Disclaimer: I don't own Lita, John Cena or the various WWE superstars that will appear in this story.

"It was your idea in the first place."Edge said

"How the hell was it my idea? I've may have said I could beat him with one arm tied behind his back, but I wasn't actually talking about having a match with him."Lita said

"You'll be fine."Edge said waving her off "Next week I get my rematch, and I'll become Champion once again."

"I really don't care about that Championship, and at the moment I don't care about you."Lita said

"You don't mean that, I care somewhat. I came and checked on you."Edge pointed and she fought the urge to smack him across his face. "So you can't say I'm not there for you."

"It took you a good half hour after the show was over, for you to come check on me.

"So? The point is I came."Edge said

"I wish you didn't."Lita mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. "You came so you can leave now."

"Don't get smart with me, I was there for you earlier-"

"Oh yeah, against Candice. Yeah that really helped alot."Lita said sarcastically "I could've handle her on my own."


"What Edge? Why don't you just go to your so called 'good friend' Maria. So you two can celebrate you title match for next week."Lita said, rolling her eyes when he just laugh at her.

"Am I senses a little jealousy?"Edge ask smirking "You know you'll always be number one to me."

"No that stupid Championship will always be number one to you." Lita told him, removing his arm when he tried to pull her close "I am so tired of being second to you, I put myself in risk of getting hurt time and time again for you. I should've left you a-"

Her words were cute short when she received a hard smack to the face. A scream coming from her lips when he grabbed a handful of her hair.

"You ever think of leaving me, and it will be the worst mistake of your life."Edge said, pulling her hair a little harder"Got it?"

"Yes."Lita managed through her tears "I got it."

"Good, I'll see you back at the hotel. Even if I'm not there, you better be."Edge said, finally releasing her hair "See you later."

"I'm good right here guy."John reassured the referees

"You sure?"One of them asked

"Positive, the trainers right down the hall. I'm sure I can make there with you guys. Thanks though."John said

"Ok if you say so-"

"I do, I'll see you guys next week."John said

After the beating he received from the Smackdown guys, all he wanted to do was go back to the hotel and get some for the pain he was in. He went to open the door to the trainer's room, when he heard what sound like someone crying. Figuring it was one of the Divas, more specifically Candice. Probably still complaining about the spear she took from Edge, earlier that night.

Only when he opened the door he saw the person he least expected. Lita, and she was crying. His first thoughts were that he was the cause of it. He did give her a nasty looking F-U, and even though he didn't like her. He really didn't mean to hurt her, and if it wasn't Edge the match would've happen.

Not really sure what to do, he just couldn't leave her there. Especially if he thought he was the reason why she was crying. He had to find out if she was ok.

"Lita."John said, seeing her stiffen at the sound of his voice. She slowly turned towards him, tears in her eyes. "You ok?"

"What do you care?"Lita ask

"Did I hurt you out there?"John ask, and she let out a bitter laugh "I didn't-"

"When don't you hurt me?"Lita questioned "If your not attacking me with your words, I'm on the receiving end of a F-U. Trish get's RKO'd by Randy and it's the end of the world, if something like that happens to me, people think I deserve it."

"You don't..."

"Everybody seems to forget that I'm a woman. A woman with feelings, sure I've made mistakes. Who hasn't, but people seem to forget that. If people knew half of everything, they would regret everything they've said or thought about me."Lita said wiping away the tears. John coming to sit next to her."It's ok for Kane to stalk and knock me up against my will, but when I decided to leave him...I'm the bad person. Matt hardy used and abused me for years, cheated on me and I stuck with him. Like a fool, I go and have an affair and he goes and tells the world."

"You have Edge now though right? You seem to be ok with him."John said, as Lita turned to face him. That's when he notice for the first time that a bruise was forming on cheek. His hand coming out to brush lightly across it."What happen here?"

"I fell."Lita lied

"I'm not buying that, where's Edge?"John ask

"Probably with Maria by now."Lita said, John sending her a confused look "Looks can be deceiving, she's not a innocent as she looks."

"Maria?"John ask shocked "Her and Edge, how long?"

"I don't know, I really don't care. I'm sure there has been others, I just know about her. Doesn't matter-"

"He did this to you didn't he?"John ask, feeling his anger rising "He really needs his ass kicked for this."

"Your no better Cena, so don't act like your concern."Lita said moving away from him, You left bruises on me as well tonight, I'm sure there will be a nasty bruise on my arm. That's from when you grabbed me. Not to mention this one." Lifting up her shirt, exposing her back. Showing him the bruise that was starting to form. "Compliments of a F-U."

"I'm sorry."John said softy, his eyes still trained on her back. Even though he couldn't see it anymore he still knew it was there, and he was the cause of it. "I won't do it again."

"They said the same thing, so some how I find it hard to believe."Lita said pushing past him, only to have him grab her arm. Not to hard though. "Let me go Cena."

"Not before you listen to me, I really am sorry. None of this would've happen if it wasn't for Edge-

"Correction, it was your fault. You started, you always do. He may have came up with the idea, but you didn't have to except the challenge. You did though, you've been saying all this things about me to get to Edge. Not realizing what it does to me. Instead of focusing all our time on me, coming up with new smart remarks. Do you and I a favor, and stay away from me."Lita said

"I just can't go on knowing that he hurts you-"

"Why not? You go on like it's nothing after you hurt me. Forget that I even told you about this."Lita said snatching her arm away from him

"Lita, let me help you."John said, Lita laughing a little at that "I'm serious."

"Yeah right. Let it go John."Lita said walking out of the room

"I wish I could, but I don't think I can."John said