Well, I haven't updated in a long time. Sorry. I totally forgot about this. Haha. Well, here you go. I hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. You should know that by now.

--(Skipping to the date. Sorry.)--

Naruto fix his tie has he waited for Sakura. He tapped his foot nervously on the floor. Ever since the morning, he could not believe that the day had finally arrived. The day he would finally go on a date Sakura.

His blue hues widen as the sight of pink caught his attention. His mouth opened slightly in amazement as he caught a glimpse of Sakura. He blushed and looked away, pretending not to have notice her.

Why am I hiding from her? I should be complimenting her on how beautiful she looks! Naruto screamed to himself. His thoughts were interrupted as he heard Sakura speak. He turned around. "Huh?"

Sakura frowned slightly. She breathed in deeply, remembering why she went on this date. She tried to smile and began to speak once more. "I said, I'm here."

"Oh." Naruto said. He gave her his infamous fox-grin, unable to hide his excitement. "You look great, Sakura-chan."

Sakura narrowed her eyes and a small blush appeared. "Let's go." She ordered and she headed inside the restaurant they were standing by. Naruto hurried along with her.

As they took a seat at their table, Naruto kept on grinning. Sakura glared at the blonde. She looked away and scanned the area.

"I'm glad you came, Sakura-chan!" Naruto said, breaking the silence.

Sakura smiled slightly and nodded. "Yeah, well, I did ask you out."

Before Naruto could say anymore, the waitress walked over to the table, a pen and notebook in hand. "Are you ready to order?" She asked in a happy tone.

They both nodded and placed an order. Silence feel upon them again as the waitress left. Naruto fidgeted as he tried to seem like such a dork. He didn't want to upset Sakura that she would leave early. Sakura, obviously noticing how nervous he is, decided to break this awkward silence.

"So, Naruto." Sakura began. She cleared her throat and looked at him. "What are we going to do after we eat?"

Naruto grinned. "I thought we could take a walk around the village. You know, since it's nice and quite outside. If you don't want to, though we could-"

"It sounds nice." Sakura interrupted.

The waitress arrived with their food and placed it on the table. Taking her leave, Naruto took no delay in eating. Sakura glared at the blond at his table manners but tried to ignore it. She stabbed her food with her fork and ate as well.

They had a few small conversation here and there. Once they finished and paid, they slowly walked outside. The stars were shining brightly which would be perfect for any date. They began walking towards a small bridge that would take them to the park.

"So, um," Sakura began. She fidgeted a bit as she tried to apologize again. She wasn't use to doing it. "Again, I'm really sorry about how I treated you. It was wrong of me and rude. You deserve a much better friend, if you still consider me that."

Naruto looked at her, his head tilted, but smiled softly. He motioned her to sit on a near by bench once they arrived at the park. They sat and looked up at the sky. Naruto took a glance at her and gave a small laugh.

"I'm actually sorry for what I did. I was mean and I never wanted to be. I know you're sorry and I forgive you. I'll always call you my friend. Besides, you asked me out an a date and that is just...awesome! You know? I sometimes can't believe I actually know you. You're really pretty and you hanging out with a loser like me is just unbelievable."

Sakura blushed a bit at some of the things he said. She looked down. This was going to be so awkward for her. "You're not a loser. You're actually really cool, Naruto. I'm glad I know you because you've taught me to be a better person. I know I was being a bitch. I was always paying attention to Sasuke because of his looks. He was always mean to me and I accepted it but there you were, being a gentlemen. And what did I do? I pushed you away."

Naruto cleared his throat and looked away. "Y-You know, Sakura-chan...I always thought you were pretty. Ever since we were kids. Back when you were made fun of, I beat some of the guys. I couldn't understand why they would hurt such a pretty girl. Ever since then, I would try t get strong, for you. Then you changed..."

Sakura's eyes widen. She remembered that. "Naruto..."


