb the mountains to Kurama's family summer house. Everyone was ready to go except Hiei who seemed nervous being around Botan. The onna wondered if he still remembered what had happened the other week in the cave.
"Botan," he said to her as the others started chattering away at how much fun they were going to have. "I need to speak with you in private."
She stared at him a moment. "Okay," she finally said nervously.
"Come here," he said grabbing her wrist and leading her a short distance away. When he was satisfied with the spot he turned to her and said. "I've been thinking."
"Thinking about what?" she asked.
His eyes told her she shouldn't be asking that question because he found it stupid. "You know," he said folding hid arms. "About what happened in the cave."
"What part?"
He stepped up onto the seat of the picnic table she was standing by and stood about the same height as her. His face was so close she moved her back. "The part where you healed me," he replied not looking at her directly now. "and your kiss."
"It wasn't a kiss," she lied blushing darkly. "I was healing you and-"
"There were other options," he reminded her.
"Yeah.. but..."
"You didn't choose to use those options."
"I know."
Why are you even asking? Didn't that tell you how I felt? "Why did you save my life?" she shot back feeling defensive.
"Because the only person allowed to kill you is me," he replied, looking at her like she was stupid.
"Oh." What does he mean by
that? "Are you possessive with your prey?"
could say that," he replied grabbing her face with his hand. "No
one else is allowed to have those honors. Only me."
Botan was getting nervous. Was he going to kill her? Was he mad at her for healing him that way?
Before she knew what was happening he kissed her. She was even more confused now. What was he doing?
He moved his face from hers and replied, his Jagan eye glowing under his bandana. "I'm not mad at you for healing me that way," he replied. "I'm greatful. It proved that someone cared enough about me, even after all I did, to heal me. Do you understand?"
She nodded. "Yes," she replied.
He smiled. She found she liked his smile. "Let's head back to the others," he said.
She wasn't ready yet. "Wait," she said. "I want to tell you something."
"I care for you, that's true. But the way I care about you is another thing."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I care a great deal about you," she repled, not meeting his eyes. "I want you to know that. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I don't want you to leave me. I don't care if you're cold, heartless, or a pain in the ass. I love you, Hiei Jaganishi. I always will."
Hiei said nothing and Botan started to get the feeling he didn't like her confession. You shouldn't have said that, you stupid girl!
Suddenly a bandaged hand laced into hers. She stared at it and looked at Hiei who was still smiling slightly. "Sometimes the warmest smile can melt the frozenest heart," he said to her.
He jumped down and let go of her hand. He started to walk away from her. "We'd beter get back now," he said to her.
Botan watched him go and stared at her had, letting his words go through ger mind. The warmest smile. She smiled. He was telling her something with those words. She knew what it was. She was the smile that melted his heart. That knowledge was enough.
"Wait for me, Hiei!" she called, running to catch up with him.
I troed my best really I did. This is what I get for watching Naruto. (No I did not get the inspiration from Naruto I messed this up badly because of Naruto). Please don't tell me how bad this was. I'M SORRY THEY WERE SO OUT OF CHARACTER! Hopefully my next one will be better.
I'd like to thank Swizz for his constructive critisim.