Six weeks after the baby's birth everyone was assembled in the main chamber for his naming ceremony. Catherine and Vincent stood proudly at Father's side as he started to speak. "Our world has been blessed with a new precious life that we're here to celebrate." Catherine looked down at the baby as he kicked his legs and cooed. Father smiled then looked at the group once again. "We honor the child with love so that he may learn to love. We also honor the child with gifts so that he may learn the gift of generosity. And finally we honor the child with a name." He turned toward Vincent and Catherine. "And I believe that Vincent and Catherine have chosen that name."

Vincent put his arm around Catherine pulling her close to his side. She looked up at him for a moment then spoke. "Vincent and I have decided that our son will be named Jacob."

Father stared at them for a moment as a lump built up in his throat. Mary touched his arm getting his attention. "Well, in honor of young Jacob I believe that William has prepared a feast in the great hall." Everyone converged on the young family bestowing their gifts on baby Jacob.

Once the crowd had thinned out Father turned to Vincent and Catherine once again. "I don't know what to say."

Vincent put his arm around his parent. "You don't have to say anything."

Father looked at Catherine. "I'm honored that you named him after me with everything that happened."

She leaned forward and tenderly kissed his cheek. "We love you Father and we thought the best way to show that was to name our first born after you."

Catherine looked down at the baby again. "Would you like to hold him?"

Father smiled as he took the baby in his arms. "Oh my dear, that's one of my greatest joys everyday." He stood there looking down at the miracle child that was his grandson. "May I take him to the great hall?"

Vincent acquiesced. "Yes, we'll be along in a moment." Father turned and walked out of the chamber whispering to his namesake.

When they were alone Vincent gathered Catherine in his arms. "Everything we ever dreamed of has come true."

Catherine lifted her head and smiled up at him. "Yes, and everything is just going to get better from here on out."

Vincent chuckled. "You sound very certain of that."

Catherine sighed and laid her head against his chest again. "I'm as sure of that as I'm sure of our love."

Vincent tightened his arms around her. "Our love will last for the rest of our lives."

Catherine looked up at him and shook her head. "No, it's going to last for an eternity as long as our children and their children exist."

Vincent tightened his arms around her. "Yes, for as long as our descendants exist they will stand for our love." With that they kissed then turned and walked out of the chamber heading to the great hall and to their family.