Disclaimer: I don't own Code Lyoko, or any of the bands/songs mentioned within…blah blah blah…you know the drill…

A/N: I was bored when I wrote this…so enjoy.

The Switch

Part One: Introductions, and The Switch

A boy was quietly walking home from school, dressed in a simple black dress shirt and blue jeans. His black and red sneakers made the squeak that most new shoes make as he walked down the sidewalk, head down and ears plugged into his iPod.

The fourteen year old's name was John Mulk, or as he was called by his classmates, the 'Unincredible Mulk'. He was a nerd by every standard without the pocket protectors and the glasses (A/N if this insults anybody I apologize). He loved video games and old music groups such as the Monkees and the Beatles, and despised rap and hip-hop music. He had longish black hair which hung in front of his eyes. Being extremely smart, John had an extremely low tolerance for stupidity and idiocy.

As you can very well imagine, he was mocked and insulted every day at school, and as such, had no friends and was extremely shy. Even if a girl looked at him with a good intention, he would just look away and turn a bright red.

His plan was to go through school this way, and worry about his true wants- to fall in love and raise a family- in a few years.

Unfortunately, Fate had a different idea for him.

He was humming along to the song 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger' as he walked up to his door and unlocked it with a key from his pocket. John's parents had divorced recently, and his father started drinking—a lot. So he tried to stay in his room as much as possible.

"Hey Dad," John said.

"Whassh chu want, huh? Doesh chu wants mah money? WELL CHU CAN'T HAVESH IT!" said his obviously drunken father.

"Yeah, well, who said I wanted your damn money, old man?"


"Screw you," John said, and walked into his room.

Not wanting to do his homework now, he just decided to get to bed; it was tiring being beat up every PE period. John collapsed onto his bed and fell asleep within seconds.

In John's Dreams

He was walking through a green field, with not a thing in sight. He looked around him, seeing nothing but green and blue, until…


A girl with pink hair and wearing a red and pink hoodie came out of nowhere and was now talking to John.

"HOLY SHIT!" he cried, stumbling back a few steps. "Where the hell did you come from!"

The girl said nothing, just smiled.

John flushed to a bright magenta and began walking away from her.

"Wait!" she cried. "I'd like to get to know you."

This stopped John dead in his tracks. Even in his best dreams had a girl said that to him (A/N Yeah, we're talking a -very- pathetic kid here). He slowly turned around.

"Why?" he asked suspiciously.

"Why?" she echoed. "Because you have a piece of spinach between your teeth," she said sarcastically. "Why would I need a reason?"

"Well, I can tell you, I'm not exactly the most popular guy ever. In fact I have no friends and am beaten on most every day. So someone would have to be either stupid or crazy to be friends with me."

The girl frowned and walked up a few steps to John.

"Gee, that sounds so sad…well, I guess I'll be your first friend!" she said, rather excitededly. "My name's Aelita," she said, extending her hand.

"Err…my name's John…" John said, looking away.

"Oh, that's such a nice name. You should meet my other friends, John; I bet they'd love you!"

"Nah," he said, laying down on the grass and wishing he had his iPod.

"Are you sure?" Aelita said, frowning.


"Okay," Aelita said.

She walked off, and vanished into nothingness.

End Dream Sequence

And then John woke up.

"Nyaaaaaah!" he screamed, and looked around him.

He looked around him, and immediately noticed a few things.

First: his chest felt heavier for some reason.

Second: his bed now had pink sheets instead of black sheets.

Third: The room was far smaller.

"This is different," he said, and got out of the bed slowly and abruptly tripped.

"Ow," he said, getting up slowly.

Walking over to the mirror that he saw in the room, he looked into it to see the shock of his life.

Looking back at him in the mirror was not John, but the pink-haired girl in his dreams, Aelita.

He now had a head of pink hair, was wearing a large pink shirt with a red A on it and had large black circles under his eyes (from lack of sleep no doubt).

Of course, with John still being a teenager, one thing only came to mind.

He looked down.

"Where's my…!"

And with that, he screamed bloody murder.

"HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT" he said for about five minutes until there was a knock on John's- err, Aelita's door.

John was now sitting in a fetal position on the floor, hugging 'Aelita's' knees. The people who knocked now came rushing in. There revealed three boys, one in blue pajamas, one in a white undershirt and green boxers, and one in a purple shirt with an image of a dog urinating ('What the hell?' John thought.) and red boxers.

"Is everything alright?" the three asked.

End Part 1

A/N: Please leave a review on your way out. Part 2 will be up soon.