"Misaki, go ask Sakura out! You know you like her!" A boy teased as he pushed his friend towards the small girl in front of them.

Misaki backed away and gave a disgusted look. "Heck no! I don't like some girl with a huge forehead! She's ugly anyways!"

Both the boys left, laughing, as the little girl began to cry. Sakura's tears continued to flow until she saw a small napkin in front of her. She looked up to see a blond-haired boy.

"Here, you need it." The boy said, his voice soft and caring. She quietly took it and wiped her eyes. Right when she was about to thank him, the boy quickly dashed the direction the other boys went.


Sakura quietly laid on the floor doing her home work until the doorbell rang.

"Sakura, can you get it?" Her mother shouted from the kitchen. Sakura frowned but got up and answered it.

Her emerald eyes widen as she saw the boy from earlier, panting with bruises all over him.

"What happened?" Sakura squeaked out.

The boy grinned. "Those guys were rude so they needed to get punished, you know? They won't bother you anymore." He huffed.

Sakura blushed and looked down. She ran to her room quickly and came back. She handed him the napkin from earlier. "Here. Thank you."

The boy took it and smiled. "No problem!"

"What's your name?" Sakura asked shyly.

"Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto said with pride.

Sakura smiled. "I'm Sakura Haruno. Nice to meet you Naruto-kun!"

After they had a small conversation, they said goodbye. Both were happy as they finally felt like they made a real friend.

--(Flashback end)—

Sakura looked down. The day after, she met Ino and became friends with her. She saw Naruto but ignored him because Ino did. "I'm sorry, Naruto. I..."

"It's in the past and this is the future. Forget about it." Naruto said.

"I don't deserve you." Sakura argued. "I'm so mean and I'm a bitch. You need to be with someone nicer and better. Someone who will appreciate you every time of everyday." Her heart was beating quickly as she said this. It made her nervous, saying that.

Naruto smiled and simply leaned in and kissed her. It felt like the right time to do it. Sakura, shocked, froze for a second. Her brain took a second to comprehend what was happening. She smiled inside and kissed Naruto back.

Despite what she said, she wanted to be with him. She wanted the kind, goofy, loving Naruto for herself. She broke the small kiss and hugged him. That was all she could do now. If she tried to talk, she would probably break in tears of joy.

Naruto just hugged back and said nothing. There was nothing to be said.

Far away but close enough to hear, Shikamaru and Ino were shocked. Ino punched Shikamaru in the arm and pointed to where Naruto and Sakura were.

"Do you see that?! They lip-locked! Naruto and Sakura!" Ino whispered.

Shikamaru glared at the blond and shrugged. "It was bound to happen."

"How can you act like that?! This is something that needs to be spread!" Ino grinned.

Shikamaru sighed and just planted one on her. Ino jumped a bit with surprise. Shikamaru pulled back and looked at her. "Will you please be quite?"

Ino nodded but inside her, a squealing girl was ready to burst out.

And not too far either, Kiba and Hinata slowly walked with Akamaru. Hinata shyly looked up at the stars and Kiba walked awkwardly next to her.

As they walked, the air suddenly became chilly. This caused Hinata to shiver a bit. Kiba took notice.

"You want my jacket?" He offered.

Kiba blushed crimson red and shook her head. "N-No, that's...o-okay."

Kiba smiled and took it off anyways. The cold weather was nothing to him. He walked behind Hinata and placed it on her shoulders. Hinata looked down and blushed harder. She gave him a small thank you.

Kiba laughed to himself. He knew this was going to take a while for it to go anywhere. Hinata was a nervous wreck but that's what he liked about her. Even so, he was willing to wait forever.

As the night went on, everyone enjoyed their time with each other and with each passing second, their hearts seemed to beat as one.


Wow. What a crappy ending. I wish I could have made it better but I am brain-dead. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this fan fiction. Check out my new KibaHina fan fiction called "Perhaps She'll Wait"! Bye!